Jesus Talked With ...

Jesus Talked With ...

Who have you touched and talked to today? We sure can't be selective!!!!

The Touch of Jesus - Jesus Talked With . . .
1 A despised tax collector Matthew 9:9
2 An insane hermit Mark 5:1-15
3 The Roman governor Mark 15:1-15
4 A young boy Mark 9:17-27
5 A prominent religious leader John 3:1-21
6 A homemaker Luke 10:38-42
7 An expert in the law Matthew 22:35
8 A criminal Luke 23:40-43
9 A synagogue ruler Mark 5:22
10 Fishermen Matthew 4:18-20
11 A king Luke 23:7-11
12 A poor widow Luke 7:11-17
13 A Roman centurion Luke 7:1-10
14 A group of children Mark 10:13-16
15 A prophet Matthew 3
16 An adulterous woman John 8:1-11
17 The Jewish council Luke 22:66-71
18 A sick woman Mark 5:25-34
19 A rich man Mark 10:17-23
20 A blind beggar Mark 10:46
21 Jewish political leaders Mark 12:13
22 A group of women Luke 8:2-3
23 The high priest Matthew 26:62-68
24 An outcast with leprosy Luke 17:11-19
25 A royal official John 4:46-53
26 A young girl Mark 5:41-42
27 A traitor John 13:1-3 John 13:27
28 A helpless and paralyzed man Mark 2:1-12
29 An angry mob of soldiers and police John 18:3-9
30 A woman from a foreign land Mark 7:25-30
31 A doubting follower John 20:24-29
32 An enemy who hated him Acts 9:1-9
33 A Samaritan woman John 4:1-26

This list above of the "Touch of Jesus" is from the "Life Application Bible" Published by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. and Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan.