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Titu Phil Hebr Jame 1Pet 2Pet 1 Jo 2 Jo 3 Jo Jude Reve
The outline links here will go to the NIV/CEB Parallel Bible.

New International Version Interactive Outline (2011 Update)

David's Review of the New International Version, 2011 Update


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The Beginning   1:1-2:3
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden   2:4-25
The Temptation and Fall of Man   3:1-7
The Judgment Oracles of God at the Fall   3:8-24
Cain and Abel   4:1-16
Beginning of Civilization   4:17-24
A New Son to Replace Abel   4:25-26
From Adam to Noah   5:1-32
God's Grief Over Mankind's Wickedness   6:1-4
Judgment Decreed   6:5-8
The Flood   6:9-8:19
God's Covenant With Noah   8:20-9:17
The Curse of Canaan   9:18-29
The Table of Nations   10:1
The Japhethites   10:2-5
The Hamites   10:6-20
The Semites   10:21-32
The Tower of Babel   11:1-9
From Shem to Terah   11:10-26
The Record of Terah   11:27-32
The Call of Abram   12:1-9
Abram in Egypt, Lies to Pharaoh   12:10-20
Abram and Lot Separate   13:1-18
Abram Rescues Lot from Enemy Kings   14:1-16
Abram Blessed by Melchizadek   14:17-24
God's Covenant With Abram   15:1-21
Hagar and Ishmael   16:1-16
The Circumcision Covenant: Name Changes, Son Promised   17:1-27
The Three Visitors Promise Abraham a Son   18:1-15
Abraham Pleads for Sodom   18:16-33
Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed, Lot's Family Rescued   19:1-29
Lot and His Wicked Daughters   19:30-38
Abraham Lies to Abimelech   20:1-18
The Birth of Isaac   21:1-7
Hagar and Ishmael Sent Away, God Saves Them   21:8-21
The Treaty at Beersheba With Abimelech   21:22-34
Abraham Offers Issac on the Altar   22:1-19
The Sons of Nahor   22:20-24
The Death and Burial of Sarah   23:1-20
Isaac and Rebekah   24:1-67
Abraham's Other Wife and Children   25:1-6
The Death of Abraham   25:7-11
Ishmael's Descendants   25:12-18
Jacob and Esau Born   25:19-26
Esau Sells His Birthright   25:27-34
God's Promise to Issac   26:1-5
Isaac Lies to Abimelech   26:6-11
Conflict Over Wells   26:12-25
Abimelech Makes Covenant With Issac, Water Found   26:26-33
Esau Marries Two Hittites   26:34-35
Jacob Steals Esau's Blessing   27:1-40
Jacob Flees to Laban   27:41-28:9
Esau Marries An Ishmaelite in Attempt to Please Parents   28:6-9
Jacob's Ladder Dream at Bethel   28:10-22
Jacob Arrives at Laban's, Meets Rachel   29:1-14a
Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel   29:14b-30
Jacob's Children   29:31-30:24
Jacob's Flock Increases Through Trickery   30:25-43
Jacob Flees From Laban   31:1-21
Laban Pursues Jacob, Looks for Stolen Idols   31:22-42
Laban and Jacob Make a Covenant   31:43-55
Jacob Prepares to Meet Esau   32:1-21
Jacob Wrestles With God   32:22-32
Jacob Meets Esau and Deceives Him   33:1-17
Jacob Moves to Shechem in Canaan   33:18-20
Dinah and the Shechemites   34:1-31
Jacob Returns to Bethel   35:1-8
Jacob Blessed and Renamed Israel   35:9-15
The Death of Rachel and Birth of Benjamin   35:16-21
Reuben Sins, Lays With Jacob's Concubine   35:22a
The Sons of Jacob   35:22b-26
The Death of Issac   35:27-29
Esau's Descendents   36:1-30
The Rulers of Edom   36:31-43
Jacob's Favoritism of Joseph Make His Brothers Hate Him   37:1-4
Joseph Twice Dreams of Prominence Over His Brothers   37:5-11
Joseph Sold as a Slave, Jacob Deceived   37:12-36
Judah and Tamar   38:1-30
Joseph's Rise in Potiphar's House   39:1-6a
Joseph and Potiphar's Wife   39:6b-20a
Joseph's Rise in Prison   39:20b-23
The Cupbearer and the Baker   40:1-23
Pharaoh's Dreams and Joseph's Counsel   41:1-36
Joseph in Charge of Egypt and its Grain Supply   41:37-49
Manasseh and Ephraim Born   41:50-52
The Famine Begins   41:53-57
Joseph's Brothers Go to Egypt, Simeon Imprisoned   42:1-28
The Brothers Report Back to Jacob   42:29-38
The Second Journey to Egypt With Benjamin   43:1-34
Joseph Tests His Brothers With a Silver Cup   44:1-34
Joseph Makes Himself Known   45:1-15
The Brothers Return for Jacob   45:16-28
Jacob's Family Goes to Egypt   46:1-27
Jacob and Joseph Reunited   46:28-34
Jacob's Family Meets Pharaoh, Settle in Goshen   47:1-12
Joseph and the Famine   47:13-26
Jacob's Family Prospers   47:27
Jacob's Dying Wish   47:28-31
Jacob Blesses Manasseh and Ephraim   48:1-20
Jacob Gives Joseph More Land   48:21-22
Jacob Blesses His Sons, Condemns Reuben   49:1-28
The Death of Jacob   49:29-50:14
Joseph Reassures His Brothers   50:15-21
The Death of Joseph   50:22-26

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The Hebrews Multiply Greatly in Egypt   1:1-7
The Hebrews Oppressed and Enslaved   1:8-14
Pharaoh's Plot to Kill the Hebrew Male Infants   1:15-22
Moses is Born and Hidden   2:1-4
Pharaoh's Daughter Finds Moses   2:5-10
Moses Flees to Midian After Killing Egyptian   2:11-15a
Moses Lives With Reuel (Jethro) and His Family   2:15b-22
The Hebrews Cry Out for Deliverence   2:23-25
Moses and the Burning Bush   3:1-6
The Lord's Message From the Bush   3:7-22
Signs for Moses   4:1-9
Aaron to Speak for a Reluctant Moses   4:10-17
Events During Moses' Return to Egypt   4:18-28
Moses and Aaron Speak to the People   4:29-31
Moses and Aaron Confront Pharoah   5:1-5
Bricks Without Straw   5:6-21
God Promises Deliverance   5:22-6:13
Heads of Israel   6:14-27
Aaron to Be Spokesman for a Still-Reluctant Moses   6:28-7:7
Aaron's Staff Becomes a Snake   7:8-13
The Plague of Blood   7:14-25
The Plague of Frogs   8:1-15
The Plague of Gnats   8:16-19
The Plague of Flies   8:20-32
The Plague on Livestock   9:1-7
The Plague of Boils   9:8-12
The Plague of Hail   9:13-35
The Plague of Locusts   10:1-20
The Plaque of Darkness   10:21-29
The Plaque on the Firstborn Threatened   11:1-10
The Passover   12:1-28
The Death of the Firstborn   12:29-30
The Hebrews Leave With Riches and Unleavened Cakes   12:31-42
Who Can and Cannot Eat the Passover   12:43-51
Consecration of the Firstborn   13:1-2
The Festival of Unleavened Bread   13:3-10
Setting Apart the Firstborn   13:11-16
Pillars of Clouds and Fire: The Wilderness Detour   13:17-22
Crossing the Sea   14:1-31
The Song of Moses and Miriam   15:1-21
Water Problem: Bitter Waters Made Sweet   15:22-27
Food Problem: Manna and Quail   16:1-36
Water Problem: Water From the Rock   17:1-7
The Amalekites Defeated   17:8-13
Amalek To Be Completely Destroyed   17:14-16
Jethro Advises Moses to Appoint Judges   18:1-27
The People At Mount Sinai   19:1-9
The People Consecrated   19:10-15
Moses Meets God on Mount Sinai   19:16-25
The Ten Commandments   20:1-17
The People are Afraid   20:18-21
Idolatry Forbidden   20:22-23
Rules for Building an Altar   20:24-26
Hebrew Servants   21:1-11
Personal Injuries, Kidnapping, Cursing Parents   21:12-27
Personal Injuries Caused by Animals   21:28-32
Injuries To Another's Animal   21:33-36
Laws About Theft   22:1-4
Laws About Crop Protection   22:5-6
Laws About Personal Property   22:7-15
Laws About Seduction   22:16-17
Laws on Sorcery, Beastiality, Sacrificing to Idols   22:18-20
Laws About Protecting the Vulnerable   22:21-27
Blasphemy, Crop Offerings, the Firstborn, Eating Torn Carcasses   22:28-31
Laws of Honesty, Justice and Mercy   23:1-9
Sabbath Laws   23:10-13
The Three Annual Festivals   23:14-19
God's Angel to Prepare the Way   23:20-33
The Covenant Approved by the People   24:1-11
Moses on Sinai for 40 Days   24:12-18
Offerings for the Tabernacle   25:1-9
The Ark   25:10-22
The Table   25:23-30
The Lampstand   25:31-40
The Tabernacle   26:1-37
The Altar of Burnt Offering   27:1-8
The Courtyard   27:9-19
Oil for the Lampstand   27:20-21
The Priestly Garments   28:1-5
The Ephod   28:6-14
The Breastpiece   28:15-30
The Robe   28:31-35
The Turban   28:36-38
Other Priestly Garments   28:31-43
Consecration of the Priests   29:1-46
The Altar of Incense   30:1-10
Atonement Money   30:11-16
Basin for Washing   30:17-21
Anointing Oil   30:22-33
Incense   30:34-38
Bezalel and Oholiab, Chosen Artisans   31:1-11
The Sabbath   31:12-18
The Golden Calf   32:1-35
An Angry God Gives the Command to Leave Sinai   33:1-6
The Tent of the Meeting   33:7-11
Promise of God's Presence On the Journey   33:12-16
Moses Sees the Glory of the Lord   33:17-23
The New Stone Tablets   34:1-9
The Covenant Obligations   34:10-28
The Radiant Face of Moses   34:29-35
Sabbath Regulations   35:1-3
The Cost of the Tabernacle   35:4-29
Bezalel and Oholiab   35:30-36:7
Making the Tabernacle   36:8-38
Making the Ark   37:1-9
Making the Table   37:10-16
Making the Lampstand   37:17-24
Making the Altar of Incense   37:25-29
Making the Altar of Burnt Offering   38:1-7
Making the Basin for Washing   38:8
Making the Courtyard   38:9-20
The Materials Used   38:21-31
Making the Priestly Garments   39:1
Making the Ephod   39:2-7
Making the Breastpiece   39:8-21
Making the Robe   39:22-26
Making the Coat and Turban   39:27-29
Making the Holy Diadem   39:30-31
Moses Inspects the Tabernacle   39:32-43
Setting Up the Tabernacle   40:1-33
The Glory of the Lord   40:34-38

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The Burnt Offering   1:1-17
The Grain Offering   2:1-16
The Peace (Fellowship) Offering   3:1-17
The Sin Offering   4:1-5:13
The Guilt and Restitution Offering   5:14-6:7
Priestly Regulations for the Burnt Offering   6:8-13
Priestly Regulations for the Grain Offering   6:14-23
Priestly Regulations for the Sin Offering   6:24-30
Priestly Regulations for the Guilt Offering   7:1-7
Priestly Portions of the Burnt and Grain Offerings   7:8-10
Priestly Regulations for the Peace (Fellowship) Offering   7:11-21
Eating Fat and Blood Forbidden   7:22-27
Priestly Portion of Peace (Fellowship) Offerings   7:28-36
Summary of the Sacificial Laws   7:37-38
Ordination and Consecration of the Priests   8:1-36
Tabernacle Worship Begins   9:1-24
The Death of Nadab and Abihu   10:1-7
Priests Not to Drink   10:8-11
Eating of the Holy Food   10:12-15
Problem With the First Sin Offering   10:16-20
Clean and Unclean Food   11:1-47
Purification After Childbirth   12:1-8
Regulations About Infectious Skin Diseases   13:1-46
Regulations About Infectious Skin Diseases on Clothing   13:47-59
Cleansing From Infectious Skin Diseases   14:1-32
Regulations About Infectious Skin Diseases in Houses   14:33-57
Discharges Causing Uncleanness   15:1-33
The Day of Atonement   16:1-34
The Only Place of Sacrifice   17:1-9
Eating Blood and Carcasses Forbidden   17:10-16
Exhortation to Obedience and Life   18:1-5
Unlawful Sexual Relations   18:6-23
Warning Against Paganism   18:24-30
"Be holy, for I am holy"   19:1-2
Honor Your Parents and Keep the Sabbath   19:3
Idolatry Forbidden   19:4
Eating the Peace (Fellowship) Offering   19:5-8
Leaving the Gleanings   19:9-10
Dealing Honestly   19:11-14
Justice in Courts, Love Your Neighbor, Certain Mixtures Outlawed   19:15-19
Lying With a Slave Woman   19:20-22
Fruit Trees   19:23-25
No Blood/Hair/Body Foreign Customs, No Prostitution   19:26-29
Sabbaths, Mediums, Elderly, Foreigners, Weights   19:30-37
Child Sacrifice Forbidden   20:1-5
Mediums Forbidden   20:6 and 20:27
Exhortation to Obey and Be Holy   20:7-8
Dishonoring Parents a Capital Offense   20:9
Sexual Offenses   20:10-21
Do Not Follow Local Customs   20:22-24
Obey Food Laws and Be Holy   20:25-26
Holiness of Priests   21:1-15
Blemished Not to Serve as Priests   21:16-24
Eating the Priestly Portion   22:1-16
Acceptable and Unacceptable Sacrifices   22:17-33
Regulations for Israel's Appointed Times   23:1-2
The Sabbath   23:3
The Passover and Unleavened Bread   23:4-8
Firstfruits   23:9-14
Festival of Weeks   23:15-22
Festival of Trumpets   23:23-25
Day of Atonement   23:26-32
Festival of Shelters   23:33-44
Lamp Oil and Bread Set Before the Lord   24:1-9
A Blasphemer Stoned   24:10-16 and 24:23
An Eye for an Eye   24:17-22
The Sabbath Year   25:1-7
The Year of Jubilee of Redemption   25:8-12
Redemption of Property   25:13-28
Redemption of Houses   25:29-34
Redemption of the Poor   25:35-38
Redemption of the Enslaved   25:39-55
Exhortation and Reward for Obedience   26:1-13
Punishment for Disobedience   26:14-38
Restoration Through Confession and Repentance   26:39-46
Redeeming What Is Dedicated to the Lord   27:1-34

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The Census   1:1-46
Duties of Levites   1:47-54
The Arrangement of the Tribal Camps   2:1-34
Sons of Aaron   3:1-4
The Assignment of the Levites   3:5-10
Reason for the Levitical Census   3:11-13
The Numbering of the Levites   3:14-16
The Summary of Families   3:17-20
The Numbering of the Gershonites   3:21-26
The Numbering of the Kohathites   3:27-32
The Numbering of Merari   3:33-39
Redemption of the Firstborn   3:40-51
The Duties of the Kohathites   4:1-20
The Duties of the Gershonites   4:21-28
The Duties of the Merarites   4:29-33
Census of the Levites   4:34-49
The Purity of the Camp   5:1-4
Restitution for Sin   5:5-10
The Test for an Unfaithful Wife   5:11-31
The Nazirite   6:1-21
The Priestly Blessing   6:22-27
The Altar Dedication: The Tribal Leaders' Offerings and Gifts   7:1-89
Setting Up the Lamps   8:1-4
The Setting Apart of Levites   8:5-22
Retirement of Levites   8:23-26
Passover Regulations   9:1-14
The Cloud Above the Tabernacle   9:15-23
The Silver Trumpets   10:1-10
The Israelites Leave Sinai   10:11-28
The Appeal to Hobab   10:29-32
Guided by the Ark and Cloud   10:33-36
Punishing Fire From the Lord on the Complaining   11:1-3
The People Want Meat   11:4-9
Moses Prays for Help   11:10-15
The Lord's Response   11:16-25
Eldad and Medad   11:26-30
Quail and a Plague From the Lord   11:31-35
Miriam and Aaron Oppose Moses   12:1-16
Twelve Spies Explore Canaan   13:1-25
The Spies' Evil Report   13:26-33
The People Refuse to Enter Canaan   14:1-4
Joshua and Caleb Plea With the People   14:5-9
Moses' Intercession for the People   14:10-19
The Lord's Judgment   14:20-35
The Evil Spies Die   14:36-38
The People Try to Enter Canaan Anyway and are Defeated   14:40-45
Sacrifical Laws for When They Enter Canaan   15:1-13
Law of the Sojourner   15:14-16
Firstfruits When They Enter Canaan   15:17-21
Offerings for Unintentional Sins   15:22-29
The Law for Presumptuous Sins   15:30-31
The Sabbath-Breaker Put to Death   15:32-36
Tassels of Remembrance on Garments   15:37-41
Korah's Rebellion   16:1-50
The Budding of Aaron's Staff   17:1-13
Guard Duties In and Around the Tabernacle   18:1-7
Offerings Belong to the Priests   18:8-19
The Tithe for the Levites   18:20-24
The Levites' Tithe of the Tithe   18:25-32
The Red Heifer and the Water of Purification  19:1-10
Purification Laws About Touching a Dead Body   19:11-22
The Death of Miriam   20:1
Moses and Aaron Sin at Meribah, Both Denied Entry Into Promised Land   20:2-13
Edom Denies Israel Passage   20:14-21
The Death of Aaron   20:22-29
Arad Destroyed   21:1-3
The Bronze Snake   21:4-9
Israel on the March Through the Transjordan   21:10-20
Defeat of King Sihon of the Amorites   21:21-30
Defeat of King Og of Bashan   21:31-35
Balak Summons Balaam   22:1-6
God Forbids Balaam to Go to Balak   22:7-14
God Allows Balaam to Go to Balak   22:15-20
Balaam's Donkey   22:21-35
Balaam Meets With Balak   22:36-41
Balaam Blesses Israel   23:1-10
Balaam Relocates   23:11-17
Balaam Blesses a Second Time   23:18-24
Balaam Relocates Yet Again   23:25-30
Balaam Blesses a Third Time   24:1-14
Balaam's Final Oracle   24:15-19
Balaam's Three Cryptic Predictions   24:20-25
Moab Seduces Israel and They Worship Baal   25:1-5
An Israelite Man Brings a Midianite to His Family   25:6
Phinehas Intervenes and is Praised   25:7-15
Command to Avenge Midian   25:16-18
The Census of the New Generation   26:1-50
Division of Land   26:51-56
Numbering of Levites   26:57-62
Summary of the Census   26:63-65
Zelophehad's Daughters   27:1-11
Joshua to Succeed Moses   27:12-23
Daily Offerings   28:1-8
Sabbath Offerings   28:9-10
Monthly Offerings   28:11-15
Passover Offerings   28:16-25
Festival of Weeks Offerings   28:26-31
Festival of Trumpets Offerings   29:1-6
Day of Atonement Offerings   29:7-11
Festival of Shelters Offerings   29:12-40
Vows   30:1-16
The Campaign Against the Midianites, Balaam Killed   31:1-13
The Killing of the Midianite Women   31:14-18
Purification After Battle   31:19-24
The Division of the Spoils   31:25-47
Head Count and Atonement by the Military Leaders   31:48-54
Gad, Reuben, Manasseh Settle East of the Jordan   32:1-42
Stages in Israel's Journey   33:1-49
Drive Out the Inhabitants   33:50-56
Boundaries of Canaan   34:1-15
The Distributors of the Land   34:16-29
Towns for Levites   35:1-8
Cities of Refuge   35:9-34
Women and Land Inheritance   36:1-13

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The Covenant Setting   1:1-4
Events at Sinai   1:5-8
Instructions at Kadesh Barnea   1:9-18
Disobedience at Kadesh Barnea   1:19-33
Judgment at Kadesh Barnea   1:34-40
Unsuccessful Conquest of Canaan   1:41-46
The Journey from Kadesh Barnea to Moab   2:1-15
Instructions Concerning Ammon   2:16-25
Defeat of Sihon King of Heshbon   2:26-37
Defeat of Og King of Basham   3:1-11
Sihon and Og's Land Divided to Transjordan Tribes   3:8-17
Instructions to the Transjordan Tribes   3:18-22
Moses Forbidden to Cross the Jordan   3:23-29
The Privileges of the Covenant   4:1-8
Reminder of the Sinai Covenant   4:9-14
Warning Against Idolatry   4:15-24
Threat Following Covenant Disobedience and Mercy Following Repentance   4:25-31
The Uniqueness of Israel's God   4:32-40
Eastern Cities of Refuge   4:41-43
Second Address of Moses to the People   4:44-49
Opening Exhortation   5:1-5a
The Ten Commandments   5:5b-21
The People's Response   5:22-33
Exhortation to Obey   6:1-3
Love the Lord With All Your Heart and Soul   6:4-5
Command to Teach the Law to Their Children   6:6-9
Worship and Obey the Lord Alone   6:10-19
Explaining the Law to Their Children   6:20-25
Driving Out the Nations and Destroying Idols   7:1-6
The Basis of Israel's Election   7:7-11
Blessings of Obedience   7:12-15
Fear Not, God is Greater than the Canaanites   7:16-26
The Lord's Provision in the Desert   8:1-10
The Lord: "Beware Of Pride"   8:11-20
Not Because of Israel's Righteousness   9:1-6
The Golden Calf and Other Sins Recounted   9:7-24
Moses' Plea on Behalf of the Lord   9:25-29
Tablets Like the First Ones   10:1-5
Moses Concludes His Historical Narrative   10:6-11
The Essence of the Law   10:12-22
A Call to Love and Obey God   11:1-7
A Land of Milk and Honey   11:8-12
The Consequences of Obedience and Disobedience   11:13-17
Command to Lay Up and Teach Children the Law   11:18-21
The Land as a Reward for Obedience   11:22-25
A Blessing and a Curse Ceremony in the Future   11:26-32
Destroy Pagan Shrines   12:1-4
A Central Sanctuary   12:5-14
Animal Slaughter Laws   12:15-19
Sanctity of Blood   12:20-28
Do Not Imitate the Pagans   12:29-32
False Prophets to Die   13:1-5
Idolaters to Die   13:6-11
Idolatous Cities to Be Destroyed   13:12-18
Pagan Practices Forbidden   14:1-2
Clean and Unclean Food   14:3-21
Tithes   14:22-29
The Sabbatical Year   15:1-18
Firstborn Animals   15:19-23
Passover   16:1-8
Festival of Weeks   16:9-12
Festival of Shelters   16:13-17
Judges   16:18-20
Idolatry and Defective Sacrifices Forbidden   16:21-17:7
Law Courts for Difficult Cases   17:8-13
The King   17:14-20
Provisions for Priests and Levites   18:1-8
Detestable Pagan Practices   18:9-14
The Prophet Like Moses   18:15-19
Test of False Prophets   18:20-22
Cities of Refuge from Manslaughter   19:1-10
No Refuge for Deliberate Murder   19:11-13
Property Boundaries   19:14
Witnesses   19:15-21
Laws for Military Service   20:1-9
Laws for Warfare   20:10-18
Laws for Sieges   20:19-20
Atonement for an Unsolved Murder   21:1-9
Marrying a Captive Woman   21:10-14
The Right of the Firstborn   21:15-17
A Rebellous Son   21:18-21
A Man Hanged On a Tree Is Cursed   21:22-23
The Law of Neighborliness   22:1-4
Preserving Natural Gender Distinctions in Clothing   22:5
Caring for Bird Nests   22:6-7
Caring for House Roofs   22:8
Purity Illustrated   22:9-12
Sexual Violations   22:13-30
Exclusion From the Assembly   23:1-8
Personal Hygiene   23:9-14
Fugitive Slaves   23:15-16
Cult Prostitution Forbidden   23:17-18
Interest on Loans   23:19-20
Vows   23:21-23
Neighbor's Crops   23:24-25
Marriage and Divorce Laws   24:1-5
Mills and Upper Millstones Forbidden for a Pledge   24:6
Kidnapping   24:7
Skin Diseases   24:8-9
Consideration for the Needy   24:10-15
Only the Sinner Must Die   24:16
Consideration for Widows, Orphans, Foreigners   24:17-22
Forty Lashes   25:1-3
Oxen Should Not Be Muzzled   25:4
Preserving the Family Line   25:5-10
Regarding a Woman vs. Men in a Fight   25:11-12
Honest Weights and Measures   25:13-16
Command to Destroy the Amalekites   25:17-19
Presentation of Firstfruits   26:1-11
The Third Year Tithe   26:12-15
Follow the Lord's Commands   26:16-19
The Altar and Tablets of the Law on Mount Ebal   27:1-10
Blessing from Mount Gerizin, Curses from Mount Ebal   27:11-13
The Covenant Curses to Be Said at Mount Ebal   27:14-26
Blessings for Obedience   28:1-14
Curses for Disobedience   28:15-68
Narrative Interlude   29:1
The Exodus, Wandering, and Conquest Reviewed   29:2-8
The Present Covenant Setting   29:9-15
Results of Abandoning the Covenant   29:16-29
Prosperity After Repenting of Sin to the Lord   30:1-10
The Nearness of God's Word   30:11-14
Choose Life   30:15-20
Joshua to Succeed Moses   31:1-8
The Reading of the Law   31:9-13
The Commissioning of Joshua   31:14-23
Moses Counsels the Levites, Israel's Rebellion Predicted   31:24-29
The Song of Moses   31:30-32:47
Moses to Die on Mount Nebo   32:48-52
Moses Blesses the Tribes   33:1-29
The Death of Moses   34:1-12

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The Lord Commands Joshua   1:1-9
Preparing the People   1:10-18
Rahab and the Spies   2:1-24
Crossing the Jordan   3:1-17
Twelve Memorial Stones from the Jordan   4:1-5:1
Circumcision at Gilgal   5:2-9
Passover in the Promised Land, Manna Ceases   5:10-12
The Commander of the Lord's Army   5:13-15
The Fall of Jericho   6:1-27
Achan's Sin   7:1-26
Ai Destroyed   8:1-29
The Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal Ceremony   8:30-35
The Gibeonite Deception   9:1-27
Five Amorite Kings Attack Gibeon   10:1-5
Hail From the Lord Kills Many of the Amorites   10:6-11
The Sun Stands Still During the Battle   10:12-15
Five Amorite Kings Executed   10:16-27
Southern Cities Conquered   10:28-43
Northern Cities Conquered   11:1-15
Summary of Israel's Victories   11:16-23
List of Kings Defeated by Moses   12:1-6
List of Kings Defeated by Joshua   12:7-24
Land Still to Be Taken   13:1-7
Division of Land for Tribes East of the Jordan and Allotment for Levi   13:8-33
Division of Land West of the Jordan   14:1-5
Hebron Given to Caleb   14:6-15
Allotment for Judah   15:1-12
Caleb and Othniel   15:13-19
Judah's Cities   15:20-63
Allotment for Ephraim and West Manasseh   16:1-17:18
Division of the Rest of the Land   18:1-10
Allotment for Benjamin   18:11-28
Allotment for Simeon   19:1-9
Allotment for Zebulun   19:10-16
Allotment for Issachar   19:17-23
Allotment for Asher   19:24-31
Allotment for Naphtali   19:32-39
Allotment for Dan   19:40-48
Allotment for Joshua   19:49-51
Cities of Refuge   20:1-9
Towns and Pasturelands for the Levites   21:1-42
The Lord's Promises Fulfilled   21:43-45
Eastern Tribes Return Home   22:1-9
The Eastern Tribes' Altar of Witness   22:10-34
Joshua's Farewell to the Leaders   23:1-16
Review of Israel's History   24:1-13
Choose Whom You Will Serve   24:14-28
Buried in the Promised Land   24:29-33

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Judah and Simeon Conquer the Land   1:1-18
An Incomplete Conquest   1:19-36
The Angel of the Lord at Bokim   2:1-5
The Death of Joshua   2:6-10
Israel's Sin Cycle   2:11-19
A Divine Decision   2:20-23
The Nations Left to Test Israel   3:1-6
Othniel the First Judge, Subdues Aram   3:7-11
Ehud Subdues the Moabites   3:12-30
Shamgar Kills 600 Philistines   3:31
Deborah and Barak Subdue Canaanites, Woman Kills Sisera   4:1-24
The Song of Deborah and Barak   5:1-31
Midian Oppresses Israel   6:1-10
The Call of Gideon   6:11-24
Gideon Destroys an Altar of Baal   6:25-32
Gideon Summons an Army and Seeks Confirmation with a Fleece  6:33-40
Gideon Reduces the Ranks   7:1-8
Gideon Reassured of Victory   7:9-14
Gideon's 300 Men Defeats the Midianites   7:15-23
Gideon Appeases the Ephraimites   7:24-8:3
Succoth and Penuel Refuse to Supply Gideon   8:4-9
Gideon Captures Zebah and Zalmunna   8:10-12
The Punishment of Succoth and Penuel   8:13-17
The Death of Zebah and Zalmunna   8:18-21
Gideon's Ephod   8:22-27
Gideon's Death   8:28-32
Israel Returns to Sin   8:33-35
Abimelech's Conspiracy   9:1-6
Jotham's Parable   9:7-21
Discord Between Abimelech and Shechem   9:22-25
Abimelech Quells Gaal's Revolt   9:26-41
Abimelech Razes Shechem, Is Killed by Woman   9:42-57
Tola   10:1-2
Jair   10:3-5
Further Idolatry and Oppression   10:6-9
Israel's Cry and God's Answer   10:10-16
Israel Appeals to Jephthah   10:17-11:11
Ammon Wants East Canaan   11:12-28
Jephthah's Vow to Defeat Ammon Turns Tragic   11:29-40
Jephthah's Conflict With Ephraim   12:1-7
Ibzan   12:8-10
Elon   12:11-12
Abdon   12:13-15
Further Sin and Servitude to the Philistines   13:1
The Angel of the Lord Foretells the Birth of Samson   13:2-25
Samson's Marriage to a Philistine Woman   14:1-4
Samsom's Riddle: Answered Due to Wife's Treachery   14:10-20
Samson and the Foxes; His Wife, Father-in-Law Murdered   15:1-8
Samson Kills 1,000 With Donkey's Jawbone   15:9-20
Samson Carries Away Gaza's Gates   16:1-3
Samson and Delilah   16:4-22
Samson Dies with the Philistines   16:23-31
Micah's Idols And a Idolatrous Priest   17:1-13
Danites Steal the Idol and Priest, Settle in Laish   18:1-31
A Levite and His Concubine in Benjamin   19:1-30
Israelites Fight the Benjamites   20:1-48
Wives for the Benjamites   21:1-25

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Naomi's Family Dies   1:1-5
Naomi Bids Farewell to Daughters-in-Law   1:6-14
Ruth Refuses to Leave Naomi   1:15-18
Ruth and Naomi Go to Bethlehem   1:19-22
Ruth Gleans in Boaz's Field   2:1-3
Ruth and Boaz Meet   2:4-17
Ruth Returns to Naomi   2:18-23
Naomi Plans Encounter   3:1-5
Ruth Visits Boaz at Night   3:6-15
Ruth and Naomi Wait   3:16-18
Boaz Seeks Out the Next of Kin, Who Declines   4:1-6
Boaz Fulfills the Legal Requirements   4:7-12
Boaz and Ruth Marry, Obed is Born   4:13-17
Epilogue: Boaz and Ruth Join the Davidic Line   4:18-22

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Elkanah and His Wives   1:1-8
Hannah's Vow   1:9-18
The Birth of Samuel   1:19-20
Samuel Given to the Lord   1:21-28
Hannah's Prayer   2:1-11
Eli's Wicked Sons   2:12-17
Samuel as a Boy   2:18-19
Hannah Gives Birth to More Children   2:20-21
Eli Rebukes His Sons   2:22-26
Prophecy Against the House of Eli   2:27-36
The Lord Calls Samuel, Tells of Judgment on the House of Eli   3:1-21
The Philistines Capture the Ark, Eli's Sons Die   4:1-11
Death of Eli and Birth of Ichabod   4:12-22
God Strikes the Philistines Because of the Ark   5:1-12
The Ark Returned to Israel   6:1-7:2
Samuel Subdues the Philistines at Mitzpah   7:3-14
Samuel's Ministry   7:15-17
Israel Demands a King After Samuel's Sons Judge Wickedly   8:1-9
Samuel's Warning to the People   8:10-22
Samuel Meets With Saul   9:1-27
Saul Anointed King, Confirmed by Signs   10:1-16
Saul Proclaimed King   10:17-27
Saul Rescues Jabesh-gilead and is Confirmed as King   11:1-15
Samuel's Farewell Speech   12:1-15
Saul Fights the Philistines   13:1-7
Saul's Unlawful Sacrifice   13:8-14
Israel's Military Disadvantage   13:15-22
Jonathan Attacks the Philistines   13:23-14:23
Saul's Rash Oath, Jonathan Almost Killed   14:24-46
Saul Fights Israel's Enemies   14:47-48
Saul's Family   14:49-52
Saul to Completely Destroy the Amalekites   15:1-3
Saul Disobeys, Spares King Agag, Animals   15:4-9
The Lord Rejects Saul as King   15:10-31
Samuel Kills Agag   15:32-35
Samuel Anoints David   16:1-13
Saul has Evil Spirit, Employs David   16:14-23
David and Goliath   17:1-58
David and Jonathan's Friendship   18:1-4
Saul's Jealousy of David   18:5-9
Saul Tries to Kill David   18:10-12
David's Military Success   18:13-16
Saul's Plot to Kill David by Offering Merab in Marriage   18:17-19
David Marries Michal After Another Failed Murder Plot   18:20-30
Jonathan Tries to Intercede, Saul Lies   19:1-7
Saul Tries to Kill David Again   19:8-10
Michal Helps David Escape   19:11-17
Saul Goes to Naioth and Prophesies   19:18-24
Jonathan Intercedes Again, Warns David   20:1-42
David and the Holy Bread   21:1-9
David at Gath   21:10-15
David at Adullam and Mizpah   22:1-5
Saul Kills Priests of Nob, One Escapes   22:6-23
David Saves the City of Keliah   23:1-5
Saul Tries to Besiege Keliah   23:6-15
Jonathan and David Renew Friendship Covenant   23:16-18
The Treachery of the Ziphites   23:19-29
David Spares Saul's Life   24:1-22
The Death of Samuel   25:1
David, Nabal and Abigail   25:2-44
David Again Spares Saul's Life   26:1-25
David Among the Philistines   27:1-28:2
Saul and the Medium of Endor   28:3-25
David Is Dismissed from the Philistine Army   29:1-11
David Defeats the Amalekites   30:1-31
Saul and His Sons Die in Battle   31:1-13

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David Hears of Saul's Death   1:1-16
David's Lament for Saul and Jonathan   1:17-27
David Crowned King of Judah   2:1-7
Ish-bosheth Crowned King of Israel by Abner   2:8-11
Abner Defeated   2:12-17
Abner Kills Joab's Brother   2:18-23
Abner and Joab Call a Truce   2:24-32
War Summary and List of David's Children   3:1-5
Abner Goes Over to David   3:6-21
Joab Finds Out About Abner   3:22-25
Joab Murders Abner In Revenge   3:26-30
David Mourns for Abner   3:31-39
Ish-Bosheth Assassinated and Mephibosheth Crippled   4:1-12
David Becomes King Over Israel   5:1-5
David Conquers Jerusalem   5:6-16
David Defeats the Philistines   5:17-25
Peril in Moving the Ark, Uzzah Dies   6:1-11
The Ark Brought to Jerusalem   6:12-19
Michal Sins, Rendered Barren   6:20-23
David Wants to Built a Temple, Nathan Approves   7:1-3
God's Intervention, Disapproval, and a Promise   7:4-17
David's Prayer of Gratitude   7:18-29
David's Military Victories   8:1-15
David's Officials   8:16-18
David Shows Kindness to Mephibosheth   9:1-13
David's Servants Abused by the Ammonites   10:1-5
David Defeats the Ammonites and Arameans   10:6-19
David and Bathsheba   11:1-27
Nathan Rebukes David With a Parable   12:1-14
David's Child Dies and Solomon is Born   12:15-25
Rabbah Is Captured   12:26-31
Amnon Rapes Tamar   13:1-22
Absalom Kills Amnon   13:23-39
The Woman of Tekoa   14:1-20
Absalom Returns to Jerusalem   14:21-24
Absalom's Beauty and Children   14:25-27
Absalom Finally Sees the King After Burning Joab's Land   14:28-33
Absalom's Conspiracy   15:1-12
David Flees from Absalom   15:13-18
The Faithfulness of Ittai the Gittite   15:19-23
David Shows His Faith by Keeping Ark in Jerusalem   15:24-29
Hushai to Frustrate Ahithophel's Advice   15:31-37
Ziba Lies to David About Mephibosheth   16:1-4
Shimei Curses David   16:5-14
The Advice of Ahithophel and Hushai   16:15-17:23
Absalom Pursues David   17:24-26
Hospitality Shown to David   17:27-29
20,000 Killed in the Forest of Ephraim   18:1-8
Absalom Killed by Joab While Caught in a Tree   18:9-18
David Gets News of Absalom's Death   18:19-33
Joab Rebukes David for Grieving Over Absalom   19:1-8
David Returns to Jerusalem   19:9-15
David Pardons Shimei   19:16-23
David Meets With Methibosheth   19:24-30
David's Kindness to Barzillai   19:31-39
The Quarrel Over the King   19:40-43
Sheba Rebels Against David   20:1-22
David's Goverment Officials   20:23-26
The Gibeonites Avenge the House of Saul   21:1-14
War Against the Philistine Giants   21:15-22
David's Song of Praise   22:1-51
The Last Words of David   23:1-7
David's Mighty Men: The Three and the Thirty   23:8-39
David Takes a Census of the Fighting Men   24:1-10
70,000 Die as Punishment or David's Sinful Census   24:11-17
David Builds an Altar to Stop the Punishment   24:18-25

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David in His Old Age   1:1-4
Adonijah Sets Himself Up as King   1:5-10
Nathan and Bathsheba Makes Appeal to David   1:11-27
David Makes Solomon King   1:28-40
Adonijah Hears the News and Runs to the Altar   1:41-53
David's Dying Charge to Solomon   2:1-11
Solomon's Throne Established, Execution Style   2:12-46
Solomon Makes Marriage Alliance With Pharoah   3:1-2
Solomon Asks for Wisdom   3:3-15
A Wise Ruling   3:16-28
Solomon's Officials and Governors   4:1-19
Solomon's Daily Provisions   4:20-28
Solomon's Wisdom   4:29-34
Preparations for Building the Temple   5:1-18
Solomon Builds the Temple in Seven Years   6:1-38
Solomon Builds His Palace   7:1-12
Huram's Bronze Craftsmanship For the Temple   7:13-47
The Temple's Gold Furnishings   7:48-51
The Ark Brought to the Temple   8:1-11
Solomon Blesses the Lord   8:12-21
Solomon's Prayer of Dedication   8:22-53
Solomon's Blesses the People   8:54-61
Solomon's Sacrifices   8:62-66
God's Conditional Covenant With Solomon   9:1-9
Solomon's Agreement With Hiram   9:10-14
Solomon's Other Activities as King   9:15-28
The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon   10:1-13
Solomon's Splendor   10:14-29
Solomon's Wives Lead Him to Idolatry   11:1-8
The Lord's Judgment Against Solomon   11:9-13
Solomon's Adversaries   11:14-25
Jeroboam Rebels Against Solomon   11:26-40
Solomon Dies   11:41-43
Rehoboam's Folly Divides the Kingdom   12:1-20
Prophet Thwarts Civil War   12:21-24
Jeroboam's Sin: Golden Calves at Bethel and Dan   12:25-32
Prophet Condemns Jeroboam, Prophecy About Josiah   12:33-13:10
The Prophet's Disobedience   13:11-32
Jeroboam Unrepentant   13:33-34
Ahijah's Prophecy Against the House of Jeroboam   14:1-18
Jeroboam's Reign Ends   14:19-20
Rehoboam King of Judah   14:21-31
Abijah King of Judah   15:1-8
Asa King of Judah   15:9-24
Nadab King of Israel   15:25-26
Baasha Wipes Out the House of Jeroboam   15:27-31
Baasha King of Israel   15:32-34
Judgment on the House of Baasha   16:1-7
Elah King of Israel, Assassinated by Zimri   16:8
Zimri Wipes Out the House of Baasha   16:9-14
Zimri King of Israel, Omri Avenges Elah's Death   16:15-20
Omri King of Israel, Builds Samaria as the New Capital of Israel   16:21-28
Ahab Becomes King of Israel   16:29-33
Jericho's Curse Fulfilled   16:34
Elijah Announces Drought, Fed by Ravens   17:1-7
The Widow at Zarephath: Miracle of the Flour and Oil   17:8-16
Elijah Raises the Widow's Son   17:17-24
Obadiah Hides 100 of the Lord's Prophets   18:1-6
Elijah and Obadiah Meet   18:7-16
Elijah Confronts Ahab   18:17-19
God or Baal on Mount Carmel   18:20-40
The Lord Sends Rain   18:41-46
Elijah Flees to Horeb from Jezebel   19:1-8
The Lord Appears to Elijah   19:9-18
The Call of Elisha   19:19-21
Ahab's Wars With Ben-Hadad   20:1-43
Naboth's Vineyard   21:1-16
The Lord Condemns Ahab and Jezebel   21:17-24
Ahab's Repentance   21:25-29
Ahab Makes an Battle Alliance With Jehoshaphat   22:1-4
Ahab's False Prophets Predict Victory   22:5-12
Micaiah Foretells Ahab's Downfall   22:13-28
Ahab Killed at Ramoth Gilead   22:29-40
Jehoshaphat King of Judah   22:41-50
Ahaziah King of Israel   22:51-53

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The Lord's Judgment on Ahaziah   1:1-8
Elijah Calls on Fire to Destroy Ahaziah's Men   1:9-15
Elijah Confronts Ahaziah, Who Dies, and Joram Becomes King of Israel   1:16-18
Elijah Taken Up to Heaven   2:1-14
Elisha Succeeds Elijah   2:15-18
Elisha Purifies the Water   2:19-22
Elisha Is Jeered by Youths, Who Are Mauled by Bears   2:23-25
Joram King of Israel   3:1-3
Moab Revolts Against Israel and is Defeated   3:4-27
The Widow's Oil   4:1-7
Elisha and the Shunammite Woman   4:8-10
The Shunammite Woman Has a Son   4:11-17
The Shunammite's Son Dies, Restored to Life   4:18-37
Death in the Pot   4:38-41
Feeding of a Hundred   4:42-44
Naaman Healed of Leprosy   5:1-19a
Gehazi's Greed and Punishment   5:19b-27
An Axhead Floats   6:1-7
Elisha Traps Blinded Arameans   6:8-23
Famine in Besieged Samaria   6:24-33
Elisha Promises Food   7:1-2
The Siege Lifted, Famine Over   7:3-20
The Shunammite's Land Restored   8:1-6
Elisha Prophecies About Hazael, Ben-Hadad   8:7-15
Jehoram King of Judah   8:16-24
Ahaziah King of Judah   8:25-29
Jehu Anointed King of Israel   9:1-13
Jehu Kills Joram and Ahaziah   9:14-29
Jezebel Killed by Jehu   9:30-37
Ahab's Sons Beheaded   10:1-11
42 Relatives of Ahaziah Killed   10:12-14
Jehu Kills Rest of Ahab's House   10:15-17
Ministers of Baal Killed   10:18-27
Summary of Jehu's Reign   10:28-36
Murderous Queen Athaliah Seizes Throne of Judah   11:1-3
Joash Made King, Athaliah Executed   11:4-16
Jehoiada Reforms Judah   11:17-20
Joash King of Judah   11:21-12:3
Joash Repairs the Temple   12:4-16
Aram Attacks Gath, Invades Jerusalem   12:17-18
Joash Assassinated   12:19-21
Jehoahaz King of Israel   13:1-9
Jehoash King of Israel   13:10-13
Elisha Dies: One Last Prophecy and Miracle   13:14-21
God's Mercy to Israel   13:22-25
Amaziah King of Judah   14:1-6
Amaziah Victorious Campaign Against Edom   14:7
Amaziah Challenges King Jehoash, Who Routs Him   14:8-14
Jehoash Dies and Amaziah is Assassinated   14:15-22
Jeroboam II King Of Israel   14:23-29
Azariah (Uzziah) King of Judah   15:1-7
Zechariah King of Israel, Assassinated by Shallum   15:8-12
Shallum King of Israel, Assassinated by Menahem   15:13-16
Menahem King of Israel   15:17-22
Pekahiah King of Israel, Assassinated by Pekah  15:23-26
Pekah King of Israel, Assassinated by Hoshea   15:27-31
Jotham King of Judah   15:32-38
Ahaz King of Judah   16:1-20
Hoshea Last King Of Israel   17:1-4
Israel Exiled Because of Sin   17:5-23
Samaria Resettled by Pagans   17:24-41
Hezekiah King of Judah   18:1-8
Review of Israel's Fall   18:9-12
Assyrian Invasion, Hezehiah Pays Tribute   18:13-18
The Assyrian Threats   18:19-37
Jerusalem's Deliverance Foretold   19:1-13
Hezekiah's Prayer   19:14-19
Isaiah Prophesies King Sennacherib's Fall   19:20-34
Angel Kills 185,000 Assyrians; Sennacherib Assassinated   19:35-37
Illness and Fifteen More Years for Hezekiah   20:1-11
Hezekiah's Foolish Pride to the Envoys of Babylon   20:12-19
Hezekiah Dies   20:20-21
Manasseh King of Judah   21:1-18
Amon King of Judah, Assassinated by His Servants   21:19-26
Josiah King of Judah   22:1-2
Josiah Repairs the Temple   22:3-7
The Book of the Law Found   22:8-13
Huldah's Prophecy of Judah's Doom   22:14-20
Josiah Renews the Covenant   23:1-3
Josiah's Reforms   23:4-14
The Bones of the Man of God   23:15-20
The Passover Observed   23:21-23
Further Zeal by Josiah   23:24-27
Josiah Dies in Battle   23:28-30
Jehoahaz King of Judah, Imprisoned by Pharaoh Neco   23:31-33
Jehoiakim King of Judah, Installed by Neco, Taken Captive by Nebuchadnezzar   23:34-24:7
Jehoiachin King of Judah, Installed and Taken Captive by Nebuchadnezzar   24:8-9
Massive Deportations to Babylon and the Temple Ransacked   24:10-17
Zedekiah King of Judah, Installed by Nebuchadnezzar   24:18-19
Jerusalem Under Siege   24:20-25:7
The Fall of Jerusalem   25:8-26
Jehoiachin Released From Babylonian Prison   25:27-30

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Adam To Noah's Sons   1:1-4
The Japhethites   1:5-7
The Hamites   1:8-16
The Semites   1:17-27
The Family of Abraham   1:28
Descendants of Hagar   1:29-31
Descendants of Keturah   1:32-33
Descendants of Isaac   1:34
Descendants of Esau, Son of Isaac   1:35-37
Esau's Edomite Descendants   1:38-42
The Rulers of Edom   1:43-54
Israel's Sons   2:1-2
Judah To Hezron's Sons   2:3-9
Descendants of Ram, Son of Hezron   2:10-17
Caleb's Descendants and His Father Hezron's Other Descendants   2:18-24
Descendants of Jerahmeel, Son of Hezron   2:25-41
Descendants of Caleb, Son of Hezron   2:42-55
The Sons of David   3:1-9
The Kings of Judah   3:10-16
The Royal Line After the Exile   3:17-24
Other Clans of Judah   4:1-23
Simeon   4:24-43
Reuben   5:1-10
Gad's Descendants And Wars of the Eastern Tribes   5:11-22
The Half-Tribe of Manasseh   5:23-26
Levi: The Priestly Line and Family Clans   6:1-30
The Temple Musicians   6:31-47
Descendants of Aaron   6:48-53
Places of the Levites   6:54-81
Issachar   7:1-5
Military Roll of Benjamin   7:6-12
Naphtali   7:13
Manasseh   7:14-19
Ephraim   7:20-29
Asher   7:30-40
Benjamin   8:1-32
The Genealogy of Saul the Benjamite   8:33-40
The Genealogy of Returned Exiles   9:1-34
The Genealogy of Saul Repeated   9:35-44
Saul and His Sons Die in Battle   10:1-14
David Becomes King Over Israel   11:1-3
David Conquers Jerusalem   11:4-9
David's Mighty Men: The Three and the Thirty   11:10-47
Warriors Join David   12:1-22
Others Join David at Hebron   12:23-40
Peril in Moving the Ark, Uzzah Dies   13:1-14
David's Palace and Family   14:1-7
David Defeats the Philistines   14:8-17
The Ark Brought to Jerusalem   15:1-29
David Leads Worship, Appoints Levite Ministers   16:1-6
David's Psalm of Thanks   16:7-36
David Appoints Worship Leaders   16:37-43
David Wants to Build Temple, Nathan Approves   17:1-2
God's Disapproval and a Promise to David   17:1-15
David's Prayer   17:16-27
David's Victories   18:1-13
David's Officials   18:14-17
David's Servants Abused by the Ammonites   19:1-5
The Battle Against the Ammonites and Arameans   19:6-19
The Capture of Rabbah   20:1-3
War with the Philistine Giants   20:4-8
David Takes a Census of the Fighting Men   21:1-6
70,000 Die as Punishment for David's Sinful Census   21:7-17
David Builds an Altar to Stop the Punishment   21:18-27
David Chooses Temple Site   21:28-22:1
Preparations for the Temple   22:2-5
David's Charge to Solomon and Israel's Leaders   22:6-19
Solomon Becomes King   23:1
David Organizes the Levites   23:2-6
Gershonites   23:7-11
Kohathites   23:12-20
Merarites   23:21-23
Duties of These Men   23:24-32
The Divisions of Priests   24:1-19
The Rest of the Levites   24:20-31
The Musicians   25:1-31
The Gatekeepers   26:1-19
The Treasurers   26:20-28
Outside Duties   26:29-32
Army Divisions   27:1-15
Officers of the Tribes   27:16-24
The King's Overseers   27:25-34
David's Charge to Israel   28:1-8
Solomon Commissioned to Build the Temple   28:9-21
The People Contribute to the Project   29:1-9
David's Prayer   29:10-20
Solomon Acknowledged as King   29:21-25
The Death of David   29:26-30

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Solomon Asks for Wisdom   1:1-13
Solomon Acquires Chariots and Horses   1:14-17
Solomon to Build the Temple and a Palace   2:1-10
Huram-abi to Assist in Building   2:11-18
The Temple's Size, Dimensions, and Materials   3:1-17
The Temple's Furnishings   4:1-5:1
The Ark Brought to a Temple Filled With God's Glory   5:2-14
Solomon Blesses the People   6:1-11
Solomon's Prayer of Dedication   6:12-42
Fire from Heaven Consumes the Sacrifices   7:1-3
Sacrifices Offered   7:4-7
Festival of Dedication   7:8-10
The Lord Gives a Promise and Warning to Solomon   7:11-22
Solomon's Other Activites and Building Projects   8:1-18
The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon   9:1-12
Solomon's Splendor   9:13-28
Solomon's Death   9:29-31
Rehoboam's Folly Divides the Kingdom   10:1-19
Prophet Thwarts Civil War   11:1-4
Rehoboam Fortifies Judah   11:5-12
Jeroboam Appoints False Priests; Levites and the Faithful Flee To Judah   11:13-17
Rehoboam's Family   11:18-23
Shishak Attacks Jerusalem   12:1-12
Summary of Rehoboam's Reign   12:13-16
Abijah King of Judah: His Wars Against Jeroboam   13:1-19
God Strikes Jeroboam Dead, While Abijah's Family Florishes   13:20-14:1
Asa King of Judah   14:1-7
The Cushite (Ethiopian) Invasion   14:8-15
Asa's Reform   15:1-19
Asa's Failures   16:1-10
Asa Fails to Seek God's Help During Fatal Illness   16:11-14
Jehoshaphat King of Judah   17:1-6
Jehoshaphat's Educational Program   17:7-11
Jehoshaphat's Military Might   17:12-19
Ahab Makes an Battle Alliance With Jehoshaphat   18:1-3
Micaiah Prophesies Against Ahab   18:4-27
Ahab Killed, Jehoshaphat Rebuked   18:28-19:3
Jehoshaphat Appoints Judges   19:4-11
Judah Invaded by Moab and Ammon   20:1-4
Jehoshaphat's Prayer   20:5-12
God's Answer   20:13-19
Moab and Ammon Destroy Themselves   20:20-30
A Final Summary of Jehoshaphat's Reign   20:31-34
Jehoshaphat's Reign Ends With a Failed Venture   20:35-21:1
Jehoram King of Judah: Elijah's Letter of Doom   21:1-20
Ahaziah King of Judah   22:1-9
Murderous Queen Athaliah Seizes the Throne   22:10-12
Joash Made King, Athaliah Executed   23:1-15
Jehoiada's Reforms   23:16-19
Joash King of Judah   24:1-3
Joash Repairs the Temple   24:4-14
Jehoiada Dies and is Buried With the Kings   24:15-16
Joash and Judah Reverse Jehoiada's Reforms   24:17-19
Jehoiada's Son Speaks Out and is Stoned to Death   24:20-22
Judah is Punished and Joash is Assassinated   24:23-27
Amaziah King of Judah   25:1-4
Amaziah Victorious Over Edom, But Worships Their Gods   25:5-16
Amaziah Challenges King Jehoash of Israel, Who Routs Him   25:17-24
Amaziah is Assassinated   25:25-28
Uzziah King of Judah   26:1-15
Uzziah Punished With Leprosy   26:16-23
Jotham King of Judah   27:1-9
Ahaz King of Judah   28:1-27
Hezekiah King of Judah   29:1-2
Hezekiah Purifies the Temple   29:3-19
Hezekiah Renews Temple Worship   29:20-36
Hezekiah Celebrates the Passover   30:1-31:1
The Levitical Service Reformed   31:2-19
Hezekiah's Personal Faithfulness   31:20-21
Assyria Invades Judah   32:1-8
Sennacherib Threatens Jerusalem   32:9-19
The Lord Delivers Jerusalem   32:20-23
Hezekiah's Illness and Recovery   32:24-26
The Greatness of Hezekiah   32:27-31
The Death of Hezekiah   32:32-33
Manasseh King of Judah: His Idolatry, Exile, and Repentance   33:1-20
Amon King of Judah, Assassinated by His Servants   33:21-25
Josiah King of Judah   34:1-2
Josiah's Reforms   34:3-7
Josiah Repairs the Temple   34:8-13
The Book of the Law Found   34:14-21
Huldah Prophecy of Doom for Judah   34:22-28
The Covenant is Renewed   34:29-33
Josiah Celebrates the Passover   35:1-19
Josiah Dies in Battle   35:20-27
Jehoahaz King of Judah, Imprisoned by Pharaoh Neco   36:1-4
Jehoiakim King of Judah, Installed by Neco, Taken Captive by Nebuchadnezzar   36:5-8
Jehoiachin King of Judah, Installed and Taken Captive by Nebuchadnezzar   36:9-10
Zedekiah King of Judah, Installed by Nebuchadnezzar   36:11-14
The Fall of Jerusalem   36:15-21
The Proclamation of Cyrus   36:22-23

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Cyrus Helps the Exiles to Return   1:1-4
Preparation to Return, Holy Vessels Restored   1:5-11
The List of Exiles Who Returned   2:1-70
Rebuilding the Altar, Festival Sacrifices Restored   3:1-6
Rebuilding the Temple   3:7-9
The Temple Foundation Finished   3:10-13
Opposition to the Rebuilding of the Temple   4:1-5
Opposition to the Rebuilding of Jerusalem   4:6-16
Artaxerxes Replies and Work Stops   4:17-24
Rebuilding the Temple under Haggai and Zechariah   5:1-2
Tattenai's Opposition and Letter to Darius   5:3-17
Darius finds Cyrus' Degree and Replies   6:1-12
Completion of the Temple   6:13-15
Dedication of the Temple   6:16-18
Celebration of the Passover   6:19-22
Ezra the Scribe Sent to Teach the People   7:1-10
King Artaxerxes' Degree on Ezra's Behalf   7:11-26
Ezra's Song of Praise   7:27-28
List of the Family Heads Returning With Ezra   8:1-14
Ezra Sends for Priests   8:15-20
Fasting and Praying for Protection   8:21-23
Gifts for the Temple   8:24-30
Ezra Arrives in Jerusalem   8:31-36
Israel's People Marry Pagan Women   9:1-3
Ezra's Prayer About Intermarriage   9:4-15
The People's Confession of Sin   10:1-17
Those Guilty of Intermarriage   10:18-44

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News From Jerusalem   1:1-3
Nehemiah's Prayer   1:4-11
Artaxerxes Notices Sadness   2:1-3
Artaxerxes Sends Nehemiah to Jerusalem   2:4-8
Sanballet and Tobiah Displeased   2:9-10
Nehemiah Inspects Jerusalem's Walls   2:11-16
Nehemiah Determined to Build Despite Opposition   2:17-20
Building of the Wall   3:1-32
Oppressed by Ammon, Samaria, Arabs, Ashdod, and Judah   4:1-14
The Work Resumes with the Builders Armed   4:15-23
Nehemiah Stops Oppression of the Poor   5:1-13
Nehemiah's Integrity and Generousity as Governor   5:14-19
More Attempts to Discourage the Builders   6:1-9
Attempt to Discredit Nehemiah   6:10-14
The Wall Completed Despite More Intimidation   6:15-19
Hanani and Hananiah Put in Charge of Jerusalem   7:1-3
The List of the Exiles Who Returned   7:4-69
The List of the Exiles' Gifts   7:70-73
Ezra Reads the Law   8:1-8
"This Day is Holy"   8:9-12
Festival of Shelters Restored   8:13-18
The Israelites Separate from Foreigners   9:1-5
The Penitential Prayer   9:6-37
The Agreement of the People   9:38-10:27
The Details of the Vow   10:28-39
Jerusalem Resettled, List of Key Residents   11:1-24
People Living Outside of Jerusalem   11:25-36
Priests and Levites   12:1-26
Dedication of the Wall of Jerusalem   12:27-43
The Administration of Offerings for the Temple   12:44-47
Foreigners Excluded   13:1-3
Tobiah's Furniture Expelled and Temple Cleansed   13:4-9
The Tithe to the Priesthood Restored   13:10-14
Dealing with Sabbath Breakers   13:15-22
Mixed Marriages Forbidden   13:23-29
Summary of Nehemiah's Temple Reforms   13:30-31

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The King's Banquet   1:1-9
Queen Vashti Deposed   1:10-22
The Search for a New Queen   2:1-4
Esther's Background, Raised by Mordecai   2:5-11
Esther Made Queen   2:12-18
Mordecai Uncovers a Conspiracy   2:19-23
Haman Promoted, Mordecai Refuses to Bow   3:1-6
Haman's Plot to Destroy the Jews   3:7-15
Mordecai Persuades Esther to Help   4:1-17
Esther's Request to the King: The First Banquet   5:1-8
Haman's Plans to Impale Mordecai   5:9-14
Mordecai is Honored and Haman is Humiliated   6:1-14
Esther Reveals Haman's Plot at the Second Banquet   7:1-6
Haman Impaled   7:7-10
Mordecai Promoted   8:1-2
Esther's Request and Mordecai's Decree   8:3-17
Triumph of the Jews   9:1-17
Purim Celebrated and Permanently Established   9:18-32
The Greatness of Mordecai   10:1-3

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Prologue: Job's Prosperity   1:1-3
Job's Righteousness   1:4-5
Satan Proposes Challenge   1:6-12
Job Loses All   1:13-19
Job's Response   1:20-22
Job's Second Test: Physical Affliction   2:1-9
Job's Response   2:10
Job's Three Friends   2:11-13
Job: I Curse My Birth   3:1-26
Eliphaz: Believe Your Own Teaching   4:1-6
Eliphaz: Only Wicked Truly Destroyed   4:7-11
Eliphaz: Appeal to Mysticism   4:12-16
Eliphaz: Man's Vulnerability   4:17-21
Eliphaz: Everyone has Trouble   5:1-7
Eliphaz: Only God Knows Why   5:8-16
Eliphaz: Blessings Follow Discipline   5:17-27
Job: Curses Come from Anguish   6:1-7
Job: Fear of Sinning in Pain   6:8-13
Job: Cannot Depend on Friends   6:14-23
Job: Rebuke for Chiding   6:24-27
Job: No Malice in Curses   6:28-30
Job: Expectancy of Hardship   7:1-5
Job: Brevity of Life   7:6-10
Job: Bitterness of Pain   7:11-16
Job: What is Man's Significance?   7:17-21
Bildad: God is Just   8:1-7
Bildad: Appeal to Scholarship   8:8-10
Bildad: Security is in God   8:11-19
Bildad: Misery Will Be Avenged   8:20-22
Job: God's Creative Power   9:1-13
Job: No Argument Against God   9:14-20
Job: Innocence No Guarantee   9:21-24
Job: Suffering Remains   9:25-31
Job: No Advocate for Man   9:32-35
Job: Is Man's Condition Known?   10:1-7
Job: Should Creator Destroy?   10:8-12
Job: Sinfulness Not the Issue   10:13-17
Job: Sorrowful Human Condition   10:18-22
Zophar: Appeal to Zophar's Insight   11:1-6
Zophar: God's Wisdom Hidden   11:7-9
Zophar: God Recognizes Suffering   11:10-12
Zophar: Troubles Will Pass   11:13-20
Job: Truth in Arguments   12:1-3
Job: Wicked Scorn Others' Trouble   12:4-6
Job: God Permits Suffering   12:7-12
Job: God's Providential Control   12:13-25
Job: Need for God's Answers   13:1-5
Job: Man's Answers Inadequate   13:6-12
Job: Confidence in Questioning   13:13-19
Job: Job's Opening Statement   13:20-22
Job: What Sins Merit This?   13:23-27
Job: Life is Limited   13:28-14:6
Job: Man Lives Only Once   14:7-12
Job: Only Hope is Resurrection   14:13-17
Job: Sorrow in Meantime   14:18-22
Eliphaz: Rebuke for Questioning God   15:1-13
Eliphaz: Man Merely God's Pawn   15:14-16
Eliphaz: Inevitable Fate of Wicked   15:17-35
Job: Speeches No Relief   16:1-6
Job: How God Has Devastated   16:7-14
Job: Maintaining Innocence   16:15-17
Job: Surely There is Advocate   16:18-21
Job: Friends Mock Curiousity   16:22-17:9
Job: Limitations on Sympathy   17:10-16
Bildad: Nonsufferers Know Something   18:1-4
Bildad: Suffering From Wickedness   18:5-21
Job: Even Righteous Suffer   19:1-6
Job: Job's Destruction   19:7-12
Job: Job's Alienation   19:13-20
Job: Plea for Pity   19:21-22
Job: Confidence in Resurrection   19:23-27
Job: Arguments Cut Both Ways   19:28-29
Zophar: Rebuke Prompts Reply   20:1-3
Zophar: Wicked Always Fall   20:4-11
Zophar: Repayment for Sins   20:12-19
Zophar: Wicked Have No Defense   20:20-29
Job: Listen Further   21:1-3
Job: Wicked Often Prosper   21:4-18
Job: Unfair Punishment   21:19-21
Job: Inequities in Death   21:22-26
Job: Death Inadequate Punishment   21:27-33
Job: Answers Fall Short   21:34
Eliphaz: Man Cannot Benefit God   22:1-3
Eliphaz: Less Righteous Than Believed   22:4-11
Eliphaz: Wickedness Cannot Be Hidden   22:12-20
Eliphaz: Job Should Repent   22:21-30
Job: Desire for Personal Hearing   23:1-7
Job: Righteousness Reasserted   23:8-12
Job: God's Control is Fearsome   23:13-17
Job: Suffering Without Judgment   24:1-12
Job: Deeds of Darkness   24:13-17
Job: Wicked Face Death   24:18-25
Bildad: Righteousness is Impossible   25:1-6
Job: Words No Consolation   26:1-4
Job: God's Ways Unfathomable   26:5-14
Job: Job's Faith Will Continue   27:1-6
Job: Wicked Are Not Heard   27:7-12
Job: Fate of Wicked   27:13-23
Job: Wisdom is Hidden   28:1-19
Job: Wisdom in Fearing God   28:20-28
Job: Job's Former Prosperity   29:1-6
Job: Job's Former Esteem   29:7-25
Job: Robbed of Dignity   30:1-15
Job: Robbed of Health   30:16-19
Job: No Response to Grief   30:20-26
Job: Horror of Pain   30:27-31
Job: Eyes Closed to Lust   31:1-4
Job: Deceit Disdained   31:5-8
Job: Faithful to Wife   31:9-12
Job: Servants Treated Justly   31:13-15
Job: Benevolent to Needy   31:16-23
Job: No Trust in Riches   31:24-25
Job: No Idolatry   31:26-28
Job: No Vengeful Gloating   31:29-30
Job: Hospitable to Strangers   31:31-32
Job: No Hypocrisy   31:33-34
Job: Indictment Welcomed   31:35-37
Job: No Tenants Mistreated   31:38-40
Elihu: Elihu's Youthful Anger   32:1-5
Elihu: Insight of the Young   32:6-9
Elihu: Previous Answers Inadequate   32:10-14
Elihu: Compulsion to Speak   32:15-22
Elihu: Sincerity of Concern   33:1-7
Elihu: Where Job is Wrong   33:8-13
Elihu: How God Speaks   33:14-22
Elihu: Intervention of Angels   33:23-28
Elihu: A Reason for Suffering   33:29-30
Elihu: Plea for Attention   33:31-34:4
Elihu: Job's Basic Position   34:5-9
Elihu: Almighty is Just   34:10-20
Elihu: God Sees Wickedness   34:21-30
Elihu: Nominal Repentance   34:31-33
Elihu: Job is Compounding Sins   34:34-37
Elihu: Job Argues Inconsistently   35:1-3
Elihu: Sins Do Not Affect God   35:4-8
Elihu: Talking to God is Useless   35:9-16
Elihu: Claimed Authority   36:1-4
Elihu: God Rules Rationally   36:5-12
Elihu: God Answers Sufferers   36:13-15
Elihu: Warning Against Wickedness   36:16-21
Elihu: God's Greatness   36:22-26
Elihu: Lightning-Like Power   36:27-37:13
Elihu: Power Inexplicable   37:14-18
Elihu: No Standing Before God   37:19-24
God: God's Turn to Question   38:1-3
God: What Power Do You Have?   38:4-15
God: What Understanding?   38:16-21
God: What Control?   38:22-30
God: What Dominion?   38:31-33
God: What Authority?   38:34-35
God: What Wisdom?   38:36-38
God: What Providence?   38:39-41
God: What Knowledge?   39:1-4
God: What Freedom?   39:5-12
God: What Creativity?   39:13-30
God: Response Demanded from Job   40:1-2
Job: Job is Dumbfounded   40:3-5
God: More Questions   40:6-7
God: What Right to Accuse God?   40:8-14
God: Man Fears Large Animals   40:15-24
God: Even Large Reptiles Feared   41:1-34
Job: Job's Confession   42:1-3
Job: Job's Repentance   42:4-6
God: Job's Friends Rebuked   42:7-9
Job's Prosperity Restored   42:10-17

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90. God's Eternity and Human Frailty


59. David Prays for God's Strength (1Sam 19:11-18)
56. David Prays for Confidence (1Sam 21:10-12)
34. David Gives Praise for God's Encouragement (1Sam 21:10-15)
142. Prayer for Deliverance from Persecutors (1Sam 22:1-2)
52. David Upbraids the Evildoer (1Sam 22:6-23)
63. David Expresses Gratitude for God's Protection (1Sam 23:13-14)
54. Reaction to Those Who Inform Against David (1Sam 23:19-25)
57. David Praises God for Giving Safety (1Sam 24:1-22)
18. Royal Thanksgiving for Victory (2Sam 22)
96. Praise to God Who Comes in Judgment (1Ch 16:7-36, Ps 105)
105. God's Faithfulness to Israel (1Ch 16:7-36, Ps 96)
60. Prayer for Restoration (2Sam 8:1-14, 2Sam 10:1-19, 1Ch 19:1-19)
51. David's Prayer for Cleansing and Pardon (2Sam 11:1-12:25)
3. Trust in God under Adversity (2Sam 15:1-19:43)
30. A Song of Dedication for the Temple (1Ch 22:1-19)


72. Solomon Celebrates His Blessings
127. Solomon Acknowledges the Giver of All Things


5. Prayer for Protection of the Righteous
6. Prayer for Deliverance from Enemies
7. Prayer for Refuge from Enemies
10. Prayer for Relief from Oppression
11. Security of Righteous from Threats
13. Prayer for Salvation from Enemies
17. Prayer for Deliverance from Persecutors
23. The Lord as a Protective Shepherd
26. Prayer for Redemption of the Righteous
28. Salvation of the Righteous and Punishment of the Wicked
31. Prayer of Relief of Persecuters and Slanderers
35. Prayer for Vindication in the Eyes of Boastful Enemies
41. Prayer for Weak and Those Suffering Betrayal
43. Prayer for Insight in the Face of Opposition
46. Refuge and Strength in God the Ruler of Nations
55. The Anguish of Having Disloyal Companions
61. Prayer for God's Defense and Shelter
62. God is Our Only Strength, Whose Love Excels All Others
64. Plea Against Enemies Who Scheme Evil Deeds
69. Prayer for End of Scorn
70. Urgency of the Need for God's Deliverence
71. Prayer for God's Presence Even in Old Age
77. Comfort of Knowing God's Record of Deliverance
83. Prayer for Judgment on Israel's Foes
86. Prayer for Mercy in Face of Enemies
88. Fear of One Dying and Wonders if God Hears Him
91. The Personal Protection of the One Trusting in God
95. A Call to Worship and Obedience
108. Praise and Prayer for Victory
109. Prayer for Vindication and Vengeance
120. Prayer for Deliverance from Lying Gentiles Pressing War
121. The Lord Watches Over His People
140. Prayer For Protection from Violent People
143. Prayer for Preservation of Life and Protection Against Trouble
144. Prayer for God's Power


1. Vitality of Righteousness and Vulnerability of the Wicked
14. Foolishness of Disbelief and Misery of Evildoers
15. Who Shall Abide in God's Sanctuary?
36. Depravity of the Wicked and the Favor of the Righteous
37. The Righteous Poor Have No Cause to Envy Wicked
39. Difficulty Witholding Outrage; Reminder of Life's Brevity
40. Recognition of True Religion in Righteous Living
49. Spiritual Insight Better than Wealth Robbed by Death
50. True Significance of Sacrificing; Jeopardy of the Wicked
73. Folly of Riches Compared to Blessing of Righteous
76. God's Wrath Against Evil to Be Greatly Feared
82. Though All are "gods", the Wicked Will Nevertheless Die
84. The Joy of Worship in the Temple
92. Only the Righteous Will Truly Florish
112. Blessings of the Righteous
115. Idolaters have No Source of Trust as Do Believers


8. Praise for Man's Glory and Status in God's Sight
9. Praise for God's Judgment Against Wicked Nations
16. Song of Joy and Security in God
19. Praise for God's Creation and for His Laws
21. Praise for the King's Blessings and Reminder of God's Wrath
24. The Earth Belongs to the King of Glory
29. The Voice of God in a Great Storm
33. Sing Praises to God for His Power, Purpose, and Love
65. Praise for God's Forgiveness, Power, and Physical Blessings
66. Praise for God's Deliverance from the Opposition of Sin
67. Praise and Prayer for God's Blessings
68. Praise for a God of Power Who Cares About Individual Problems
75. Praise to the Great Judge of the Earth
93. The Majesty and Holiness of God's Rule
94. Praise of God's Discipline of Man and Nations
97. Rejoicing Because of God's Righteousness and Justice
98. A Song of Praise for the Salvation of the Lord
99. Exaltation of the God Who is Holy and Just
100. All Lands Summoned to Praise God
103. Thanksgiving for God's Goodness
104. God the Creator and Provider
113. Praise for a Lord of Heaven Who is Sensitive
114. How God's Wonders Ought to Bring Trembling
117. Praise for God's Love and Faithfulness
119. Praise for the Insight and Guidance of God's Laws
122. Praise for Jerusalem and the House of the Lord
124. Praise of Escape from Enemies
133. Joy of Brothers Living Harmoniously
134. A Call for Temple Servants to Praise God
135. The Many Things Temple Workers Can Give Praise
136. Special Poem of Thanksgiving of All Things
138. Thanksgiving and Praise of David
139. The Wonder of God's Total Familiarity With Each Life
145. Praise to a Faithful, Loving and Righteous God
148. All Creatures Praise the God of Creation
150. A Call of All Things to Praise the Lord


4. Mercy Demands Obedience
12. Misuse of the Gift of Speech
20. Prayer for Other's Welfare and Expression of Trust
25. Expression of Trust in God and His Instruction
32. Blessedness of Confession and Forgiveness of Sins
38. Agonizing Confession of Sin
42. Importance of Hope in God When One is Depressed
53. Universality of Sin and its Consequences
58. Outrage Against Leaders Who Promote Injustice
81. God's Appeal to Stubborn Israel
101. Expresssion of Commitment to Righteous Living
111. Fearing a Loving God for the Beginning of Understanding
130. Only Hope of Redemption is in God's Forgiveness
131. Expression of Quiet Humility
141. Prayer for Wise Use of One's Speech
146. The God Who Cares is the God to Trust


2. The Coming Messiah and a Warning to Earthly Rulers
22. Prayer for God's Presence and Praise for the Messiah
27. Confidence in the Resurrection of the Righteous
45. Majesty of the Eternal King and the Kingdom's Beauty
47. Exaltation of the King of Kings
48. The Glory and Strength of Zion
87. Messiah to Be Born in Zion
110. The Messiah Will Be Priest and King


44. Confession of National Sin and a Prayer for Restoration
74. Prayer for God to Use Limitless Power to Restore the People
79. When Will God Hear the Captives' Cry and Repay Enemies?
80. Prayer for Restoration of the Vine Brought Out of Egypt
85. Prayer for the Restoration of God's Favor
89. God's Covenant With David
102. Nation's Prayer is Like That of an Afflicted Man
106. Israel's History and Prayer for People's Return
123. Prayer for Mercy
137. Lament in Babylon


78. God's Faithfulness to a Rebellious Nation
107. Israel's Restoration After Punishment
116. Praise for Deliverence from Death of Captivity
118. Praise for a Renewed Life
125. Prayer of Trust that Foreign Dominance Will End
126. Joy of Return to Jerusalem
128. Blessing of Rightousness and Properity of Jerusalem
129. Deliverance Will Bring Shame to Scoffers
132. Call for God's Fulfillment of Royal Promise
147. Creator's Power Has Brought Restoration
149. Praise for the King and Preparedness to Fight for the Nation

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Proverbs by Topic Site #1 (PDF)
Proverbs by Topic Site #2
Proverbs by Topic Site #3
Proverbs by Topic Site #4
Proverbs by Topic Site #5
Proverbs by Topic Site #6


Anger and Temper
Arguing and Quarrels (Part 1)
Arguing and Quarrels (Part 2)
Bad Company and Associations
Children (Part 1)
Children (Part 2)
Correction and Confrontation (Part 1)
Correction and Confrontation (Part 2)
Counsel and Advice (Part 1)
Counsel and Advice (Part 2)
Fear of the Lord (Part 1)
Fear of the Lord (Part 2)
Fools and Foolishness (Part 1)
Fools and Foolishness (Part 2)
Fools and Foolishness (Part 3)
Friendship (Part 1)
Friendship (Part 2)
Generosity and Giving
Good Judgment
Goodness (Part 1)
Goodness (Part 2)
Harmony and Peace
Hating (Part 1)
Hating (Part 2)
Honesty and Integrity (Part 1)
Honesty and Integrity (Part 2)
Justice (Part 1)
Justice (Part 2)
Knowledge (Part 1)
Knowledge (Part 2)
Laziness (Part 1)
Laziness (Part 2)
Loans and Debt
Love (Part 1)
Love (Part 2)
Lying (Part 1)
Lying (Part 2)
Mocking and Scorn
Righteousness (Part 1)
Righteousness (Part 2)
Temptation (Part 1)
Temptation (Part 2)
Trust in the Lord
Understanding (Part 1)
Understanding (Part 2)
Wealth and Prosperity (Part 1)
Wealth and Prosperity (Part 2)
Wealth and Prosperity (Part 3)
Wickedness (Part 1)
Wickedness (Part 2)
Wisdom (Part 1)
Wisdom (Part 2)




The Call of Wisdom
Benefits of Seeking Wisdom
Warning Against Rejecting Wisdom
Dangers of Rejecting Wisdom
Solomon's Personal Plea


Value of Wise Sayings
Purpose of the Proverbs


Fear of the Lord (Part 1)
Fear of the Lord (Part 2)
Trust in God or Self
Divine Providence


Wisdom and Folly (Part 1)
Wisdom and Folly (Part 2)
Dealing With Fools
Discernment and Understanding (Part 1)
Discernment and Understanding (Part 2)


Advice and Rebuke (Part 1)
Advice and Rebuke (Part 2)
Value of Advisors
Discipline (Part 1)
Discipline (Part 2)


Righteousness and Wickedness (Part 1)
Righteousness and Wickedness (Part 2)
Righteousness and Wickedness (Part 3)
Righteousness and Wickedness (Part 4)
Integrity and Perversion
Appropriate Consequences (Part 1)
Appropriate Consequences (Part 2)
Appropriate Consequences (Part 3)
Appropriate Consequences (Part 4)


Motive and the Heart
False Worship


Love and Faithfulness
Love, Hatred and Compassion
Kindness and Mercy
Overstaying Welcome


Pride and Humility (Part 1)
Pride and Humility (Part 2)


Temper and Patience
Drunkenness and Gluttony


Wise and Foolish Talk (Part 1)
Wise and Foolish Talk (Part 2)
Righteous and Wicked Talk
Appropiate Speech
Maintaining Silence
Controlled Speech
Slander and Gossip (Part 1)
Slander and Gossip (Part 2)
Hurtful Talk
Quarreling (Part 1)
Quarreling (Part 2)
Power of Tongue


Solicitation to Evil
Causing Others Harm
Dissension and Strife


Accurate Weights
Boundary Stones
Wrongfully Obtained Gains


False Witnesses
Judicial Justice


Wealth and Poverty (Part 1)
Wealth and Poverty (Part 2)
Benevolence and Generosity
Oppression of the Poor
Industriousness (Part 1)
Industriousness (Part 2)
Surety for Another


Parents and Children (Part 1)
Parents and Children (Part 2)
Women and Wives
Kings and Rulers (Part 1)
Kings and Rulers (Part 2)
The Elderly




Joy and Grief
Good News


Sayings of Agur
Sayings of King Lemuel
Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character



Saying 1 - Introduction
Saying 2 - Do not exploit the poor
Saying 3 - Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person
Saying 4 - Do not shakes hands in pledge or put up security for debts
Saying 5 - Do not move an ancient boundary stone
Saying 6 - A skilled worker
Saying 7 - Dining with a ruler
Saying 8 - Do not wear yourself out to get rich
Saying 9 - Do not eat the food of a begrudging host
Saying 10 - Do not speak to fools
Saying 11 - Do not move an ancient boundary stone
Saying 12 - Apply your heart to instruction
Saying 13 - Do not withhold discipline from a child
Saying 14 - My son, if your heart is wise, then my heart will be glad indeed
Saying 15 - Do not envy sinners, but always be zealous for the fear of the Lord
Saying 16 - Do not join drunkards and gluttons
Saying 17 - A righteous and wise child and his proud parents
Saying 18 - Dangers of an adulterous woman
Saying 19 - Dangers of too much wine
Saying 20 - Do not envy the wicked or desire their company
Saying 21 - By wisdom a house is built
Saying 22 - The power of the wise and wisdom in seeking advice when waging war
Saying 23 - Wisdom is too high for fools
Saying 24 - Schemers and mockers
Saying 25 - God holds people responsible for rescuing those who are in mortal danger
Saying 26 - Wisdom is like honey
Saying 27 - For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again
Saying 28 - Do not gloat when your enemy falls
Saying 29 - Do not fret because of evildoers or envy them
Saying 30 - Fear the Lord and the king and do not join rebellious officials
Further Sayings of the Wise


Another Topical Arrangement Of Proverbs

Brother B.J. Clarke has compiled a topical, alphabetical arrangement of every Scripture in Proverbs to facilitate the study of this practical and fascinating book of wisdom. the following is the result of his diligent study and work:

Proverbs 6:16-18; Proverbs 11:1,20; Proverbs 15:8-9,26; Proverbs 16:5; Proverbs 17:15; Proverbs 20:10,23; Proverbs 21:27; Proverbs 24:9; Proverbs 26:24-25; Proverbs 29:27.

Anger/Wrath   Proverbs 12:16; Proverbs 14:17,29; Proverbs 15:18; Proverbs 16:32; Proverbs 18:19; Proverbs 19:11-12,19; Proverbs 21:14; Proverbs 22:24-25; Proverbs 25:23,28; Proverbs 27:3-4; Proverbs 29:22; Proverbs 30:33.

Attributes of God   Proverbs 5:21; Proverbs 15:3,11,25,29; Proverbs 16:1-2,4,7,9,11,33; Proverbs 17:3; Proverbs 18:10; Proverbs 20:12,22,27; Proverbs 21:2,12,30-31; Proverbs 22:12,22-23; Proverbs 23:10-11; Proverbs 24:11-12,20; Proverbs 25:2; Proverbs 26:10; Proverbs 29:13; Proverbs 30:5-6.

Determining Right From Wrong   Proverbs 18:13,17; Proverbs 19:21; Proverbs 20:24; Proverbs 21:2,30; Proverbs 24:24-25; Proverbs 28:11.

Discipline   Proverbs 3:11-12; Proverbs 13:24; Proverbs 19:18; Proverbs 20:30; Proverbs 22:15; Proverbs 23:13; Proverbs 29:15,17,19,21.

The Fear Of the Lord   Proverbs 9:10; Proverbs 14:2,26; Proverbs 15:16,33; Proverbs 16:6; Proverbs 19:23, Proverbs 22:4; Proverbs 23:17-18; Proverbs 24:21-22; Proverbs 28:14.

The Fool   Proverbs 10:10,23; Proverbs 11:29; Proverbs 12:15-16; Proverbs 13:16,19; Proverbs 14:3,7-9,15-17; Proverbs 15:5,14; Proverbs 16:22; Proverbs 17:7,10,12,16,24-25,28; Proverbs 18:2,6-7,13; Proverbs 19:1,3,10,29; Proverbs 20:3; Proverbs 23:9; Proverbs 24:7; Proverbs 26:1,3-12; Proverbs 27:3,22; Proverbs 28:26; Proverbs 29:9,11.

Hatred Vs. Love   Proverbs 10:12; Proverbs 15:17, Proverbs 17:9,17; Proverbs 19:7; Proverbs 26:25-26.

Honesty   Proverbs 11:1; Proverbs 12:17,19-20,22; Proverbs 13:5,23; Proverbs 14:5,25; Proverbs 16:11; Proverbs 19:5,9,22,28; Proverbs 20:7,10,14,17,25; Proverbs 21:6,28; Proverbs 22:16,28; Proverbs 23:10-11; Proverbs 24:26,28; Proverbs 25:14,18; Proverbs 26:24-26,28; Proverbs 27:5-6; Proverbs 28:8,21; Proverbs 29:5,24; Proverbs 30:8-9.

How We Should Treat Our Fellow Man; our neighbors   Proverbs 3:27-29; Proverbs 11:12; Proverbs 16:29-30; Proverbs 21:10; Proverbs 24:28-29; Proverbs 25:9-10,17-18; Proverbs 26:18-19; Proverbs 29:5.

How We Should Treat Our Fellow Man; the poor   Proverbs 3:27-28; Proverbs 11:24-26; Proverbs 13:23; Proverbs 14:20-21,31; Proverbs 17:5; Proverbs 18:23; Proverbs 19:7,17; Proverbs 20:19; Proverbs 21:13,26; Proverbs 25:20; Proverbs 27:5-6,9-10,14,17; Proverbs 28:23.

How We Should Treat Our Fellow Man; our enemies   Proverbs 20:22; Proverbs 24:17-18,28-29; Proverbs 25:21-22.

Humility vs. Pride   Proverbs 3:5-7,34; Proverbs 11:2,27; Proverbs 13:10; Proverbs 14:3; Proverbs 15:25,33; Proverbs 16:5; Proverbs 18:11-12; Proverbs 20:18; Proverbs 21:4,24; Proverbs 22:4,18-19; Proverbs 25:6-7,27; Proverbs 26:12; Proverbs 27:1-2; Proverbs 28:11,13,25; Proverbs 29:23; Proverbs 30:32.

The Immoral Woman   Proverbs 2:16-19; Proverbs 5:1-23; Proverbs 6:23-35; Proverbs 7:1-27; Proverbs 9:13-18; Proverbs 22:14; Proverbs 23:26-28; Proverbs 30:20.

Introduction To Proverbs   Proverbs 1:1-7; Proverbs 25:1-2; Proverbs 31:1-2.

Kings And Rulers   Proverbs 14:28,34-35; Proverbs 16:8,10,12-15; Proverbs 17:7,26; Proverbs 18:5; Proverbs 19:6,10,12; Proverbs 20:2,8,26,28; Proverbs 21:1; Proverbs 22:11; Proverbs 23:1-2; Proverbs 24:21-22,24-25; Proverbs 25:2-7,15; Proverbs 28:2,12,15-16,28; Proverbs 20:2,4,8,12,14,16,26; Proverbs 31:3-9.

Laziness Vs. Diligence   Proverbs 6:6-11; Proverbs 10:4-5,26; Proverbs 12:11,24,27; Proverbs 13:4,11; Proverbs 14:23; Proverbs 15:19; Proverbs 16:26; Proverbs 18:9; Proverbs 19:15,24; Proverbs 20:4,13; Proverbs 21:5,25-26; Proverbs 22:13,29; Proverbs 24:30-34; Proverbs 26:13-16; Proverbs 27:18,23-27; Proverbs 28:19.

The Merry Heart   Proverbs 12:20; Proverbs 13:12; Proverbs 15:13,15,30; Proverbs 17:22; Proverbs 18:14; Proverbs 21:15; Proverbs 23:15-16,24-25; Proverbs 27:9; Proverbs 28:14; Proverbs 29:18.

Miscellaneous Proverbs   Proverbs 14:4,10,13; Proverbs 18:18; Proverbs 20:5-6,9,29; Proverbs 21:3; Proverbs 22:28; Proverbs 24:10,27; Proverbs 25:13,16,19-20; Proverbs 26:2,17; Proverbs 27:7,19,21; Proverbs 29:19,21.

Money   Proverbs 3:9-10; Proverbs 6:1-5; Proverbs 10:15; Proverbs 11:4,15-16,28; Proverbs 13:7-8,11,22; Proverbs 15:6,16,27; Proverbs 16:8; Proverbs 17:8,18,23; Proverbs 18:11,16,23; Proverbs 19:4,6,17; Proverbs 20:16,21; Proverbs 21:6,13-14,17,20,26; Proverbs 22:1-2,7,9,16,26-27; Proverbs 23:4-8; Proverbs 27:13,18,20; Proverbs 28:6,8,11,16,20,22,27; Proverbs 30:8-9.

Proverbs For Husbands And Wives   Proverbs 5:15-19; Proverbs 15:17; Proverbs 17:1; Proverbs 18:22; Proverbs 19:13-14; Proverbs 21:9,19; Proverbs 24:3-4; Proverbs 25:24; Proverbs 27:8,15-16; Proverbs 31:10-31.

Proverbs For Parents   Proverbs 3:11-12; Proverbs 13:24; Proverbs 19:18; Proverbs 20:7,11,30; Proverbs 22:6,15; Proverbs 23:13-14,24; Proverbs 24:3-4; Proverbs 29:15,17.

Proverbs For Youth: "Listen To Your Parents"   Proverbs 1:8-9; Proverbs 3:1-8,11-12,21-26; Proverbs 4:10-13,20-27; Proverbs 6:20-23; Proverbs 7:1-5; Proverbs 10:1; Proverbs 13:1; Proverbs 15:5,20; Proverbs 17:2,25; Proverbs 19:13,26-27; Proverbs 20:11,20; Proverbs 23:15-16,22,24-25; Proverbs 24:21-22; Proverbs 27:11; Proverbs 28:24; Proverbs 30:17.

Proverbs For Youth: "Watch Your Companionships"   Proverbs 1:10-19; Proverbs 2:10-20; Proverbs 3:31; Proverbs 4:14-27; Proverbs 13:20; Proverbs 14:7; Proverbs 18:24; Proverbs 21:16; Proverbs 23:17-23; Proverbs 24:1-2,19-20; Proverbs 25:26; Proverbs 28:7; Proverbs 29:3

Receiving Instruction Vs. Rejecting Reproof   Proverbs 9:7-9; Proverbs 10:8,17; Proverbs 11:14; Proverbs 12:1,15; Proverbs 13:1,10,13,18; Proverbs 14:6; Proverbs 15:5,10,12,22,31-33; Proverbs 16:21-23; Proverbs 17:10; Proverbs 18:15; Proverbs 19:16,20,25,27; Proverbs 20:18; Proverbs 21:11; Proverbs 22:10,17-21; Proverbs 23:9,12,23; Proverbs 24:5-6; Proverbs 25:12; Proverbs 28:4-5,9,14,23; Proverbs 29:1,18.

Reward Vs. Punishment   Proverbs 2:21; Proverbs 3:32-33,35; Proverbs 6:15; Proverbs 10:2-3,6-7,16,22,24-25,27-30; Proverbs 11:18-21,23; Proverbs 12:7,28; Proverbs 13:9,14-15,21; Proverbs 14:11,14,24,32; Proverbs 15:6,24; Proverbs 16:4-5,17,20; Proverbs 17:5,11,13,26; Proverbs 18:3; Proverbs 19:5,9,29; Proverbs 21:12,16,21; Proverbs 22:8; Proverbs 23:17-18; Proverbs 24:13-14,16,20-22; Proverbs 25:21-22; Proverbs 26:10,27; Proverbs 28:10,18,20; Proverbs 20:6,16.

The Righteous Man   Proverbs 10:2-3,9,16,24-25,27-30; Proverbs 11:3,5-8,10-11,18-19,23,30-31; Proverbs 12:2-3,5,7,10,12-13,21,26,28; Proverbs 13:5-6,9,22,25; Proverbs 14:2,11,14,19,32; Proverbs 15:6,8-9,28-29; Proverbs 16:8,17,31; Proverbs 21:8,12,15,18,21,29; Proverbs 22:5; Proverbs 14:15-16,24-25; Proverbs 15:26; Proverbs 28:1,4-5,10,18; Proverbs 29:6-7,10,16,27.

The Sayings Of Agur   Proverbs 30:1-33.

The Tongue In Proverbs: How Not To Use It   Proverbs 6:12; Proverbs 11:9,13; Proverbs 12:17,19,22; Proverbs 13:3; Proverbs 14:3,25; Proverbs 15:1,28; Proverbs 17:4,7,20,27-28; Proverbs 18:6-8,13; Proverbs 19:1,5,9; Proverbs 20:19; Proverbs 21:6,23; Proverbs 23:9; Proverbs 24:2; Proverbs 25:9-10,14,18,23; Proverbs 26:20-26,28; Proverbs 29:5,11,20.

The Tongue In Proverbs: How To Use It   Proverbs 10:11,13,14,20-21,31-32; Proverbs 12:6,13-14,18,25; Proverbs 13:2; Proverbs 15:1-2,4,7,23,26; Proverbs 16:24; Proverbs 18:4,20-21; Proverbs 20:15; Proverbs 22:11; Proverbs 23:16; Proverbs 24:26; Proverbs 25:11,15,25; Proverbs 27:9; Proverbs 28:23.

Trust In God Vs. Trust In Self/Man   Proverbs 3:5-7; Proverbs 14:12; Proverbs 16:1-3,9,20,25; Proverbs 18:2; Proverbs 19:21; Proverbs 20:22,24; Proverbs 21:30; Proverbs 22:17-19; Proverbs 28:25-26; Proverbs 29:25.

The Wicked Man   Proverbs 5:22-23; Proverbs 6:12-15; Proverbs 10:6-7; Proverbs 11:7; Proverbs 12:12-13; Proverbs 13:17; Proverbs 15:8-9; Proverbs 16:27-30; Proverbs 17:4,11,23; Proverbs 18:3; Proverbs 19:28; Proverbs 21:7-8,10,27,29; Proverbs 22:5; Proverbs 24:8-9,15-16,20; Proverbs 28:1.

Wine   Proverbs 20:1; Proverbs 23:20-21,29-35; Proverbs 31:4-7.

Wisdom   Proverbs 1:1,21-33; Proverbs 2:1-22; Proverbs 3:13-26; Proverbs 4:1-9; Proverbs 7:1-5; Proverbs 8:1-36; Proverbs 9:1-18; Proverbs 16:16; Proverbs 17:16,24; Proverbs 18:1-2; Proverbs 19:2,8; Proverbs 21:30; Proverbs 23:23; Proverbs 24:3,7,13-14; Proverbs 29:3.

The Wise Man In Proverbs   Proverbs 10:8,23; Proverbs 11:29; Proverbs 12:8-9,23; Proverbs 13:16; Proverbs 14:3,8,15-16,18,24,33; Proverbs 15:7,14,20-21,24; Proverbs 16:20,23; Proverbs 17:2,10; Proverbs 21:20,22; Proverbs 22:3; Proverbs 24:5,9; Proverbs 27:12; Proverbs 29:8,11,26.

Wise vs. Foolish   Proverbs 10:8,23; Proverbs 11:29; Proverbs 12:8-9,23; Proverbs 13:16; Proverbs 14:3,8,15-16,18,24,33; Proverbs 15:7,14,20-21,24; Proverbs 16:20,23; Proverbs 17:2,10.

Source: B.J. Clarke, The Sayings of Solomon (Pearls From the Proverbs), 2003 Power Lectures (Southaven church of Christ Power Publications, 2003), 731-793.


Studying Proverbs by Topic

Major Topical Themes in Proverbs

Avoiding Adultery in Proverbs

Proverbs 2:16-20; 5:1-23; 6:24-35; 7:1-27; 9:13-18; 22:14; 23:26-28; 29:3; 30:20; 31:2-3

Anger/Controlling Anger

Proverbs 15:1; 15:18; 16:32; 17:1; 17:14; 17:19; 17:27; 18:18-19; 19:11-12; 19:19; 20:3; 20:22

Proverbs 24:29; 25:21-22; 25:28; 27:4; 29:8-9; 29:11; 29:22; 30:32-33

Authority, Being Under

Proverbs 10:8; 10:17; 11:29; 12:1; 13:1; 13:18; 15:5; 15:10; 15:12; 15:31-32; 16:14-15; 17:2

Proverbs 17:10-11; 19:20; 19:27; 20:2; 20:6; 20:8; 20:11; 20:30; 21:1; 22:11; 25:2-7; 27:18

Authority, Insights for Exercising

Proverbs 12:24; 17:10-11; 20:6; 20:8; 20:30; 22:11; 25:2; 25:5; 28:21; 29:12; 29:19; 29:21


Proverbs 6:1-3; 17:18; 20:16; 22:7; 27:13; 22:26-27

Broken Relationships

Proverbs 6:16-19; 17:9; 17:14; 17:19; 18:1; 18:19

Business Relationships, Insights for

Proverbs 10:6-13; 10:18; 11:13; 12:5-6; 12:13; 12:15-18; 12:20-21; 12:23; 13:7; 13:16-17; 14:8; 14:16

Proverbs 16:27-30; 17:4; 17:9; 17:19-20; 17:24; 18:1-2; 18:23; 19:4; 19:6; 20:6; 20:8; 20:14; 20:19

Proverbs 20:28; 21:8; 21:29; 22:10-11; 23:1-3; 23:6-8; 25:5; 26:6; 26:10; 26:24-28; 28:21; 29:5

Proverbs 29:12; 29:19; 29:21

Children, for; concerning parents, family

Proverbs 1:8-9; 6:20-23; 10:1; 11:29; 13:1; 15:5; 15:20; 17:6; 17:17; 17:21; 17:25; 18:19

Proverbs 19:13-14; 19:26-27; 20:20; 22:15; 22:28; 23:22; 23:24-25; 27:8; 27:10; 28:7; 28:24; 29:3; 30:17

Companions & Friends

Proverbs 2:10-11; 2:20; 4:14-19; 13:20; 16:28; 17:12; 17:17; 18:24; 19:4; 19:6-7; 20:19; 22:24-25

Proverbs 23:17-21; 24:1-2


Proverbs 1:5; 11:14; 12:5: 12:15; 15:22; 19:20-21; 20:18; 25:5; 27:9; 29:12

Days of Trouble

Proverbs 6:1-5; 17:17; 24:10; 27:10


Proverbs 6:6-11; 10:4; 10:5; 10:26; 12:11; 12:24; 12:27; 13:4; 13:11; 14:4; 15:19; 16:26

Proverbs 17:2; 18:9; 19:15; 19:24; 20:4; 20:13; 21:5; 21:17; 21:25-26; 22:13; 22:29; 24:10

Proverbs 24:27; 24:30-34; 25:2; 25:13; 26:13-16; 27:23; 28:19; 30:24-28


Proverbs 20:1; 21:17; 23:20-21; 23:29-35; 31:4-7

Fear of the Lord, the

Proverbs 1:7; 1:29; 2:3-5; 3:7-8; 8:13; 9:10; 10:27; 14:2; 15:16; 15:33; 16:6; 19:23

Proverbs 22:4; 23:17-19; 24:21; 28:5; 28:14; 29:25-26


Proverbs 21:17; 23:20-21; 25:16; 27:7; 28:7

God Sees

Proverbs 5:21; 15:3; 15:11; 16:2; 17:3; 20:27; 21:2

Gossip & Slander

Proverbs 11:9; 12:6; 16:27-28; 17:5; 17:9; 18:6; 18:8; 19:1; 20:19; 22:10; 25:9-10; 25:23; 26:20-23


Proverbs 11:6; 12:12; 20:21; 21:5; 21:20; 21:20; 23:4; 27:20; 27:20; 28:20; 30:15-16


Proverbs 13:12; 13:19; 15:30; 17:22


Proverbs 10:12; 12:10

Heart, the / Human Spirit / Innermost Person

Proverbs 4:20-21; 4:23; 10:20; 12:20; 15:13; 15:15; 15:30; 16:1-2; 16:5; 16:21-23; 17:3; 17:22

Proverbs 18:12; 18:14; 19:3; 19:20; 20:5; 20:27; 21:1-2; 22:11; 23:12; 24:11-12; 24:17-18; 24:19-20

Proverbs 27:19; 28:14; 29:1


Proverbs 3:27-32; 10:2; 11:1; 13:3; 13:11; 14:2; 14:5; 15:27; 16:6; 16:8; 16:11; 17:2

Proverbs 17:8; 17:23; 20:21; 21:3; 21:6-8; 22:22-23; 24:23-26; 28:3; 28:6; 28:8; 31:8-9

Ill-gotten Gain

Proverbs 11:4; 11:16-18; 11:28; 13:11; 15:16; 15:27; 17:8; 20:17; 20:21; 21:5-7; 21:14; 28:6

Proverbs 28:8; 28:20


Proverbs 1:5; 12:15; 13:1; 13:10; 13:13; 17:4; 17:10; 18:1-2; 18:13; 20:5; 23:12

Lord, the

Proverbs 2:6-8; 3:3-4; 3:11; 5:21; 6:16-19; 15:3; 15:11; 15:29; 16:1-2; 16:9; 16:11; 16:33

Proverbs 17:3; 18:10; 18:24; 19:17; 19:21; 20:12; 20:22; 20:24; 20:27; 21:3; 21:30-31; 22:2

Proverbs 22:12; 24:17-18; 30:5-6


Proverbs 10:12; 12:10; 15:17; 17:9; 17:17; 27:5


Proverbs 17:17; 19:22; 20:6; 20:28; 21:21; 27:6; 27:10

Nation, Principles of a

Proverbs 28:2; 28:12; 28:15-17; 28:28; 29:2; 29:4; 29:12; 29:14; 29:16; 29:18

Parents, for

Proverbs 13:24; 14:1; 17:6; 19:18; 20:7; 22:6; 23:13-14; 29:15; 29:17

Plans/Planning, good & evil

Proverbs 4:26-27; 15:26; 16:2; 16:9; 16:25; 16:33; 19:2; 19:21; 20:22; 21:27; 24:8-9

Poor, Caring for the

Proverbs 10:15; 11:24-26; 13:23; 15:25; 17:5; 19:4; 19:7; 19:17; 21:13; 22:9; 22:16; 22:22-23

Proverbs 24:11-12; 28:3; 28:27; 31:8-9


Proverbs 11:2; 12:9; 13:10; 15:25; 15:33; 16:5; 16:18-19; 18:12; 21:4; 21:24; 22:4; 25:6-7

Proverbs 25:27; 26:12; 27:1-2; 28:11; 28:25; 29:23; 30:2-4; 30:21-23; 30:29-33; 31:30


Proverbs 15:10; 17:11; 18:1; 19:3


Proverbs 10:17; 12:1; 13:1; 13:18; 15:5; 15:10; 15:12; 15:31-32; 17:10; 19:20; 19:27; 20:30; 23:12


Proverbs 6:32-33; 9:7; 10:7; 20:11; 22:1; 27:14; 27:21

Sin & Confession

Proverbs 20:9; 28:13

Speech & Conversation

Proverbs 9:7-9; 10:10-11; 10:13-14; 11:9: 11:11; 11:13; 12:13-14; 12:16-19; 12:22-23; 12:25; 13:2-3; 14:3

Proverbs 14:3; 14:5; 15:1-2; 15:4; 15:7; 15:23; 15:26; 15:28; 16:1; 16:10; 16:13; 16:21

Proverbs 17:7; 17:9; 17:27-28; 18:4; 18:13; 18:17; 18:20-21; 20:3; 20:25 21:23; 22:11; 23:9

Proverbs 24:26; 25:8-10; 25:11-15; 25:20; 26:4-5; 26:17; 26:18-19; 28:23; 29:20

Those Not to Be Trusted

Proverbs 2:11-22; 3:31-32; 6:12-15; 10:6; 10:11-13; 10:18; 11:13; 12:15-18; 13:16; 16:27-30; 17:4; 17:9

Proverbs 17:11; 17:19-20; 17:24; 18:1-2; 20:14; 21:29; 22:10; 22:8; 22:26; 23:1-3; 23:6-9; 26:6

Proverbs 26:10; 26:24-28; 27:6; 29:5

Wife, the Right Woman

Proverbs 5:15-19; 11:16; 11:22; 12:4; 14:1; 18:22; 21:9; 21:19; 25:24; 27:15-16; 30:18-19; 31:10-31





Cause & Effect: How to Get What You Want God's Way


Proverbs 2:7; 6:6-8; 8:12-16; 11:5; 11:23; 12:24; 13:2; 13:13; 15:22; 16:3; 16:9; 16:12

Proverbs 16:20; 17:2; 17:20; 19:8; 19:21; 20:18; 20:24; 21:5; 21:22; 21:28; 21:30-31; 22:29

Proverbs 24:5-6; 24:27; 25:4-5; 25:15; 29:4; 29:14

God's Blessing

Proverbs 3:33-34; 4:23-27; 8:35; 10:6; 11:17; 11:31; 12:2; 12:12; 13:21; 14:14; 18:22; 22:9

Proverbs 25:21-22; 28:20

Connections & Access

Proverbs 18:16; 19:4; 19:6; 22:11; 22:29

Deliverance from evil

Proverbs 2:7-22; 6:20-24; 7:1-5; 10:19; 14:3; 18:10; 21:23; 22:5; 22:24-25


Proverbs 17:9; 27:6; 27:9-10


Proverbs 3:5-6; 4:11-12; 8:12-18; 11:3; 12:5 


Proverbs 3:13-18; 8:32-34; 12:14; 12:20; 14:21; 15:13; 15:15; 15:30; 16:20; 23:15-16

Happy Home

Proverbs 18:22; 19:14; 19:18; 20:7; 22:6; 22:15; 23:13-14; 27:11; 29:3; 29:15; 29:17; 31:10-31

Health & Longevity

Proverbs 3:7-8; 3:13-18; 4:10; 4:20-22; 9:11; 10:27; 14:30; 15:30; 16:17; 16:24; 17:22; 23:17-18

Proverbs 24:13-14; 28:16

Honor & Reputation

Proverbs 3:3-4; 3:13-18; 3:35; 4:7-9; 10:7; 11:16; 11:26-27; 12:8; 12:9; 13:15; 13:18; 14:35

Proverbs 15:33; 16:13; 17:28; 18:12; 20:11; 21:21; 22:4; 25:6-7; 25:13; 25:27; 27:18; 28:23

Proverbs 29:17; 31:25-31  


Proverbs 3:1-2; 3:13-18; 6:23; 8:35; 10:17; 11:19; 11:30; 12:28; 15:4; 16:15; 16:22; 18:21

Proverbs 19:23; 21:21; 22:4


Proverbs 3:13-18; 3:21-24

Pleasing God / Rightousness

Proverbs 8:12-18; 11:20; 12:2; 12:22; 14:31; 15:8-9; 20:30; 21:3; 21:21; 22:4

Prosperity / Material Needs

Proverbs 3:9-10; 8:12-21; 10:4; 11:24-25; 11:28; 12:11; 12:14; 12:27; 13:4; 13:11; 13:22; 13:25

Proverbs 14:23; 15:6; 15:16; 16:6-7; 16:26; 17:2; 19:17; 20:13; 22:4; 24:27; 27:18; 27:23-27

Proverbs 28:6; 28:19; 28:25; 28:27

Rescue from trouble

Proverbs 3:21-26; 11:6; 11:8; 11:15; 12:6-7; 12:13; 12:21; 13:3; 13:14; 15:24; 15:27; 19:16

Proverbs 20:22; 20:28; 22:3; 22:10; 27:12; 28:16  


Proverbs 1:33; 3:21-26; 10:25; 10:29-30; 12:3; 19:23; 28:26; 29:25

Wisdom & counsel

Proverbs 1:5-9; 1:23; 2:1-6; 11:2; 12:15; 13:1; 13:10; 13:20; 14:6-8; 14:18; 14:29; 14:33

Proverbs 15:14; 15:31-33; 16:16; 16:21; 17:24; 18:15; 19:20; 20:5; 20:18; 21:11; 22:17-21; 23:19

Proverbs 23:22-23; 24:13-14; 28:5; 29:15




The Cast of Characters in Proverbs


By Names

(Described by nouns, simple, the quality not dependant on another person or factor being involved)





Angry man, a person with great anger

Proverbs 19:19; 22:24-25; 29:22

Arrogant person 

Proverbs 21:24

Blameless, the / Those with blameless conduct

Proverbs 11:5; 11:20; 28:10

Borrower, the

Proverbs 22:7


Proverbs 17:17; 18:19


Proverbs 20:14

City, a

Proverbs 11:10-11

Contrary man

Proverbs 16:28

Counselors, advisers

Proverbs 11:14; 15:22; 24:5-6 

Crooked, the

Proverbs 22:5

Cruel man

Proverbs 11:17

Devious, the

Proverbs 3:32; 14:2


Proverbs 21:5

Discerning man

Proverbs 1:5; 10:13; 14:33; 15:14; 15:24; 16:21; 18:15; 19:25; 28:2; 28:11


Proverbs 14:14


Proverbs 31:8


Proverbs 23:20-21


Proverbs 17:6

Enemy, your, an

Proverbs 24:17-18; 25:21-22; 27:6

Entire Community

Proverbs 5:14

Evil ones, the evil man, evil doers

Proverbs 4:14; 14:19; 15:26; 17:11; 24:1-2; 24:19-20; 28:5; 29:6


Proverbs 28:20


Proverbs 23:10-11

Fathers/his father

Proverbs 4:1; 6:20; 19:13; 19:14; 22:28; 23:22-25; 29:3

Foolish ones, man

Proverbs 1:22; 14:7; 21:20; 27:12


Proverbs 1:7; 1:32; 3:35; 10:14; 10:21; 10:23; 11:29; 14:3; 14:8; 14:9; 14:16; 14:24

Proverbs 14:33; 15:2; 15:5; 15:7; 15:14; 16:22; 17:7; 17:10; 17:12; 17:16; 17:21; 17:24

Proverbs 17:28; 18:2; 18:6-7; 19:1; 19:10; 19:29; 20:3; 23:9; 24:7; 26:1; 26:3-12; 27:3

Proverbs 28:26; 29:11   


Proverbs 20:16


Proverbs 17:17; 18:24; 27:6; 27:9; 27:10


Proverbs 28:17

Generation that.., a

Proverbs 30:11-14

Generous person

Proverbs 11:25; 22:9


Proverbs 23:20-21

Good people, man

Proverbs 2:20; 14:14; 14:19; 15:3


Proverbs 11:13; 16:28; 17:9; 18:8; 20:19; 26:20; 26:22


Proverbs 17:6

Great, the

Proverbs 18:16; 25:6-7

Greedy man

Proverbs 28:22; 28:25


Proverbs 17:15; 18:5; 21:8; 24:23-25


Proverbs 14:18

Hateful person

Proverbs 26:23-26

Helpless people, a

Proverbs 28:15

Honest person

Proverbs 29:10

Honorable, the

Proverbs 10:29 

Hot-tempered man

Proverbs 29:22


Proverbs 27:27; 31:21

Humble, the

Proverbs 3:34; 16:19

Husband, her [of capable wife]

Proverbs 31:23; 31:28

Inexperienced, the

Proverbs 1:4; 1:32; 7:7; 8:5; 9:4; 9:16; 14:15; 19:25; 21:11; 22:3

Innocent person

Proverbs 17:26; 18:5; 21:8

Integrity, those of -or- the one who lives with

Proverbs 2:21; 10:9; 14:2; 19:1; 20:7; 28:18

Intelligent person

Proverbs 17:27

Isolates himself, one who

Proverbs 18:1


Proverbs 17:15

Keeps commands, one who

Proverbs 19:16

Kind man

Proverbs 11:17


Proverbs 14:28; 14:35; 16:10; 16:13-15; 19:12; 20:2; 20:8; 20:26; 20:28; 21:1; 22:11; 22:29

Proverbs 24:21-22; 25:2-3; 25:4-5; 25:6-7; 29:4; 29:14; 31:4-7

Knowledgeable person

Proverbs 28:2

Lacks sense, the one who

Proverbs 9:4; 9:16; 10:13; 24:30-34; 25:6-7


Proverbs 30:15-16


Proverbs 19:17; 22:7 

Liar/one with deceitful speech, lips

Proverbs 17:4; 17:20; 19:1; 26:18-19; 26:28

Malicious, the

Proverbs 10:29 


Proverbs 25:13; 30:10


Proverbs 5:13


Proverbs 1:22; 3:34; 9:7-8; 14:6; 15:12; 19:25; 19:29; 21:11; 21:24; 22:10; 24:9; 29:8


Proverbs 6:20; 23:22-25; 29:15


Proverbs 14:34


Proverbs 31:9; 31:20

Neighbor, your/his

Proverbs 3:29; 6:1; 6:3; 16:29; 21:10; 25:17; 27:10; 27:14


Proverbs 17:26; 25:6-7

Old men

Proverbs 20:29

Opponent, your

Proverbs 25:8-10


Proverbs 31:4-7; 31:9

Oppressed, the

Proverbs 15:15; 22:22-23


Proverbs 29:13

Patient person

Proverbs 14:29

People, a, any, the

Proverbs 14:34; 29:2; 29:18


Proverbs 14:6; 17:10; 17:24

Poor, the

Proverbs 10:15; 14:20; 18:23; 19:1; 19:4; 19:7; 19:17; 19:22; 21:13; 22:2; 22:7; 22:16

Proverbs 22:22-23; 28:3; 28:6; 29:7; 29:13; 29:14; 31:20


Proverbs 19:10

Proud/Everyone with a proud heart

Proverbs 15:25; 16:5; 16:19; 21:24

Quarrelsome man

Proverbs 26:21

Quick-tempered, hot-tempered man / does not control his temper

Proverbs 14:17; 14:29; 15:18; 22:24-25; 25:8


Proverbs 24:21-22


Proverbs 21:5


Proverbs 28:14

Rich man

Proverbs 10:15; 14:20; 18:11; 18:23; 22:2; 22:7; 22:16; 28:6; 28:11

Righteous, the

Proverbs 2:20; 9:9; 10:6; 10:11; 10:16; 10:20; 10:21; 10:24-25; 10:28; 10:30-32; 11:8-10; 11:23

Proverbs 11:28; 11:30-31; 14:19; 14:32; 15:6; 15:28-29; 18:10; 21:15; 21:18; 21:26; 24:15-16; 28:1

Proverbs 28:12; 28:28; 29:2; 29:6-7; 29:16; 29:27


Proverbs 14:28; 17:7; 19:6; 23:1-3; 25:15; 28:2; 29:12; 29:26


Proverbs 24:8

Sensible man     

Proverbs 14:8; 14:15; 14:18; 15:5; 22:3; 27:12


Proverbs 27:27; 29:12; 29:19; 30:10 


Proverbs 1:10; 11:31; 23:17-18

Skilled in his work, a man

Proverbs 22:29


Proverbs 6:9; 10:26; 15:19; 19:24; 20:4; 21:25-26; 22:13; 24:30-34; 26:13-16


Proverbs 19:10


Proverbs 4:1; 17:6


Proverbs 29:1


Proverbs 23:6-8


Proverbs 5:10; 6:1; 11:15; 20:16

Strong man

Proverbs 24:5-6


Proverbs 5:13

"The Other Woman"


Proverbs 6:26; 30:20

Another man's wife

Proverbs 6:29 

Evil woman

Proverbs 6:29

Forbidden woman

Proverbs 2:16; 5:3; 5:20; 7:5-27; 22:14; 23:26-28


Proverbs 5:10


Proverbs 6:26; 23:26-28


Proverbs 5:17; 6:24


Proverbs 31:3 


Proverbs 11:3; 11:6; 21:18; 22:12

Troubled heart

Proverbs 25:20

Trustworthy, the

Proverbs 11:13; 20:6; 25:13

Twisted minds, those with

Proverbs 11:20; 17:20;

Understanding, man of

Proverbs 10:23; 11:12; 15:21; 17:27; 20:5

Understands a matter, one who

Proverbs 16:20

Ungodly, the

Proverbs 11:9 

Unjust man

Proverbs 29:27

Unreliable person

Proverbs 25:19

Upright, the

Proverbs 2:21; 3:32; 11:3; 11:6; 11:11; 14:9; 14:11; 15:8; 15:19; 16:17; 21:18; 21:29

Proverbs 29:10; 29:27

Violent man/men, the

Proverbs 3:31; 11:16; 16:29 

Wicked, the

Proverbs 2:22; 4:14; 4:19; 5:22; 6:12; 10:6; 10:11; 10:16; 10:20; 10:24; 10:25; 10:27

Proverbs 10:28; 10:30; 11:5; 11:7; 11:8; 11:10; 11:11; 11:18; 11:21; 11:23; 11:31; 14:11

Proverbs 14:19; 14:32; 15:3; 15:6; 15:8; 15:9; 15:28; 15:29; 16:4; 17:4; 17:23; 18:3

Proverbs 19:28; 21:4; 21:7; 21:10; 21:12; 21:18; 21:27; 21:29; 24:15; 24:16; 24:19-20; 25:4-5

Proverbs 28:1; 28:4; 28:12; 28:28; 29:2; 29:7; 29:16; 29:27

Widow, the

Proverbs 15:25

Wise Man/Wise, whose heart is

Proverbs 1:5; 3:35; 9:8-9; 10:14; 11:29; 14:3; 14:16; 14:24; 15:2; 15:7; 16:21; 16:23

Proverbs 18:15; 21:11; 21:20; 21:22; 24:23-25; 29:8; 29:11

Without sense, one / Lacking Sense

Proverbs 7:7; 15:21; 17:18

Witness, dishonest, worthless, who utter lies / Perjurer

Proverbs 14:5; 14:25; 19:5; 19:9; 19:22; 19:28; 21:28; 25:18

Witness, honest, truthful

Proverbs 14:5; 14:25

Woman, foolish

Proverbs 14:1 

Woman, gracious

Proverbs 11:16

Woman, wise

Proverbs 14:1


Proverbs 16:26

Worthless person

Proverbs 6:12; 16:27

Young man / men

Proverbs 20:11; 20:29

Youth, the

Proverbs 7:7; 22:6; 22:15; 23:13-14; 29:15



The Cast of Characters Broken Down



(Complex, There isn't just one word for this kind of person, he or she is described using verbs; often other factors or persons are involved)



Acquires good sense, one who 

Proverbs 19:8

Answer, one who gives before he listens

Proverbs 18:13

Beautiful woman who rejects good sense

Proverbs 11:22

Big mouth, someone with

Proverbs 20:19

Bitter, one whose life is

Proverbs 31:4-7

Blesses his neighbor early in the morning, if one

Proverbs 27:14

Bloodguilt, man burdened by

Proverbs 28:17

Bloodthirsty man

Proverbs 29:10

Boasts about a gift that does not exist, the one who

Proverbs 25:14

Brings ruin on his household, the one who

Proverbs 11:29

Brother far away 

Proverbs 27:10

Brother, an offended

Proverbs 18:19

Brothers of a poor man

Proverbs 19:7

Builds a high threshold, one who

Proverbs 17:19

Chases fantasies, whoever

Proverbs 28:19

Children of man of integrity

Proverbs 20:7

Companion of gluttons

Proverbs 28:7

Compresses his lips, one who

Proverbs 16:30

Conceals an offense, whoever

Proverbs 17:9

Conceals hatred, the one

Proverbs 10:18

Conceals his sins

Proverbs 28:13

Confesses and renounces sins, whoever

Proverbs 28:13

Consorts with prostitutes

Proverbs 29:3

'Contributions' man who

Proverbs 29:4

Controls his lips, one who /

Guards his mouth & tongue

Proverbs 10:19; 21:23

Cool head, one who keeps

Proverbs 17:27

Cursed by the Lord, a man

Proverbs 22:14

Curses father or mother, whoever

Proverbs 20:20

Despises neighbor, one who

Proverbs 14:21

Despises obedience to mother

Proverbs 30:17

Despises poor, one who /

one who mocks the poor

Proverbs 14:31; 17:5

Destroys, a man who

Proverbs 28:24

Digs a pit, one who

Proverbs 26:27

Dishonestly, one who profits

Proverbs 15:27

Disregards his ways, one who

Proverbs 19:16 

Distorts right and wrong

Proverbs 28:6; 28:18

Eye that ridicules a father 

Proverbs 30:17

Father of a fool, the

Proverbs 17:21

First to state his case, the

Proverbs 18:17

Flattering mouth / flatters

Proverbs 26:28; 28:23; 29:5

Follows instruction, the one

Proverbs 10:17

Folly, the woman 

Proverbs 9:13-17

Fool when he is stuffed with food 

Proverbs 30:22

Friends of a poor man

Proverbs 19:7

Full, person who is

Proverbs 27:7

Gives freely, person

Proverbs 11:24 

Gives gifts, one who 

Proverbs 19:6

Gives to the poor

Proverbs 28:27

Guards his way, the one who

Proverbs 16:17; 22:5

Hardens his heart

Proverbs 28:14

Hastily, one who acts

Proverbs 19:2

Hates bribes, one who

Proverbs 15:27

Hates such agreements [putting up security],one who 

Proverbs 11:15

Hates unjust gain, one who

Proverbs 28:16

Hears you, the one who

Proverbs 25:8-10

Heeds correction, person who

Proverbs 15:5; 15:32

Hoards grain, anyone who

Proverbs 11:26

Honest answer, he who gives

Proverbs 24:26

Hungry, person who is

Proverbs 27:7

Increases wealth through excessive interest

Proverbs 28:8

Iniquity, those who practice

Proverbs 21:15

Injustice, one who sows

Proverbs 22:8

Kind to the needy / poor

Proverbs 14:31; 28:8

King at the head of his army

Proverbs 30:29-31

Land in rebellion, a

Proverbs 28:2

Law, those who keep

Proverbs 28:4; 29:18

Law, those who reject

Proverbs 28:4

Lazy, one who is truly in his work

Proverbs 18:9; 19:15

Leader who lacks understanding

Proverbs 28:16

Leader, destitute - who oppresses the poor

Proverbs 28:3

Leads the upright Into an evil way, one who

Proverbs 28:10

Leaves the path, one who

Proverbs 15:10

Led off to death, to slaughter, those being 

Proverbs 24:11-12 

Listens, one who

Proverbs 21:28

Looks after his master, whoever

Proverbs 27:18

Looks for trouble, someone

Proverbs 11:27  

Loves pleasure, one who

Proverbs 21:17

Loves pure heart and gracious lips, one who

Proverbs 22:11

Loves to offend, one who

Proverbs 17:19

Loves wisdom

Proverbs 29:3

Man who schemes

Proverbs 14:17

Man with a young woman, a

Proverbs 30:19

Man with many friends

Proverbs 18:24

Meddles in a quarrel, passerby who

Proverbs 26:17

Narrows his eyes, one who

Proverbs 16:30

Neighbor, whoever shows contempt for

Proverbs 11:12; 24:28

No voice, those who have

Proverbs 31:8

Offspring of the righteous 

Proverbs 11:21 

Plan evil, those who

Proverbs 14:22

Plan good, those who

Proverbs 14:22

Poor man who has discernment

Proverbs 28:11

Provokes a king, anyone who

Proverbs 20:2

Pursues righteousness and faithful love, the one who

Proverbs 21:21

Pursues righteousness, one who

Proverbs 15:9

Put up security for loans 

Proverbs 22:26-27; 27:13 

Rebukes, one who

Proverbs 28:23

Rejects correction, the one who / Hates Correction / Ignores instruction

Proverbs 10:17; 15:10; 15:32 

Rejoices over disaster, one who 

Proverbs 17:5

Rich, in a hurry to get

Proverbs 28:20

Righteous person who yields to the wicked

Proverbs 25:26 

Robs his father and mother

Proverbs 28:24

Ruler, wicked

Proverbs 28:15; 29:2

Safeguards understanding, one who

Proverbs 19:8

Searches for what is good, the one who

Proverbs 11:27

Seek the Lord, those who

Proverbs 28:5

Sells [grain], the one who 

Proverbs 11:26  

Servant, disgraceful

Proverbs 14:35

Servant, wise

Proverbs 14:35; 17:2

Servant when he becomes a king

Proverbs 30:22

Serving girl when she ousts her lady, a

Proverbs 30:23

Shows kindness to poor, whoever

Proverbs 14:21

Shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, the one who

Proverbs 21:13 

Slander, whoever spreads

Proverbs 10:18

Slave, pampered from youth

Proverbs 29:21

Slow to anger, a man

Proverbs 15:18

Son who gathers during summer

Proverbs 10:5 

Son who sleeps during harvest

Proverbs 10:5 

Son, discerning

Proverbs 28:7

Son, Foolish, disgraceful, shameful

Proverbs 10:1; 15:20; 17:2; 17:25; 19:13; 19:26

Son, Wise

Proverbs 10:1; 15:20

Son, your

Proverbs 19:18; 29:17

Son, my 

Proverbs 19:27

Sons, her [of capable wife]

Proverbs 31:28

Sows righteousness, one who

Proverbs 11:18 

Speaks too soon, a man

Proverbs 29:20

Staggers, whoever because of alcohol

Proverbs 20:1

Strays from the way of wisdom, the man who

Proverbs 21:16

Tends a fig tree, whoever 

Proverbs 27:18 


Proverbs 6:30

Thief's partner, a

Proverbs 29:24

Trusting in his riches

Proverbs 11:28  

Trusts in himself

Proverbs 28:26

Trusts in the Lord, one who

Proverbs 16:20; 28:25; 29:25 

Turns his ear away from hearing the Law, the one who 

Proverbs 28:9

Turns his eyes away [from the poor]

Proverbs 28:27

Unloved woman when she marries

Proverbs 30:23

Wandering from his home, a man

Proverbs 27:8

Whoever perverts his way

Proverbs 10:9

Wife of your youth

Proverbs 5:18

Wife, capable

Proverbs 31:10-31 

Wife, hot-tempered

Proverbs 21:19

Wife, nagging

Proverbs 19:13; 21:9; 21:19; 25:24; 27:15-16

Wife, sensible 

Proverbs 19:14

Wisdom, walks in

Proverbs 28:26

Wise warrior

Proverbs 24:5-6

Withholds what is right

Proverbs 11:24 

Works his land, whoever

Proverbs 28:19



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The Ultimate Question   1:1-3
Cyclical Nature of Life   1:4-11
Man's Search for Meaning   6:10-12


Mortality of Animals and Man   3:18-22
Mortality of Foolish and Wise   2:12-16
Mortality of Righteous and Wicked   9:1-3
Importance of the Present   9:4-10
The Unexpectancy of Death   9:11-12
Life's Meaning Inscrutable   8:16-17


Emptiness of Human Wisdom   1:12-18
Emptiness of Pleasure   2:1-3
Emptiness of Achievement   2:4-11
Emptiness of Labor   2:17-26
Emptiness of Human Condition   4:1-3
Emptiness of Accumulation   4:4-6
Emptiness of Unshared Lives   4:7-12
Emptiness of Politics   4:13-16
Emptiness of Wealth   5:8-20
Emptiness of Materialism   6:1-9
Emptiness of Prosperity   7:13-14
Emptiness of Defiance   8:2-6
Emptiness of Wickedness   8:7-13
Emptiness of Injustice   8:14-15
Emptiness of Strength   9:13-18


Proverbs of the Teacher   12:9-10
Proverbs About Wisdom, Folly, Rulers, and Diligence  7:7-12, 7:19-26, 10:1-11:6
Sayings of the Wise   12:11-12
Wisdom Comes From Sorrow   7:1-6
Danger of Extremism   7:15-18
Few Choose Wisdom   7:27-29
Enriching Nature of Wisdom   8:1


Purpose and Balance in Life   3:1-17
Advice to the Old and Young (much symbolism)   11:7-12:8
Where Life Finds Its Meaning   12:13-14

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The Desire for Love   1:1-4
The Country Maiden and the Jerusalem Women   1:5-6
The Shepherd and Shepherdess   1:7-8
The Beautiful Mare and the Fragnant Myrrh   1:9-14
Mutual Praise and Admiration   1:15-17
The Lily among the Thorns and the Apple Tree in the Forest   2:1-3
The Banquet Hall for the Love-Sick   2:4-5
The Double Refrain: Embracing and Adjuration   2:6-7
The Arrival of the Lover   2:8-9
The Season of Love and the Song of the Turtle-Dove   2:10-13
The Dove in the Clefts of En-Gedi   2:14
The Foxes in the Vineyard   2:15
Poetic Refrain: Mutual Possession   2:16-17
The Lost Lover is Found   3:1-4
The Adjuration Refrain   3:5
The Royal Wedding Procession   3:6-11
The Wedding Night: Praise of the Bride   4:1-7
The Wedding Night: Beautiful as Lebanon   4:8-11
The Wedding Night: The Delightful Garden   4:12-5:1
The Trials of Love: The Beloved's Dream of Losing Her Lover   5:2-7
The Triumph of Love: The Beloved Praises Her Lover   5:8-16
The Lost Lover Found   6:1-2
Poetic Refrain: Mutual Possession   6:3
The Renewal of Love   6:4-10
The Return to the Vineyards   6:11-12
The Love Song and Dance   6:13-7:6
The Palm Tree and the Palm Tree Climber   7:7-9
Poetic Refrain: Mutual Possession   7:10
The Journey to the Countryside   7:11-13
The Beloved's Wish Song   8:1-2
Double Refrain: Embracing and Adjuration   8:3-4
The Awakening of Love   8:5
The Nature of True Love   8:6-7
The Brothers' Plan and the Sister's Reward   8:8-10
Solomon's Vineyard and the Beloved's Vineyard   8:11-12
Epilogue: The Lover's Request and the Bride's Invitation   8:13-14

Return to Top of Page

Preface   1:1
A Rebellious Nation   1:2-9
Sin of Religious Formalism   1:10-17
The Choice: Repentance or Destruction   1:18-20
Sin of Injustice   1:21-26
Promise to Redeem Zion After Judgment   1:27-31
The Lord's Mountain: Prophecy of the Church   2:1-5
Sin of Idolatry   2:6-9
The Proud to Be Humbled in Judgment   2:10-17
Idols Cannot Save   2:18-21
Men Cannot Save   2:22
All Classes to Be Punished for Their Sins   3:1-7
Sin of the Leaders   3:8-15
Sin of the Women   3:16-4:1
The Branch of the Lord: The Messiah   4:2-6
The Parable of the Vineyard   5:1-7
Judah Guilty of Selfish Greed   5:8-10
Judah Guilty of Self-Indulgence   5:11-14
Judah Guilty of Arrogance   5:15-17
Judah Guilty of Mocking God   5:18-19
Judah Guilty of Perverting Morality Standards   5:20
Judah Guilty of Intellectual Pride   5:21
Judah Guilty of Drunkenness   5:22
Judah Guilty of Loss of Integrity   5:23
The Anger of God   5:24-25
Destructive Forces Summoned   5:26-30
Isaiah's Cleansing and Commission   6:1-13
Aram and Israel Try to Attack Judah   7:1-2
God's Answer in Behalf of His People   7:3-9
The Sign of Immanuel   7:10-16
Trials to Come for Judah   7:17-25
Syria and Israel to Fall   8:1-10
Call to Trust God   8:11-18
Others Cannot Be Trusted   8:19-22
Savior's Kingdom Coming   9:1-7
The Lord's Anger Against Samaria's Pride   9:8-12
The Lord's Anger Against Israel's Hypocrisy   9:13-17
The Self Destructiveness of Sin   9:18-21
Anger Against Injustice   10:1-4
God's Club of Judgment in Turn to Be Judged   10:5-19
The Remnant of Israel to Be Saved   10:20-23
God Will Destroy Assyria   10:24-34
The Branch's Righteous Reign Over A Peaceful Kingdom   11:1-9
The Restored Remnant   11:10-16
Song of Praise for God's Salvation   12:1-6
Prophecy Against Babylon   13:1-22
Consolation for Israel   14:1-2
A Taunt for Babylon's King   14:3-23
Prophecy Against Assyria   14:24-27
Prophecy Against the Philistines   14:28-32
Prophecy Against Moab: Her Destruction   15:1-9
Prophecy Against Moab: Her Pride and Fall   16:1-14
Damascus and Samaria to Be Crushed   17:1-3
Survival of a Idol-Hating Remnant   17:4-8
The Imminent Horrors of Destruction   17:9-14
Prophecy Against Cush (Ethiopia)   18:1-7
Prophecy About Egypt: Her Doom   19:1-15
God's People Will Triumph Over Egypt   19:16-18
Egypt Will Acknowledge God   19:19-22
Egypt, Assyria, Israel to Be Spiritually Restored   19:23-25
Isaiah's Nakedness a Sign to Egypt and Cush (Ethiopia)   20:1-6
Prophecy Against Babylon: Defeat by Medo-Persia   21:1-10
Prophecy Against Dumah (Edom)   21:11-12
Prophecy Against Arabia   21:13-17
Heedless of Warning, Jerusalem to Fall   22:1-14
Corrupt Shebna to Be Replaced With Eliakim   22:15-25
Prophecy About Tyre: Her Fall   23:1-14
Prophecy About Tyre: Her Restoration in 70 Years   23:15-18
Universal Judgment for Universal Sin   24:1-23
Praise to the Lord for Past Judgments   25:1-5
Praise for Salvation Yet to Come   25:6-12
Those Who Trust and Whose Minds Stay on God Have Perfect Peace   26:1-6
Commitment of Believers   26:7-9
Condemnation of Wicked   26:10-11
The One God   26:12-13
Eternal Death of the Wicked   26:14-15
The Struggles and Resurrection of the Righteous   26:16-19
Destruction of the Wicked   26:20-27:1
Vineyard to Be Restored   27:2-13
Samaria Like Fading Wreath   28:1-6
Spiritual Leaders Judged   28:7-13
Justice is Coming   28:14-22
Reasonable Punishment: A Farming Parable   28:23-29
Jerusalem Will Fall   29:1-4
Sudden Destruction of Jerusalem's Foes   29:5-8
Understanding is Lost   29:9-12
Worship is Meaningless   29:13
Man's Wisdom Fails   29:14-16
Understanding Will Come   29:17-21
Spiritual Reawakening   29:22-24
Folly in Relying on Egypt to No Avail   30:1-7
Rebellious Judah to Be Crushed   30:8-14
God is Strength   30:15-18
God Will Restore Nation   30:19-26
Assyria Will Be Punished   30:27-33
Folly of Reliance on Egypt   31:1-3
God Will Punish Assyria   31:4-9
Kingdom of Righteousness   32:1-2
No Place for Wicked   32:3-8
Sins of the Women   32:9-11
Blessings Will Return   32:12-20
Treacherous Gentiles to Be Spoiled   33:1-4
God is Exalted and Feared   33:5-6
Judah's Distress Described   33:7-9
Prediction of God's Vengeance and Justice   33:10-16
Promise of Safety and Joy Under the Messiah   33:17-24
Judgment Against the Nations   34:1-4
Judgment Against Edom as an Example   34:5-17
Rejoicing of the Saved   35:1-10
Assyria Invades Judah, Threatens Jerusalem   36:1-22
Hezekiah Consults Isaiah   37:1-4
God's First Assurance of Deliverence   37:5-7
Field Commander Withdraws   37:8
Sennacherib's Blasphemous Challenge   37:9-13
Hezekiah's Prayer   37:14-20
God's Second Answer: Sennacherib Will Be Crushed   37:21-35
185,000 Assyrians Stuck Dead; Sennacherib Assassinated   37:36-38
Illness and Fifteen More Years for Hezekiah   38:1-8
Hezekiah's Psalm   38:9-20
How Hezekiah was Healed   38:21-23
Hezekiah's Foolish Pride to the Envoys of Babylon   39:1-8
Punishment Completed   40:1-2
The Coming Messiah   40:3-5
Life is Fragile, But the Word of God Stands Forever   40:6-8
The Lord GOD: Judah's Loving Shepherd   40:9-11
The Infinite Wisdom and Power of God   40:12-14
Vulnerability of Nations   40:15-17
Contrast Between Idols and the Living God   40:18-26
Man's Strength in God   40:27-31
God's Providence Based on Omnipotence   41:1-4
God's Chosen Servant, An Instrument of His Providence   41:5-10
Nothing to Fear   41:11-16
Needs to Be Provided   41:17-20
Idols Cannot Provide   41:21-24
False Prophets Fail   41:25-29
Messiah Brings Justice   42:1-4
New Kingdom for All   42:5-7
Preview of God's Plans   42:8-9
Song of Praise to the Lord   42:10-13
New Kingdom for Believers   42:14-17
Israel Blind and Deaf   42:18-22
Punishment Not Understood   42:23-25
Israel Redeemed and Restored by the Lord's Love   43:1-7
Israel is God's Witness to the World   43:8-13
Babylon to Fall   43:14-15
The Past is Past   43:16-21
God Forgives Israel   43:22-25
Need for Forgiveness   43:26-28
Spirit to Be Given   44:1-5
The Lord Can Not Be Compared to Idols   44:6-8
The Folly of Worshipping Idols   44:9-20
Israel to Be Redeemed and Sins Swept Away   44:21-23
The Prophecy of Cyrus, 150 Years in the Future   44:24-28
Promise of Victory to Cyrus   45:1-7
Abundant Restoration   45:8
God's Right to Use Cyrus   45:9-13
Egyptians and Idolaters Will Know God   45:14-25
Babylon's Helpless Idols and the True God   46:1-7
Power Seen in Restoration   46:8-13
Judgment Against Merciless Babylon   47:1-7
Babylon's False Security and Wickedness   47:8-11
Helplessness of Babylon to Avert Her Fall   47:12-15
Sin-Fulfilled Prophecies About Stubborn Israel   48:1-6a
Reason for Prophecies   48:6b-11
God To Send Cyrus Against Babylon   48:12-15
Israel Must Listen Now   48:16-19
Redemption for the Righteous   48:19-22
Messiah as what Israel was Meant to Be   49:1-4
Messiah will Minister to Israel and be Light to the Nations   49:5-7
God's Deliverence and Care of His Redeemed   49:8-13
Zion Assured of God's Continuing Love   49:14-21
Captors Will Honor Exiles   49:22-23
Deliverance Promised   49:24-26
The Lord Separated From Wife, Israel, by Sin   50:1-3
Obedient Response of the Servant (true Israel)   50:4-9
Exhortation to Trust the Lord   50:10-11
God's Mercy on Abraham Bestowed on His Descendents   51:1-3
Trust in the Eternal Creator, Don't Fear Men   51:4-8
Prayer that God Will Again Deliver Israel   51:9-11
No Need to Fear   51:12-16
God's Wrath Will Pass   51:17-23
God Will Restore Jerusalem for His Own Glory   52:1-2
Exile Distasteful to God   52:3-6
Joy of Restoration   52:7-10
Purity of Restoration   52:11-12
The Servant's Amazing Exaltation Through Humiliation   52:13-15
The Servant as Seen by Man: Despised and Rejected   53:1-3
The Servant as Seen by God: The Redeemer   53:4-6
His Death as Seen by Man: Tragic Failure   53:7-9
His Death as Seen by God: Glorious Success   53:10-12
Captive Israel Multiplied and Enlarged   54:1-3
The Lord's Exiled Wife Restored   54:4-8
Covenant as with Noah   54:9-10
Jerusalem's Future Security   54:11-17
Splendor of Restoration   55:1-5
Seek the Lord and His Ways, Which are Not Like Man's Ways   55:6-9
Certainty of Restoration   55:10-13
Seek Righteousness, For the Lord's Salvation is Near   56:1-2
Promised Blessing on Believing Foreigners and Eunuchs   56:3-5
Believing Gentiles Included in God's People   56:6-8
Israel's Wicked Prophets   56:9-12
Heavenly Reward of Persecuted Believers   57:1-2
Restoration Not for Wicked   57:3-13
Restoration for Contrite   57:14-21
Emptiness of Fasting   58:1-5
True Fasting and its Reward   58:6-12
The Reward for Keeping the Sabbath   58:13-14
Iniquity Keeps Israel from God's Deliverance   59:1-8
Israel's Confession of Sins   59:9-15a
God Intervenes to Redeem Zion   59:15b-20
Promise of the Spirit   59:21
The Future Glory of Zion   60:1-14
Prosperity and Peace   60:15-22
Isaiah's Mission to Comfort   61:1-3a
The Message of Hope   61:3b-9
Song of Praise for God's Redemptive Love   61:10-11
God's Promise to Honor Zion as a Wife   62:1-5
Zion to Pray Continually and Will Have Rest From Her Enemies   62:6-9
God's Favor on His Holy People   62:10-12
God's Wrath on Zion's Foes   63:1-6
Kindness to Righteous   63:7-9
Wrath Against Rebellious   63:10
God's Deliverance in Moses' Day   63:11-14
Chastened Judah Appeals to God as Father/Redeemer   63:15-19
Zion's Prayer to God   64:1-12
Retribution on Idolatrous, Hypocritical Israel   65:1-7
Salvation of Remnant   65:8-10
No Mercy for Unrepentant   65:11-12
Obedient Blessed, Disobedient Punished   65:13-16
New Heavens and New Earth   65:17-25
God's Majesty and Power to the Humble and Contrite   66:1-2
God's Enemies Will Fall   66:3-6
Deliverence on the Believing Remnant in Jerusalem   66:7-14
The Wicked Consigned to Judgment   66:15-17
Survivors to Be Evangelists   66:18-21
Heaven for the Righteous, Eternal Fire for the Wicked   66:22-24

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Preface   1:1-3
Jeremiah's Call   1:4-5
Jeremiah's Reluctance and God's Reassurance   1:6-10
Vision of Almond Branch   1:11-12
Vision of Boiling Pot   1:13-16
God-Given Strength for the Ministry   1:17-19
Israel Early Fidelity As a Loving Bride   2:1-3
No Cause for Infidelity   2:4-8
Idolaters More Faithful   2:9-12
Living Water Forsaken   2:13
Israel's Reliance on Foreign Alliances (not on God)   2:14-19
Vine Became Corrupt   2:20-22
Lust for Foreign Gods   2:23-25
Idols So Powerless   2:26-29
God Has Not Forgotten   2:30-32
Sins are Denied   2:33-35
Foreigners Will Disappoint   2:36-37
Israel's Harlotry   3:1-5
Judah Ignores Warning   3:6-10
Israel Invited to Return   3:11-22a
Israel's Confession   3:22b-25
Conditions for Return   4:1-2
Judah Called to Repent   4:3-4
Impending Fall to Babylon   4:5-9
Jeremiah Questions God   4:10
God's Answer   4:11-12
Adversary is Coming   4:13-17
Jeremiah's Agony   4:18-21
Judah's Foolishness   4:22
Disasterous Consequences   4:23-29
Judah to Be Betrayed   4:30-31
Dishonesty Rules Jerusalem   5:1-2
Even Leaders Unfaithful   5:3-6
A Lustful Nation   5:7-9
Punishment for Infidelity   5:10-11
False Prophets Lie   5:12-13
Adversary Will Devour   5:14-17
Meaning for Punishment   5:18-19
People Should Fear God   5:20-25
Injustice Prevails   5:26-29
People Support Leaders   5:30-31
Siege of Jerusalem   6:1-8
Everyone in Jeopardy   6:9-12
Leaders Deceive   6:13-14
Sinners Unashamed   6:15
Ancient Paths Ignored   6:16-21
Cruelty of Adversary   6:22-26
Judah as Impure Metal   6:27-30
False Trust in the Temple   7:1-11
Temple to Be Destroyed like Shiloh   7:12-15
Idolaters Harm Themselves   7:16-20
Israel Always Stubborn   7:21-26
Jeremiah to Be Rejected   7:27-29
The Valley of Slaughter   7:30-34
Bones to Be Scattered Like Dung   8:1-3
Jerusalem Refuses to Return   8:4-7
Scribes Have Mishandled Law   8:8-9
Leaders Again Rebuked   8:10-12
Deprivation Coming   8:13
Destruction for Sins   8:14-17
Jeremiah's Sorrow   8:18-9:2
Nation of Liars   9:3-9
Thoroughness of Destruction   9:10-11
Reason for Destruction   9:12-16
Weeping in Zion   9:17-22
Proper Boasting   9:23-24
Circumcision No Guarantee   9:25-26
Impotence of Idols   10:1-5
Idols Compared With God   10:6-10
God Created Universe   10:11-13
Idols Created By Man   10:14-16
Captivity is Coming   10:17-22
Prayer Against Nations   10:23-25
The Covenant Is Broken   11:1-5
Covenant's Curses Invoked   11:6-8
Idolatry Broke Covenant   11:9-13
Too Late to Pray   11:14
Paganism Provokes Anger   11:15-17
Plot Against Jeremiah   11:18-23
Jeremiah Questions the Lord's Justice   12:1-4
God's Answer   12:5-13
A Message for Israel's Neighbors   12:14-17
A Linen Belt as a Sign   13:1-11
Warning of Wineskins   13:12-14
Threat of Captivity   13:15-17
Jehoichin to Be Exiled   13:18-19
Allies Will Be Captors   13:20-21
Sins Are the Cause   13:22-27
Destruction Like Drought   14:1-6
How Judah Will Pray   14:7-9
Prayers are Useless   14:10-12
Jeremiah's Question   14:13
God's Response   14:14-18
Prayer of the Just   14:19-22
Sentence Already Passed   15:1-2
Four Executions   15:3-4
Compassion Prevented   15:5-9
Jeremiah Feels Pressure   15:10
God Reassures   15:11
The Disaster Specified   15:12-14
Jeremiah Complains   15:15-18
God Chastises Jeremiah   15:19-21
Jeremiah Told Not to Marry, Lest His Children Die   16:1-4
Jeremiah Told Not to Mourn   16:5-7
Jeremiah Told Not to Feast   16:8-9
Message to Be Preached   16:10-13
Hope Despite the Disaster   16:14-18
Jeremiah's Prayer of Confidence   16:19-21
God's Judgment on Judah's Idolatry   17:1-4
Trusting Men vs. Trusting the Lord   17:5-8
The Deceitful Heart that Only God Knows   17:9-11
Plea for Swift Execution   17:12-18
Keeping the Sabbath Holy   17:19-27
The Potter and the Clay   18:1-17
Conspiracy Against Jeremiah   18:18
Jeremiah's Anger   18:19-23
The Parable of the Broken Jug About Topeth   19:1-13
Jeremiah Foretells Disaster on Jerusalem   19:14-15
Jeremiah Beaten and Imprisoned by Pashhur   20:1-2
Judgment Against Pashhur   20:3-6
Jeremiah Feels Betrayed   20:7-10
Jeremiah Praises God   20:11-13
Jeremiah's Lament of Self-Pity   20:14-18
Zedekiah Inquires of Fate   21:1-2
Famine, Plague, and Sword   21:3-7
Choice of Surrender   21:8-10
Righteousness Paramount   21:11-14
Judgment Against Evil Kings   22:1-9
Prophecy About Jeroahaz   22:10-12
Jehoiakim's Death Seen   22:13-19
Warning to Jerusalem   22:20-23
Jehoiachin Will Be Permanently Exiled   22:24-30
Regathering of Remnant   23:1-4
The Righteous Branch   23:5-6
Restoration Will Be Witness   23:7-8
Attack Against Prophets   23:9-24
Dreams are Delusions   23:25-32
False Oracles   23:33-40
Two Baskets of Figs   24:1-10
Reminder of Rejection   25:1-7
Captivity to Be 70 Years   25:8-11
Babylonia Will Fall   25:12-14
Cup of God's Wrath   25:15-26
Judgment Against Nations   25:27-32
Severity of the Judgment   25:33-38
Jeremiah's Temple Speech   26:1-6
The People's Reaction   26:7-19
Uriah has Worse Fate   26:20-23
Jeremiah Released   26:24
Jeremiah to Wear Yoke   27:1-3
Meaning to the Nations   27:4-11
Meaning to Judah   27:12-15
Fate of Temple Articles   27:16-22
Hananiah Confronts, Contradicts Jeremiah   28:1-17
A Letter to the Exiles   29:1-23
Message to Shemaiah   29:24-32
Restoration Promises   30:1-3
God Will Bring Exile to End   30:4-11
God Will Heal Zion's Wounds   30:12-17
Restoration of the Land   30:18-22
The Wrath of God   30:23-24
God's Relationship with His People   31:1-6
God's People Brought Home   31:7-14
Lament Turned to Joy   31:15-20
Repentance and Restoration   31:21-26
Israel and Judah to Be Repopulated   31:27-28
The New Covenant with Israel and Judah   31:29-34
Personal Accountability   31:29-30
A New Covenant   31:31-34
The Lord Guarantees Israel's Continuance   31:35-37
A Lasting and Enlarged Jerusalem   31:38-40
Jeremiah in Prison   32:1-5
Jeremiah Buys a Field   32:6-12
Life Will Go On   32:13-15
Jeremiah Praises God   32:16-25
Charge Against Jerusalem   32:26-35
Promise of Restoration   32:36-41
Business Will Revive   32:42-44
Second Warning   33:1-5
Second Promise   33:6-9
Joy Will Return   33:10-11
Properity Will Return   33:12-13
Righteous Branch of David   33:14-16
Spiritual Leadership   33:17-18
Certainty of the Promise   33:19-22
Israel in the New Kingdom   33:23-26
Zedekiah to Be Captive   34:1-3
Zedekiah Not to Be Killed   34:4-5
Jeremiah Informs Zedekiah   34:6-7
Hebrew Slaves Retaken   34:8-11
Law Violated   34:12-16
Fate of Covenant Breakers   34:17-20
Punishment for Judah   34:21-22
The Obedient Recabites   35:1-11
Message for Judah   35:12-17
Recabites Blessed   35:18-19
Baruch Reads in the Temple a Scroll Dictated by Jeremiah   36:1-10
Scroll Read in the Palace   36:11-19
King Jehoiakim Destroys Scroll   36:20-26
Judgment against Jehoiakim, Second Scroll Written   36:27-32
Zedekiah a Puppet King   37:1
Zedekiah's Character   37:2
Future Fate Sought   37:3-5
Babylonians Will Return   37:6-10
Jeremiah's Imprisioned   37:11-16
Zedekiah Warned Again   37:17
Limited Release   37:18-21
Officials Conspire: Jeremiah Thrown Into Cistern   38:1-13
Zedekiah Asks Privately   38:14-16
Zedekiah's Options   38:17-18
Zedekiah Fears Surrender   38:19-23
Conversation Kept Secret   38:24-27
House Arrest Continues   38:28
The Siege and Fall of Jerusalem   39:1-8
Further Deportations Begin   39:9-10
Jeremiah Saved   39:11-14
Assurance for Ebed-Melech the Cushite (Ethiopian)   39:15-18
Details of Redemption   40:1-5
Jeremiah With Those Left   40:6
Gedaliah Welcomes Officers at Mizpah   40:7-10
Remnant Harvests Fruits   40:11-12
Warning Against Ishmael   40:13-16
Gedaliah Assassinated   41:1-3
Seventy Murdered   41:4-9
People of Mizpah Taken   41:10
Johanan Rescues   41:11-15
Fear of Babylonians   41:16-18
Jeremiah is Asked About Direction   42:1-4
Promise of Compliance   42:5-6
Jeremiah Tells the Remnant to Stay   42:7-18
Warning Against Flight   42:19-22
Jeremiah Called Liar   43:1-3
Remnant Led Away   43:4-7
Prophecy Against Egypt   43:8-13
Egyptian Hebrews Warned   44:1-14
People's Imprudent Response   44:15-19
Paganism Judah's Downfall   44:20-23
Judgment Against Idolaters   44:24-28
Pharaoh's Fate a Sign   44:29-30
A Comforting Message for Baruch   45:1-5
Nebuchadnezzar Will Crush Pharaoh in Carchemish   46:1-12
Nebuchadnezzar Will Ravage Memphis and Thebes   46:13-26
Israel Will Be Restored, Her Enemies Destroyed   46:27-28
Philistia to Be Destroyed   47:1-7
Moab Will Be Destroyed   48:1-47
Ammon to Be Taken Captive   49:1-6
Edom Will Be Devastated and Dispossessed   49:7-22
Damascus Will Be Destroyed   49:23-27
Kedar and Hazor to Be Ravaged by Nebuchadnezzar   49:28-33
Elam Will Be Dispersed, Ruler Slain, Remnant Returned   49:34-39
Judgment Against Babylon   50:1-3
Judah's God Will Bring Exile to End   50:4-10
Babylon Will Be Disgraced   50:11-13
Babylon's Enemies Encouraged   50:14-16
Nebuchadnezzar to Be Punished   50:17-18
Israel and Judah to Be Forgiven   50:19-20
Enemies Called to War   50:21-30
Arrogance Causes Defeat   50:31-32
Israel and Judah's Redeemer Strong   50:33-34
Babylon's Coming Desolation   50:35-40
Enemies From the North   50:41-46
Israel Not Forsaken   51:1-5
Joy of Captives' Release   51:6-10
Medes Will Subdue Babylon   51:11-14
God's Creative Power   51:15-16
Idols are Powerless   51:17-19
Israel as God's Instrument   51:20-23
Completeness of Destruction   51:24-26
Strength of the Medes   51:27-33
Vengeance on Nebuchadnezzar   51:34-35
Babylon's Great Fall   51:36-44
Prepare for Return   51:45-50
God's Retribution   51:51-58
Message Given to Seraiah   51:59-64a
End of Jeremiah's Ministry   51:64b
A Summary of Zedekiah's Reign   52:1-3a
Rebellion Against Babylon   52:3b
The Siege and Fall of Jerusalem   52:4-11
The Temple and City Plundered and Burned   52:12-23
The People Taken Captive to Babylonia   52:24-30
Jehoiachin Released From Babylonian Prison   52:31-34

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The Prophet Describes Jerusalem's Devastation   1:1-9a
Jerusalem Personified Cries Out to God   1:9b
The Prophet Attests to the Success of the Enemy   1:10-11a
Jerusalem Expresses Her Sorrows   1:11b-16
The Prophet Attests to Jerusalem's Suffering   1:17
Jerusalem Prays for Relief and Revenge   1:18-22
The Prophet Attests to God's Fury, Urges Jerusalem to Pray   2:1-19
Jerusalem Asks God to See and Act   2:20-22
The Prophet Shares Jerusalem's Affliction   3:1-18
The Prophet Hopes for God's Mercy and Vengeance   3:19-66
The Prophet Speaks of Starvation in All Classes   4:1-16
The People of Jerusalem's Lament   4:17-22
The People of Jerusalem's Prayer for Mercy   5:1-22

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God's Hand on Ezekiel   1:1-3
Vision of the Four Creatures   1:4-24
Appearance of God   1:25-28
God Calls Ezekiel   2:1-2
Ezekiel's Mission Told   2:3-7
Ezekiel Eats Scroll   2:8-3:3
Difficulty of Mission   3:4-11
Vision Ends   3:12-13
Ezekiel Stunned   3:14-15
Accountability of Ministry Like a Watchman   3:16-21
The Commission to Confinement   3:22-27
Siege of Jerusalem Symbolized   4:1-3
The Punishment Symbolized   4:4-8
The Consequences of the Siege Symbolized   4:9-17
The Death in Jerusalem Symbolized   5:1-4
Jerusalem's Fate Due to Idolatry   5:5-17
The High Places to Be Destroyed   6:1-7
A Remnant to Be Preserved   6:8-10
Lament Over the Fall of Jerusalem   6:11-14
The Disaster in the Land   7:1-13
Desolation of the People Within and Without   7:14-19
Judgment for Profaning of the Holy Places   7:20-27
The Background of the Temple Idolatry   8:1-4
The Image of Jealousy   8:5-6
The Worship of Idols and Pictures   8:7-13
The Worship of Tammuz   8:14-15
The Worship of the Sun   8:16-18
Idolaters Slaughtered   9:1-11
The Glory Departs From the Temple   10:1-22
Judgment on Israel's Corrupt Leaders   11:1-13
Restoration of Israel With New Spirit and Hearts   11:14-21
Ezekiel Returned to the Captives in Babylonia   11:22-25
The Exile's Baggage Symbolized   12:1-16
Israel's Anxiety Symbolized   12:17-20
A Deceptive Proverb Stopped   12:21-25
Immediacy of Fulfillment   12:26-28
False Prophets Condemned   13:1-16
False Prophetesses Condemned   13:17-23
Idolatrous Elders and Hypocrisy Condemned   14:1-5
Repentance Urged   14:6-11
Noah, Daniel, and Job Cannot Save the City   14:12-23
Jerusalem, A Useless Vine   15:1-8
An Allegory of Unfaithful Jerusalem   16:1-63
The Parable of a Vine and Two Eagles   17:1-10
The Parable Explained   17:11-24
The Soul Who Sins Will Die   18:1-4
The Righteous Man Lives   18:5-9
The Wicked Son of the Righteous Man Dies   18:10-13
The Righteous Son of a Wicked Man Lives   18:14-20
The Wicked Who Repent Lives   18:21-24
The Way of the Lord is Just   18:25-29
The Command to Repent   18:30-32
A Lament Over Jehoahaz   19:1-4
A Lament Over Jehoiachin   19:5-9
A Lament Over Zedekiah   19:10-14
History of Israel's Rebelliousness   20:1-29
Present Rebelliousness   20:30-32
God to Judge and Purge Israel   20:33-39
God to Show Mercy on the Obedient   20:40-44
Prophecy Against The South   20:45-49
The Sword of Judgment   21:1-17
The Sword Wielded by Babylon   21:18-24
Warning to Zedekiah   21:25-27
Ammonites Share Fate   21:28-32
The Indictment of the City of Bloodshed   22:1-16
Jerusalem as God's Furnace of Wrath   22:17-22
Indictment Extended to All Classes   22:23-31
Whoredom of Ohoiah (Samaria) and Oholibah (Jerusalem)   23:1-49
The Siege Announced   24:1-2
Parable of the Cooking Pot   24:3-14
Ezekiel's Wife Dies   24:15-27
Prophecy Against Ammon   25:1-7
Prophecy Against Moab   25:8-11
Prophecy Against Edom   25:12-14
Prophecy Against Philistia   25:15-17
A Prediction of Tyre's Doom by Babylon   26:1-14
Lament of the Princes of the Sea   26:15-18
Tyre to Go Down Into the Pit   26:19-21
A Lament for Tyre   27:1-36
Prophecy Against the King of Tyre   28:1-10
King's Satanlike Rule   28:11-19
Sidon to Perish by Pestilence and Sword   28:20-23
The Recovery of the House of Israel   28:24-26
Pharaoh's Sin of Pride   29:1-5
Egypt's Judgment   29:6-8
The Desolation and Restoration of Egypt   29:9-16
Siege of Tyre, Nebuchadnezzer to Receive Egypt   29:17-21
The Lord's Vengance on Egypt   30:1-5
The Fall of Egypt's Supporters   30:6-9
The Coming of Nebuchadnezzer   30:10-12
The Vengence of the Lord on Egypt   30:13-19
Pharaoh's Arms to Be Broken   30:20-26
Egypt Like a Cedar in Lebanon   31:1-9
The Fall of the Cedar Into the Pit   31:10-18
A Lament for Pharaoh   32:1-16
A Lament for Egypt   32:17-32
Ezekiel a Watchman   33:1-9
God Hates Punishment   33:10-11
The Fairness of God's Judgment   33:12-16
God is Just   33:17-20
The News of Jerusalem's Fall   33:21-22
Reason for Dispossession   33:23-26
Desolation Not Ended   33:27-29
The People Will Hear But Not Heed Ezekiel   33:30-33
The False Shepherds   34:1-10
The Lord: The True Shepherd   34:11-16
The Lord's Judgment Between Fat Sheep and Lean Sheep   34:17-19
The Messiah as the New Shepherd   34:20-24
The Lord's New Covenant of Peace   34:25-31
Prophecy Against Mount Seir (Edom)   35:1-15
Scorn to Repay Scorn   36:1-7
Israel to Prosper   36:8-12
Taunts Will Cease   36:13-15
Israel's Punishment Due to Idolatry   36:16-21
Holy Name Honored   36:22-23
A New Spirit   36:24-32
The Cities to Be Inhabited, Wasteland Rebuilt   36:33-36
The People to Increase in Number   36:37-38
The Valley of Dry Bones   37:1-14
Sign of New Sticks   37:15-23
The New Kingdom   37:24-28
Judgment Against Evil Gog   38:1-6
Hordes of Evil   38:7-9
Evil Covets the Righteous   38:10-13
Gog Descends on Israel as a Sign   38:14-16
Destruction of Evil   38:17-39:6
The Day is Coming   39:7-8
Finality of Destruction   39:9-16
The Sacrifical Feast of the Lord   39:17-20
Israel Example of Judgment   39:21-24
Israel Regathered: They Shall Know the Lord   39:25-29
The New Temple Area: The Introduction   40:1-4
The Temple Outer Wall and The East Gate of the Outer Court   40:5-16
The Thirty Chambers About the Court   40:17-19
The North Gate of the Outer Court   40:20-23
The South Gate of the Outer Court   40:24-27
Gates to the Inner Court   40:28-37
The Rooms for Preparing Sacrifices   40:38-43
Rooms for the Singers and Priests   40:44-47
The Porch of the Temple   40:48-49
Dimensions of the Sanctuary and Most Holy Place   41:1-4
The Side Chambers   41:5-11
The Building Facing the Temple on the West   41:12
The Measurements of the Temple and the Yard   41:13-15a
The Interior Decorations   41:15b-26
The Priest's Chambers: North and South   42:1-14
Outside Dimensions of the Temple Complex   42:15-20
The Lord's Glory Returns to the Temple   43:1-5
The Message of the Lord   43:6-12
The Altar   43:13-17
Instructions for Purifying the Altar   43:18-27
The East Gate and the Prince   44:1-3
The Exclusion of the Uncircumcised   44:4-8
The Exclusion of the Idolatrous Priests   44:9-14
The Duties and Privileges of the Descendents of Zadok   44:15-31
The Land for Priests and Prince   45:1-9
Weights and Measures   45:10-12
Grain Offerings   45:13-17
The Offerings at Sacred Seasons   45:18-25
The New Moon and Sabbath Offerings of the Prince   46:1-8
Entering and Leaving the Temple   46:9-10
Rules for Sacrifice   46:11-15
The Prince and Land Inheritance   46:16-18
The Kitchens in the Temple   46:19-24
The River From the Temple   47:1-12
The Boundaries of the Land   47:13-23
The Land Alloted to the North   48:1-7
The Land Alloted to Priests and Levites   48:8-14
The Land Alloted to the City   48:15-20
The Land Alloted to the Prince   48:21-22
The Land Alloted to the South   48:23-29
The Gated City Named "The Lord is There"   48:30-35

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Daniel's Captivity in Babylon   1:1-5
Names Changed   1:6-7
Royal Food Refused   1:8-16
Special Abilities Given by God   1:17
Favored by Nebuchadnezzar   1:18-20
Nebuchadnezzar's Dream and Daniel's Interpretation   2:1-49
The Golden Image and the Blazing Furnace   3:1-30
Nebuchadnezzar Has Dream, Loses Sanity, Praises God   4:1-37
The Writing on the Wall   5:1-31
Daniel in the Den of Lions   6:1-28
Vision of 4 Beasts (Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome)   7:1-8
The Everlasting Kingdom of the Ancient One   7:9-14
The Vision Explained   7:15-28
Vision of the Ram of Persia and a Goat of Greece   8:1-14
The Interpretation of the Vision by Gabriel   8:15-27
Daniel's Prayer   9:1-19
Gabriel Gives to Daniel a Prophecy of Seventy Weeks   9:20-27
Daniel's Vision of a Glorious Angel   10:1-11:1
From the Persian Empire to Alexander the Great   11:2-4
Wars Between the Ptolemaic and Seleucid Empires   11:5-19
Antiochus Epiphanes's Persecution of the Jews (uncertain about v. 36-39)   11:20-39
The King of the North's Conquests at the Time of the End   11:40-45
The End of the Tribulation and Rising of the Dead   12:1-4
The Sealing of the Prophecy until the Time of the End   12:5-13

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Preface   1:1
Gomer the Prostitute and Her Children: Symbols of Sin and Judgment   1:2-9
Prophecy of Israel Being Restored   1:10-2:1
Idolatrous Israel Will Be Punished Like a Prostitute   2:2-5
The Lord's Discipline Will Bring Israel Back   2:6-7
Agricultural Fertility Withdrawn from Israel   2:8-13
Future Repentance and Restoration of Israel   2:14-17
New Covenant Relationship with Repentant Israel   2:18-20
Agricultural Fertility Restored to the Repentant Nation   2:21-23
Illustration of God's Love for Idolatrous Israel   3:1-5
The Lord's Covenant Lawsuit Against Israel   4:1-3
The Lord's Dispute Against a Sinful Priesthood   4:4-11
Judgment of Idolatry and Cult Prostitution   4:10-14
Warning to Judah: Don't Join in Israel's Apostasy   4:15-17
The Shameful Sinners Will Be Brought to Shame   4:18-19
Announcement of Sin and Judgment   5:1-5
The Futility of Sacrificial Ritual Without Moral Obedience   5:6-7
The Prophet's Declaration of Judgment   5:8-9
The Oppressors of the Helpless Will Be Oppressed   5:10-11
The Curse of the Incurable Wound   5:12-13
The Lion Will Carry Israel and Judah Off Into Exile   5:14-15
Superficial Repentance Breeds False Assurance of God's Forgiveness   6:1-3
Transitory Faithfulness and Imminent Judgment   6:4-6
Indictment Against Cities of Israel, Judgment Against Judah   6:7-11
If Israel Would Repent of Sin, God Will Relent of Judgment   6:11-7:2
Political Intrigue and Conspiracy in the Palace   7:3-7
Israel Lacks Discernment and Refuses to Repent   7:8-10
Israel Turns to Egypt and Assyria for Help   7:11-12
Israel Has Turned Away From the Lord   7:13-16
God Will Raise Up Assyrians to Attack Israel   8:1-3
The Political and Cultic Sin of Israel   8:4-6
The Fertility Cultics Will Become Infertile   8:7-8
Israel's Hired Lovers   8:9-10
Sacrifices Ineffective Without Moral Obedience   8:11-14
Fertility Cult Festivals Have Intoxicated Israel   9:1-2
Assyrian Exile Will Reverse the Egyptian Exodus   9:3-5
No Escape for the Israelites This Time   9:6
Israel Rejects Hosea's Prophetic Exhortations   9:7-8
The Best of Times, the Worst of Times   9:9-10
Fertility Worshippers Will Become Infertile   9:11-17
Israel Guilty of Fertility Cult Worship   10:1-2
God Will Punish by Removing Israel's Kings   10:3-4
The Calf Idol and Idolaters of Samaria Will Be Exiled   10:5-8
Failure to Learn from Sin and Judgment of Gibeah   10:9-10
Fertility Imagery: Plowing, Sowing, Reaping   10:11-13
Bethel to Be Destroyed Like Beth Arbel   10:14-15
Reversal of the Exodus: Return to Egypt and Exile in Assyria   11:1-7
The Divine Dilemma: Judgment or Mercy?   11:8-9
God Will Restore the Exiles to Israel   11:10-11
God's Lawsuit against Israel: Breach of Covenant   11:12-12:2
Israel Must Return to the God of Jacob   12:3-6
The Lord Refutes Israel's Claim of Innocence   12:7-11
Jacob in Aram, Israel Brought Out of Egypt, Ephraim in Trouble   12:12-14
Baal and Calf Worshippers to Be Destroyed   13:1-3
Well-Fed Israel to Be Fed to Wild Animals   13:4-8
Israel's King Unable to Deliver Nation   13:9-11
Israel's Punishment Won't Be Withheld Much Longer   13:12-13
The Lord Won't Relent from Threatened Judgment   13:14
Samaria, The Capital of the Northern Empire Will Be Destroyed   13:15-16
Prophetic Call to Genuine Repentance   14:1-3
Divine Promise to Relent, Will Restore Blessings   14:4-8
Concluding Exhortation   14:9

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Preface   1:1
An Invasion of Locusts Foreshadows the Day of the Lord   1:2-12
A Call to Fasting and Repentance   1:13-20
The Day of the Lord   2:1-11
Rend Your Heart and Repent   2:12-17
Promise of Restoration   2:18-27
The Promised Outpouring of the Spirit   2:28-32
The Lord Plans to Judge the Nations   3:1-8
Judgment in the Valley of Jehoshaphat   3:9-16
The Lord Blesses His People   3:17-21

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Preface   1:1
Judgment on Israel's Neighbors   1:2-2:3
Judgment on Judah and Israel   2:4-16
Every Event Has Its Cause   3:1-8
Samaria Will Fall   3:9-15
Samaria's Women Will Be Punished   4:1-3
Israel Still Unrepentant After Punishment From God   4:4-13
The Lord's Lament Over Israel   5:1-3
The Call to Repentance   5:4-15
The Day of the Lord, Exile for Israel   5:16-20
Empty Rituals   5:21-27
Rebuke for Complacency   6:1-7
Rebuke for Pride   6:8-14
Visions of Locusts, Fire, and a Plumb Line   7:1-9
Amaziah Tells Amos to Leave the Land   7:10-17
Vision of Israel's Ruin: Basket of Summer Fruit   8:1-3
Unethical Religion: The Lust for Money   8:4-6
Promise of Punishment by Famine of the Word of God   8:7-14
Vision of the Lord Beside the Altar   9:1-10
Announcement of the Restoration of David's Kingdom   9:11-12
Announcement of the Restoration of Israel's People and Land   9:13-15

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The Pride of Edom is Rebuked   1:1-4
Vulnerability Exposed   1:5-9
The Reason for Punishment: Treachery Against Judah   1:10-14
Judgment of the Nations   1:15-18
God's People Restored   1:19-21

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Jonah's Disobedience   1:1-3
The Storm at Sea   1:4-9
Jonah Thrown Into the Sea   1:10-17
Jonah's Prayer Inside the Fish   2:1-10
Jonah Preaches at Nineveh   3:1-4
The People of Nineveh Believe and Repent, God Relents   3:5-10
Jonah Angry About God's Mercy   4:1-4
An Object Lesson in God's Mercy   4:5-11

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Preface   1:1
Judgment Against Samaria and Jerusalem   1:2-7
Micah's Lament (many word plays)   1:8-16
Sin of Covetousness for Land  2:1-2
Land Robbers Will Lose Their Land   2:3-5
Desire for False Prophets   2:6-11
The Remnant Regathered   2:12-13
Leaders Rebuked   3:1-4
False Prophets Rebuked   3:5-7
Micah has God's Spirit   3:8
Sins of the Ruler   3:9-12
The Mountain of the Lord   4:1-5
The Lord Rescues His People After Crisis   4:6-13
A Promised Ruler From Bethlehem Will Save the People   5:1-5a
Judgment Against Assyria   5:5b-9
Paganism to Be Destroyed   5:10-15
The Lord's Case Against Judah   6:1-5
What God Requires of Man   6:6-8
Judah's Guilt and Punishment   6:9-16
Consequences of Disobedience: Social Upheaval   7:1-7
The Renewal of Israel   7:8-13
The Lord's Compassion on Israel   7:14-20

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Preface   1:1
God Takes Vengeance Against His Enemies   1:2-3a
The Divine Warrior Destroys His Enemies but Protects His People   1:3b-8
Denunciation and Destruction of Nineveh   1:9-11
Oracle of Deliverance of Judah   1:12-13
Oracle of Judgment Against the King of Nineveh   1:14
Proclamation of the Deliverance of Judah   1:15
Proclamation of the Destruction of Nineveh   2:1-2
Prophetic Vision of the Fall of Nineveh   2:3-10
Taunt Against the Once-Mighty Lion   2:11-12
Battle Cry of the Divine Warrior   2:13
Reasons for Judgment: Sins of Nineveh   3:1
Protrayal of the Destruction of Nineveh   3:2-3
Taunt Against the Harlot City   3:4-7
Nineveh to Suffer Same Fate as Thebes   3:8-11
The Assyrian Defenses Will Fail   3:12-14
The Assyrian Defenders Will Flee   3:15-17
Concluding Dirge   3:18-19

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Preface   1:1
Habakkuk: Why Does Evil Go Unpunished?   1:2-4
The Lord: I Will Send the Babylonians   1:5-11
Habakkuk: Babylon is More Evil Than Judah   1:12-2:1
The Lord: Babylon Wicked, But The Just Live by Faithfulness   2:2-4
The Five Woe Oracles To Babylon   2:5-20
Habakkuk's Prayer   3:1-19

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Preface   1:1
The Great Judgment   1:2-3
Judgment Against Judah   1:4-6
The Day of the Lord for Jerusalem   1:7-13
The Day of the Lord for the Whole Earth   1:14-18
Call for Judah to Repent   2:1-3
Against Philistia   2:4-7
Against Moab and Ammon   2:8-11
Against Cush (Ethiopia)   2:12
Against Assyria   2:13-15
Woe to Oppressive and Unrepentant Jerusalem   3:1-5
Purification of the Nations   3:6-8
A Faithful Remnant   3:9-13
Israel's Restoration   3:14-20

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Introduction   1:1
The Indifference of the People   1:2-6
The Instruction of the People   1:7-11
The Response of the People   1:12-15
The New Temple's Diminished Splendor   2:1-5
The New Temple's Restored Splendor   2:6-9
A Defiled People   2:10-14
Prosperity from Commitment   2:15-19
Zerubbabel the Lord's Signet Ring   2:20-23

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A Call to Return to the Lord   1:1-6
Vision One: The Man and Horses Among the Myrtle Trees   1:7-17
Vision Two: Four Horns and Four Blacksmiths   1:18-21
Vision Three: A Man With a Measuring Line   2:1-13
Vision Four: A Purified Joshua as the Symbol of a Priestly Nation   3:1-7
The Coming Branch   3:8-10
Vision Five: Gold Lampstand and the Two Olive Trees   4:1-14
Vision Six: The Flying Scroll   5:1-4
Vision Seven: Basket of Iniquity Carried Back to Babylon   5:5-11
Vision Eight: Four Chariots of Divine Judgment   6:1-8
Joshua Crowned as a Type of the Branch   6:9-15
Inquiry From Bethel About Mourning and Fasting   7:1-3
Motive for Fasting   7:4-7
Essence of Religion   7:8-10
Forefathers Missed Point   7:11-14
Restoration Has Come   8:1-8
Motivation for Workers   8:9-13
Call for True Religion   8:14-17
Joy of Observances   8:18-19
Future Restoration   8:20-23
Judgment on Israel's Enemies   9:1-8
The Coming of Zion's King   9:9-13
The Lord Will Save His People   9:14-17
Ruin by the Shepherds of the People   10:1-2
The Lord Will Restore and Redeem His People   10:3-12
Lament for Shepherds   11:1-3
The Good Shepherd Breaks Covenant   11:4-14
The False Shepherd Described and Condemned   11:15-17
Jerusalem's Heathen Attackers to Be Destroyed   12:1-5
Jerusalem's Power to Vanquish All Foes   12:6-9
Repentance of Jerusalem for Piercing Their King   12:10-14
Jerusalem Cleansed and Evil Cut Off   13:1-6
The Scattered Sheep   13:7-9
The Great Battle   14:1-8
The Lord Reigns As King, Supreme Over the Earth   14:9-11
The Nations Dominated by God, and Jerusalem Prospers   14:12-15
Celebration of Righteous   14:16
All Will Acknowledge King   14:17-19
Holiness of Kingdom   14:20-21

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Preface   1:1
God's Love for Israel Shown by Edom's Fall   1:2-5
Blemished Sacrifices by Sinful Priests   1:6-14
Warning for the Sinful Priests   2:1-9
Intermarriages   2:10-12
God Hates Divorce   2:13-16
God Is Weary Over the Priest's Words   2:17
Judgment at the Lord's Coming   3:1-6
Robbing God   3:7-12
Israel Speaks Arrogantly Against God   3:13-15
The Faithful Remnant   3:16-18
Judgment and Covenant Renewal   4:1-3
The Command to Obedience   4:4
The Coming of Elijah Before the Day of the Lord   4:5-6


Harmony of the Gospels: The Life Of Jesus Christ

Return to Top of Page

The Genealogy of Jesus Christ   1:1-17
The Birth of Jesus Christ   1:18-25
The Visit of the Magi   2:1-12
The Escape to Egypt   2:13-15
Herod Kills the Infants   2:16-18
The Return to Nazareth   2:19-23
John the Baptist Prepares the Way   3:1-12
The Baptism of Jesus   3:13-17
The Temptation of Jesus   4:1-11
Jesus Begins to Preach in Galilee   4:12-17
The Calling of Peter, Andrew, James and John   4:18-22
Jesus Heals the Sick   4:23-25
The Sermon of the Mount Begins: The Beatitudes   5:1-12
Salt and Light   5:13-16
Fulfillment of the Law and Prophets   5:17-20
Murder And Anger   5:21-26
Adultery   5:27-30
Divorce   5:31-32
Oaths   5:33-37
An Eye for an Eye   5:38-42
Love for Enemies   5:43-48
Giving to the Needy with a Pure Heart   6:1-4
Prayer and Forgiveness   6:5-15
Proper Fasting   6:16-18
Treasures in Heaven   6:19-21
Value of Spiritual Insight and Generosity   6:22-23
Need for Undivided Loyalty   6:24
Do Not Worry   6:25-34
Do Not Judge, But Do Not Throw Pearls Before Swine   7:1-6
Keep Asking, Seeking, Knocking in Prayer   7:7-11
The Golden Rule   7:12
The Narrow and Wide Gates   7:13-14
A Tree and Its Fruit   7:15-20
The Saved Do God's Will   7:21-23
The Wise and Foolish Builders   7:24-27
The Multitude's Response to Jesus' Teaching   7:28-29
Jesus Heals A Man With Leprosy   8:1-4
The Faith of the Centurion   8:5-13
Peter's Mother-in-Law and Others Healed   8:14-17
The Cost of Following Jesus   8:18-22
Jesus Calms the Storm   8:23-27
The Healing of Two Demon-Possessed Men   8:28-34
Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralytic   9:1-8
The Calling of Matthew   9:9-13
A Question About Fasting: The Superiority of the New   9:14-17
A Sick Woman Healed and a Dead Girl Raised   9:18-26
Jesus Heals the Blind   9:27-31
Jesus Heals a Demon Possessed Mute   9:32-34
The Workers Are Few   9:35-38
Jesus Chooses and Sends Out the Twelve Apostles   10:1-15
Persecution Predicted   10:16-25
Fear God, Not Men   10:26-33
Not Peace, but a Sword   10:34-39
A Cup of Cold Water   10:40-42
Jesus and John the Baptist   11:1-19
Woe to Unrepentant Cities   11:20-24
The Son Gives Knowledge and Rest   11:25-30
Lord of the Sabbath   12:1-8
Jesus Heals Man with Withered Hand on the Sabbath   12:9-14
God's Chosen Servant   12:15-21
A House Divided and Blaspheming the Holy Spirit   12:22-32
A Tree is Known by Its Fruit   12:33-37
The Sign of Jonah   12:38-42
Return of an Unclean Spirit   12:43-45
Jesus' Mother and Brothers   12:46-50
The Parable of the Sower   13:1-9
Purpose of Parables   13:10-17
Parable of the Sower Explained   13:18-23
The Parable of the Wheat and Weeds   13:24-30
Parables of Mustard Seed and Yeast   13:31-33
Parables Fulfill Prophecy   13:34-35
The Parable of the Wheat and Weeds Explained   13:36-43
Parable of Hidden Treasure and Pearl   13:44-46
The Parable of the Net   13:47-50
Old and New Treasures   13:51-52
A Prophet Without Honor In His Hometown   13:53-58
John the Baptist Beheaded   14:1-12
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand   14:13-21
Jesus Walks on the Water, Peter Tries and Fails   14:22-33
Healings at Gennesaret   14:34-36
Breaking Human Traditions that Break God's Commandments   15:1-9
True Defilement Comes from Within   15:10-20
The Faith of the Canaanite Woman   15:21-28
Jesus Heals Many   15:29-31
Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand   15:32-39
The Demands for a Sign   16:1-4
The Yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees   16:5-12
Peter's Confession of Christ   16:13-20
Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection   16:21-23
Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me   16:24-28
The Transfiguration, Discussion About Elijah   17:1-13
The Healing of a Boy With a Demon   17:14-21
Jesus Again Foretells His Death and Resurrection   17:22-23
The Temple Tax   17:24-27
The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven   18:1-6
Temptations to Sin   18:7-9
The Parable of the Lost Sheep   18:10-14
Church Discipline   18:15-20
The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant   18:21-35
Jesus Goes to Judea   19:1-2
Divorce   19:3-12
The Little Children and Jesus   19:13-15
The Rich Young Man   19:16-22
Possessions and the Kingdom   19:23-30
The Parable of Workers in the Vineyard   20:1-16
Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection a Third Time   20:17-19
A Mother's Request   20:20-28
Two Blind Men Receive Sight   20:29-34
The Triumphal Entry   21:1-11
Jesus Cleanses the Temple   21:12-13
Children Cheer Jesus   21:14-17
Jesus Curses the Fig Tree, Which Withers   21:18-22
The Authority of Jesus Questioned   21:23-27
The Parable of the Two Sons   21:28-32
The Parable of the Tenants   21:33-46
The Parable of the Wedding Banquet   22:1-14
Paying Taxes to Caesar   22:15-22
Marriage at the Resurrection   22:23-33
The Greatest Commandment   22:34-40
The Messiah: David's Son and Lord   22:41-46
The Sin of the Pharisees   23:1-12
Seven Woes   23:13-36
Jesus' Sorrow for Jerusalem   23:37-39
Jesus Foretells the Destruction of the Temple   24:1-2
Signs of the End of the Age   24:3-8
Persecutions Predicted   24:9-14
The Abomination of Desolation and False Messiahs   24:15-28
The Coming of the Son of Man   24:29-31
Parable of the Fig Tree   24:32-35
Unexpected Coming of the Son of Man   24:36-44
The Parable of the Two Slaves   24:45-51
The Parable of the Ten Virgins   25:1-13
The Parable of the Talents   25:14-30
The Final Judgment   25:31-46
The Plot Against Jesus   26:1-5
Jesus Anointed at Bethany   26:6-13
Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus   26:14-16
Betrayal at the Passover   26:17-25
The Last Supper   26:26-30
Jesus Foretells Peter's Denial   26:31-35
Gethsemane   26:36-46
Jesus Betrayed and Arrested   26:47-56
Before Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin   26:57-68
Peter Disowns Jesus   26:69-75
Jesus Sent to Pilate   27:1-2
Judas Hangs Himself   27:3-10
Jesus Before Pilate   27:11-14
Jesus or Barabbas   27:15-26
The Soldiers Mock Jesus With a Crown of Thorns   27:27-31
The Crucifixion   27:32-44
The Death of Jesus   27:45-56
The Burial of Jesus   27:57-61
The Guards at the Tomb   27:62-66
The Resurrection   28:1-10
The Guards' Report   28:11-15
The Great Commission   28:16-20

Return to Top of Page

John the Baptist Prepares the Way   1:1-8
The Baptism of Jesus   1:9-11
The Temptation of Jesus   1:12-13
Ministry in Galilee   1:14-15
The Calling of the First Disciples   1:16-20
Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit   1:21-28
Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-In-Law and Others   1:29-34
Jesus Preaches in Galilee   1:35-39
Jesus Heals a Man With Leprosy   1:40-45
Jesus Heals and Forgives a Paralytic   2:1-12
The Calling of Levi (Matthew)   2:13-14
Dining With Sinners   2:15-17
A Question About Fasting: The Superiority of the New   2:18-22
Lord of the Sabbath   2:23-28
Jesus Heals Man with Withered Hand on the Sabbath   3:1-6
Crowds Follow Jesus   3:7-12
The Appointing of the Twelve Apostles   3:13-19
A House Divided and Blaspheming the Holy Spirit   3:20-30
The True Kindred of Jesus   3:31-35
The Parable of the Sower   4:1-9
The Purpose of Parables   4:10-12
The Parable of the Sower Explained   4:13-20
A Lamp on a Stand   4:21-25
The Parable of the Growing Seed   4:26-29
The Parable of the Mustard Seed   4:30-32
The Use of Parables   4:33-34
Jesus Calms the Storm   4:35-41
The Healing of a Demon-Possessed Man   5:1-20
A Sick Woman Healed and a Dead Girl Raised   5:21-43
A Prophet Without Honor in His Hometown   6:1-6
Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Apostles   6:7-13
John the Baptist Beheaded   6:14-29
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand   6:30-44
Jesus Walks on the Water   6:45-52
Healings at Gennesaret   6:53-56
Breaking Human Traditions that Break God's Commandments   7:1-13
Clean and Unclean   7:14-23
The Faith of a Syrophoenician Woman   7:24-30
The Healing of a Deaf and Mute Man   7:31-37
Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand   8:1-10
The Pharisees Demand a Sign   8:11-13
The Yeast of the Pharisees and Herod   8:14-21
The Healing of a Blind Man at Bethsaida   8:22-26
Peter's Confession of Christ   8:27-30
Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection   8:31-33
Take up Your Cross and Follow Me   8:34-9:1
The Transfiguration, Discussion About Elijah   9:2-13
The Healing of a Boy With an Evil Spirit   9:14-29
Jesus Again Foretells His Death and Resurrection   9:30-32
Who is the Greatest   9:33-37
Whoever is Not Against Us is For Us   9:38-41
A Warning About Temptation   9:42-50
Jesus Goes to Judea   10:1
Divorce   10:2-12
The Little Children and Jesus   10:13-16
The Rich Young Man   10:17-31
Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection a Third Time   10:32-34
The Request of James and John   10:35-45
Blind Bartimaeus Receives His Sight   10:46-52
The Triumphal Entry   11:1-11
Jesus Curses the Fig Tree   11:12-14
Jesus Cleanses the Temple   11:15-19
Lesson from the Withered Fig Tree: Faith and Forgiveness   11:20-26
The Authority of Jesus Questioned   11:27-33
The Parable of the Tenants   12:1-12
Paying Taxes to Caesar   12:13-17
Marriage and the Resurrection   12:18-27
The Greatest Commandment   12:28-34
The Messiah: David's Son and Lord   12:35-37
Beware of the Scribes   12:38-40
The Widow's Offering   12:41-44
Jesus Foretells the Destruction of the Temple   13:1-2
Signs of the End of the Age   13:3-8
Persecutions Predicted   13:9-13
The Abomination of Desolation and False Messiahs   13:14-23
The Coming of the Son of Man   13:24-27
The Parable of the Fig Tree   13:28-31
The Day and Hour Unknown, so Keep Watchful   13:32-37
The Plot to Kill Jesus   14:1-2
Jesus Anointed at Bethany   14:3-9
Judas to Betray Jesus   14:10-11
Preparation of the Passover   14:12-16
Betrayal at the Passover   14:17-21
The Last Supper   14:22-26
Jesus Foretells Peter's Denial   14:27-31
Gethsemane   14:32-42
Jesus Betrayed and Arrested   14:43-52
Before the Sanhedrin   14:53-65
Peter Disowns Jesus   14:66-72
Jesus Before Pilate   15:1-5
Jesus or Barabbas   15:6-15
The Soldiers Mock Jesus With a Crown of Thorns   15:16-20
The Crucifixion   15:21-32
The Death of Jesus   15:33-41
The Burial of Jesus   15:42-47
The Resurrection   16:1-8
Resurrection Appearances of Jesus   16:9-14
The Great Commission   16:15-18
The Ascension   16:19-20

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Introduction   1:1-4
The Birth of John the Baptist Foretold   1:5-25
The Birth of Jesus Foretold   1:26-38
Mary Visits Elizabeth   1:39-45
Mary's Song   1:46-56
The Birth of John the Baptist   1:57-66
Zechariah's Song   1:67-80
The Birth of Jesus   2:1-7
The Shepherds and the Angels   2:8-20
Baby Jesus Presented in the Temple   2:21-24
The Prophecy of Simon   2:25-35
The Prophecy of Anna   2:36-38
The Childhood of Jesus in Nazareth   2:39-40
The Boy Jesus at the Temple   2:41-52
An Introduction of John the Baptist's Ministry   3:1-6
John Preaches to the People   3:7-9
John Replies to Questions   3:10-14
John Preaches About the Messiah   3:15-18
John Imprisoned for Rebuking Herod   3:19-20
The Baptism of Jesus   3:21-22
The Genealogy of Jesus   3:23-38
The Temptation of Jesus   4:1-13
The Beginning of Jesus' Ministry in Galilee   4:14-15
A Prophet is Without Honor in His Hometown   4:16-30
Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit   4:31-37
Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-In-Law and Others   4:38-41
Jesus In the Synagogues   4:42-44
The Calling of the First Disciples   5:1-11
Jesus Heals A Man With Leprosy   5:12-16
Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralytic   5:17-26
The Calling of Levi (Matthew)   5:27-28
Dining With Sinners   5:29-32
A Question About Fasting: The Superiority of the New   5:33-39
Lord of the Sabbath   6:1-5
Jesus Heals Man with Withered Hand on the Sabbath   6:6-11
The Twelve Apostles   6:12-16
Jesus Ministers to a Great Multitude   6:17-19
The Sermon on the Plain Begins: Blessings and Woes   6:20-26
Love for Enemies   6:27-36
Do Not Judge Others   6:37-42
A Tree and Its Fruit   6:43-45
The Wise and Foolish Builders   6:46-49
The Faith of the Centurion   7:1-10
Jesus Raises a Widow's Son   7:11-17
Jesus and John the Baptist   7:18-30
Jesus Criticizes His Generation   7:31-35
Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman: Parable of the Debtors   7:36-50
Women Accompanying Jesus   8:1-3
The Parable of the Sower   8:4-8
The Purpose of Parables   8:9-10
The Parable of the Sower Explained   8:11-15
A Lamp on a Stand   8:16-18
The True Kindred of Jesus   8:19-21
Jesus Calms the Storm   8:22-25
The Healing of a Demon-Possessed Man   8:26-39
A Sick Woman Healed and a Dead Girl Raised   8:40-56
Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Apostles   9:1-6
Herod Perplexed About Jesus   9:7-9
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand   9:10-17
Peter's Confession of Christ   9:18-20
Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection   9:21-22
Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me   9:23-27
The Transfiguration   9:28-36
The Healing of a Boy With an Evil Spirit   9:37-43a
Jesus Again Foretells His Death and Resurrection   9:43b-45
Who Is the Greatest?   9:46-48
Whoever is Not Against Us is For Us   9:49-50
Samaritan Opposition   9:51-56
The Cost of Following Jesus   9:57-62
Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-Two (70 in some translations)   10:1-12
Woe to Unrepentant Cities   10:13-16
The Seventy-Two Return   10:17-20
Jesus Rejoices   10:21-24
The Parable of the Good Samaritan   10:25-37
At the Home of Mary and Martha   10:38-42
The Model Prayer   11:1-4
The Parable of the Persistant Friend   11:5-10
The Parable of the Good Father   11:11-13
Jesus and Beelzebub   11:14-23
Return of an Unclean Spirit   11:24-26
True Blessedness   11:27-28
The Sign of Jonah   11:29-32
The Lamp of the Body   11:33-36
Six Woes On the Hypocritical Pharisees   11:37-54
Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees   12:1-3
The One to Fear   12:4-7
Acknowledge Christ Before Men   12:8-12
The Parable of the Rich Fool   12:13-21
Do Not Worry...Trust God   12:22-32
Laying Up Treasure in Heaven   12:33-34
The Parable of the Expectant Servant   12:35-40
The Parable of the Faithful Steward   12:41-48
Not Peace but Division   12:49-53
Interpreting the Times   12:54-56
Settle With Your Accuser   12:57-59
Repent or Perish   13:1-5
The Parable of the Withered Fig Tree   13:6-9
A Woman Crippled by a Demon Healed on the Sabbath   13:10-17
Parable of the Mustard Seed   13:18-19
Parable of the Yeast   13:20-21
The Narrow Door   13:22-30
Jesus and Herod   13:31-33
Jesus' Sorrow for Jerusalem   13:31-35
Jesus Heals Man with Dropsy on the Sabbath   14:1-6
Parable of the Wedding Guests   14:7-14
The Parable of the Great Banquet   14:15-24
The Cost of Discipleship Told in Parables   14:25-33
Salt Without Taste is Worthless   14:34-35
The Parable of the Lost Sheep   15:1-7
The Parable of the Lost Coin   15:8-10
The Parable of the Lost Son   15:11-32
The Parable of the Shrewd Manager   16:1-13
Jesus Answers the Pharisees   16:14-17
Divorce and Remarriage   16:18
The Rich Man and Lazarus   16:19-31
Warning About Sin   17:1-4
Faith and Duty   17:5-10
Ten Healed of Leprosy   17:11-19
The Coming of the Kingdom of God   17:20-21
The Second Coming of Christ   17:22-37
The Parable of the Persistent Widow   18:1-8
The Parable of Pharisee and Tax Collector   18:9-14
The Little Children and Jesus   18:15-17
The Rich Young Ruler   18:18-30
Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection a Third Time   18:31-34
A Blind Beggar Receives His Sight   18:35-43
Zacchaeus the Tax Collector   19:1-10
The Parable of the Ten Minas   19:11-27
The Triumphal Entry   19:28-40
Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem   19:41-44
Jesus Cleanses the Temple   19:45-48
The Authority of Jesus Questioned   20:1-8
The Parable of the Tenants   20:9-19
Paying Taxes to Caesar   20:20-26
The Resurrection and Marriage   20:27-40
The Messiah: David's Son and Lord   20:41-44
Beware of the Scribes   20:45-47
The Widow's Offering   21:1-4
Jesus Foretells the Temple's Destruction   21:5-6
Signs of the Destruction of Jerusalem   21:7-19
The Destruction of Jerusalem Foretold   21:20-24
The Coming of the Son of Man   21:25-28
The Parable of the Fig Tree   21:29-33
The Need for Watchfulness   21:34-38
Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus   22:1-6
Preparing for the Passover   22:7-13
The Last Supper   22:14-20
Woe to the Betrayer   22:21-23
Who is the Greatest   22:24-30
Jesus Foretells Peter's Denial   22:31-34
Scripture Must Be Fulfilled in Jesus   22:35-38
Jesus, in Agony, Prays on the Mount of Olives   22:39-46
Jesus Betrayed and Arrested   22:47-53
Peter Disowns Jesus   22:54-62
The Guards Beat and Mock Jesus   22:63-65
Jesus Faces the Sanhedrin   22:66-71
Jesus Faces Pilate   23:1-5
Jesus Faces Herod   23:6-12
Pilate Wants to Free Jesus   23:13-16
Jesus or Barabbas   23:18-25
Simon of Cyrene Bears the Cross   23:26-31
The Crucifixion   23:32-38
The Thief on the Cross Converted   23:39-43
The Death of Jesus   23:44-49
The Burial of Jesus   23:50-56
The Resurrection   24:1-12
On the Road to Emmaus   24:13-34
Jesus Appears to the Disciples   24:35-43
The Great Commission   24:44-49
The Ascension   24:50-53

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The Deity of Christ   1:1-2
The Preincarnate Work of Christ   1:3-5
The Forerunner of Christ   1:6-8
The Rejection of Christ   1:9-11
The Acceptance of Christ   1:12-13
The Incarnation of Christ   1:14-18
John the Baptist Denies Being the Christ   1:19-28
John the Baptist's Testimony of the Lamb of God   1:29-34
Jesus Calls Andrew and Peter   1:35-42
Jesus Calls Phillip and Nathanael   1:43-51
Jesus Changes Water to Wine   2:1-12
Jesus Cleanses the Temple   2:13-22
Jesus the Discerner of Hearts   2:23-25
Jesus Teaches Nicodemus   3:1-21
John the Baptist's Testimony About Jesus   3:22-30
The One From Heaven   3:31-36
Jesus Talks With a Samaritan Woman at Jacob's Well   4:1-30
The Ripened Harvest   4:31-38
Many Samaritans Believe   4:39-42
Welcomed in Galilee   4:43-45
Jesus Heals the Official's Son   4:46-54
Jesus Heals an Invalid at the Pool on the Sabbath   5:1-15
Equality With God in Nature   5:16-18
Equality With God in Power   5:19-21
Equality With God in Authority   5:22-24
The Two Resurrections   5:25-29
Witness of John the Baptist   5:30-35
Witness of the Work of Christ   5:36
Witness of the Father   5:37-38
Witness of the Scriptures   5:39-47
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand   6:1-15
Jesus Walks on the Water   6:16-24
Jesus the Bread of Life   6:25-59
The Questioning Disciples   6:60-65
Peter's Confession of Faith   6:66-71
Unbelieving Brothers of Jesus   7:1-9
Jesus Teaches at the Temple During the Festival of Shelters   7:10-24
Christ's Origin from the Father   7:25-31
Christ's Departure to the Father   7:32-36
Rivers of Living Water   7:37-39
Divisions Among the People   7:40-44
The Sanhedrin is Confused About Christ   7:45-8:1
The Woman Caught in Adultery   8:2-11
The Light of the World: The Claim and Testimony   8:12-20
Where Jesus Came From and Where He's Going   8:21-30
The True Descendents of Abraham   8:31-59
Jesus on the Sabbath Heals a Man Born Blind   9:1-12
The Pharisees Twice Investigate the Healing   9:13-34
Spiritual Sight and Spiritual Blindness   9:35-41
The Shepherd and His Flock   10:1-21
Jesus Claims to Be One With the Father   10:22-39
Many Beyond the Jordan Believe   10:40-42
The Death of Lazarus   11:1-16
Jesus Comforts the Sisters   11:17-37
Jesus Raises Lazarus From the Dead   11:38-44
The Plot to Kill Jesus and the Prophecy of Caiaphas   11:45-57
Jesus Anointed at Bethany   12:1-8
The Plot to Kill Lazarus   12:9-11
The Triumphal Entry   12:12-19
God is Glorified, Jesus Foretells His Death   12:20-36
The Cause of Unbelief   12:37-43
A Summary of Jesus' Claims   12:44-50
Jesus Washes His Disciples' Feet   13:1-11
The Meaning Behind the Foot Washing   13:12-17
Jesus Foretells His Betrayal   13:18-30
A New Commandment: Love One Another   13:31-35
Jesus Foretells Peter's Denial   13:36-38
Jesus Promises to Prepare a Place in Heaven   14:1-4
Jesus the Way, Truth, and Life   14:5-11
Praying in the Name of Jesus   14:12-14
Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit   14:15-18
The Trinity to Indwell Believers   14:19-26
Jesus' Gift of Peace to the Disciples   14:27-31
The Vine and the Branches   15:1-8
Love Each Other As Jesus Loves You   15:9-17
The World Will Hate the Disciples   15:18-25
Coming Testimony and Rejection   15:26-16:4
The Work of the Holy Spirit   16:5-15
Jesus' Farewell to His Disciples   16:16-33
Jesus Prays for Himself   17:1-5
Jesus Prays for His Disciples   17:6-19
Jesus Prays for All Believers   17:20-26
Jesus Betrayed and Arrested   18:1-11
Jesus Taken to Annas and Caiaphas   18:12-14
Peter's First Denial   18:15-18
The High Priest Questions Jesus   18:19-24
Peter's Second and Third Denials   18:25-27
Pilate Demands the Indictment   18:28-32
Jesus Questioned by Pilate   18:33-38
Jesus or Barabbas   18:39-40
Jesus Flogged, Mocked, and Presented   19:1-7
Jesus Questioned Again by Pilate   19:8-11
Jesus Sentenced to Be Crucified   19:12-16a
The Crucifixion   19:16b-24
Jesus' Provision to His Mother   19:25-27
Jesus' Death: "It is Finished"   19:28-30
The Side of Jesus is Pierced   19:31-37
The Burial of Jesus   19:38-42
The Empty Tomb   20:1-10
Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene   20:11-18
Jesus Appears to Ten of His Disciples   20:19-20
The Disciples Receive the Holy Spirit   20:21-23
Jesus Appears to a Doubting Thomas   20:24-29
Purpose of This Book   20:30-31
Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish   21:1-14
Jesus Reinstates Peter   21:15-19
Jesus and the Beloved Apostle   21:20-23
A Final Note   21:24-25

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Introduction   1:1-3
Promise of the Spirit and the Geographic Scope of the Apostles' Mission   1:4-8
Jesus Taken Up Into Heaven   1:9-11
The Upper Room Prayer Meeting   1:12-14
Matthias Chosen to Replace Judas   1:15-26
The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost   2:1-13
Peter's Sermon   2:14-36
Three Thousand are Converted   2:37-41
The Fellowship of the Believers   2:42-47
Peter Heals the Crippled Beggar   3:1-10
Peter Speaks to the Onlookers   3:11-26
Peter and John Before the Sanhedrin   4:1-22
The Believers' Prayer   4:23-31
The Believers Share Their Possessions   4:32-37
Annias and Sapphira   5:1-11
The Apostles Heal and Convert Many   5:12-16
The Apostles Imprisoned, Angel Frees Them   5:17-26
Apostles: "We Must Obey God Rather Than Men!"   5:27-32
Gamaliel's Advice   5:33-39
Apostles Flogged, Released, Rejoice in Suffering   5:40-42
The Choosing of the Seven Deacons After a Dispute   6:1-7
Stephen Seized   6:8-15
Stephen's Speech to the Sanhedrin   7:1-53
The Stoning of Stephen   7:54-60
The Church Persecuted and Scattered (Saul of Tarsus)   8:1-3
Philip in Samaria   8:4-8
Simon the Sorcerer   8:9-13
Samaritans Receive the Spirit   8:14-17
Peter Rebukes Simon the Sorcerer   8:18-25
Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch   8:26-40
The Experience of Saul Near Damascus   9:1-9
The Vision of Ananias to Heal and Baptize Saul   9:10-19a
Saul Preaches In Damascus   9:19b-22
Saul Escapes Out of City   9:23-25
Saul's Reception in Jerusalem   9:26-30
Peace and Continued Growth   9:31
Aeneas Healed   9:32-35
Dorcas Raised From the Dead   9:36-43
Cornelius Has a Vision   10:1-8
Peter's Vision   10:9-23
Peter at Cornelius' House   10:23-43
Gentiles Receive the Spirit and Are Baptized   10:44-48
Peter Explains His Actions   11:1-18
Antioch's Gentile Ministry; Believers First Called Christians   11:19-26
Prophecy of Famine, Relief From Antioch   11:27-30
James Put to Death; Peter Imprisoned   12:1-5
Peter Rescued by an Angel   12:6-19a
Herod's Death   12:19b-24
Barnabas and Saul Sent Off   12:25-13:3
Elymas Blinded, Sergius Paulus Converted at Cyprus   13:4-12
In Pisidian Antioch, Paul's First Recorded Sermon   13:13-43
Paul Turns to the Gentiles   13:44-52
In Iconium, Mixed Response   14:1-7
Mistaken for Gods In Lystra After Crippled Man Healed   14:8-18
Paul Survives Stoning and Goes to Derbe   14:19-20
Paul and Barnabas Return through Pisidia and Pamphylia   14:21-25
The Return to Antioch in Syria   14:26-28
Judaizers Prompt Meeting   15:1-5
The Council in Jersusalem   15:6-21
The Council's Letter to Gentile Believers   15:22-29
Gentiles Rejoice   15:30-35
Disagreement Between Paul and Barnabas   15:36-41
Timothy Joins Paul and Silas   16:1-3
The Church is Strengthened   16:4-5
Paul's Vision of the Man of Macedonia   16:6-10
Lydia's Conversion in Philippi   16:11-15
Evil Spirit Removed From Girl   16:16-18
Paul and Silas in Prison   16:19-24
The Philippian Jailor   16:25-34
An Official Apology   16:35-40
In Thessalonica: Attack on Jason's House   17:1-9
The Noble Bereans, but Thessalonians Cause Trouble   17:10-15
In Athens   17:16-34
In Corinth With Aquila and Priscilla   18:1-4
Many Jews Reject, Many Accept in Corinth   18:5-11
Charges Before Gallio the Proconsul   18:12-17
Return to Antioch   18:18-21
In Galatia and Phrygia   18:22-23
Apollos Speaks Boldly, Taught More Accurately   18:24-28
Ephesian Disciples Baptized, Receive the Spirit   19:1-7
Paul in Ephesus   19:8-10
The Sons of Sceva   19:11-16
Sorcery Given Up, Scrolls Burned   19:17-20
Paul's Future Plans   19:21-22
The Riot in Ephesus   19:23-41
Through Macedonia and Greece   20:1-6
Eutychus Raised From the Dead at Troas   20:7-12
From Troas to Miletus   20:13-16
Paul's Farewell to the Ephesian Elders   20:17-38
Paul Visits Disciples in Tyre   21:1-6
Paul in Caesarea, Arrest in Jerusalem Predicted   21:7-14
Paul Arrives in Jerusalem   21:15-16
Plan for Unity Between Jews and Gentiles   21:17-26
The Temple Riot; Paul Arrested   21:27-36
Paul Speaks to the Crowd   21:37-22:21
Paul Uses His Roman Citizen Rights   22:22-29
Before the Sanhedrin   22:30-23:11
The Plot to Kill Paul Foiled by His Nephew   23:12-22
Paul Transferred to Caesarea   23:23-35
The Accusations Against Paul   24:1-9
Paul's Defense Before Felix   24:10-23
Felix Procrastinates   24:24-27
Jews Want Paul in Jerusalem, Plotting to Kill Him   25:1-5
The Trial Before Festus: Paul Appeals to Caesar   25:6-12
Festus Consults King Agrippa   25:13-22
Paul Before Agrippa   25:23-26:23
Agrippa Not Quite Persuaded   26:24-32
Paul Sails For Rome   27:1-8
The Storm   27:9-38
The Shipwreck   27:39-44
Ashore on Malta: Paul Bit by Snake and Lives, Heals Many   28:1-10
Final Voyage to Rome   28:11-16
Paul's Meeting with the Jewish Community   28:17-29
Paul's Ministry in Rome Unhindered for Two Years   28:30-31

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Address to the Romans   1:1-7
Paul's Longing to Visit Rome   1:8-15
Theme of the Gospel: Faith   1:16-17
Gentiles Rejected God   1:18-23
Idolatry Led to Immorality   1:24-25
Unnatural Replaced Natural   1:26-27
Sinfulness Replaced Purity   1:28-32
All Are Sinners   2:1-5
God's Judgment Impartial   2:6-11
Those Without the Law   2:12-16
Law Cannot Justify   2:17-24
Circumcision Cannot Justify   2:25-29
Pride in Heritage   3:1-4
God's Judgment is Just   3:5-8
All Under Judgment   3:9-18
Law for Education About Sin   3:19-20
Justification Through Faith   3:21-26
Lawkeeping Not Effectual   3:27-31
Abraham's Faith Counted as Righteousness   4:1-4
David Recognized Grace   4:5-8
Circumcision's Value   4:9-12
Promise Based on Faith   4:13-15
Promise is for All People   4:16-18
Abraham's Faith an Example   4:19-25
Faith Triumphs in Trouble   5:1-5
Christ Died for Sinners   5:6-11
All Die from Sin   5:12-14
All Can Be Justified   5:15-19
Grace Increased   5:20-21
Grace No Excuse to Sin   6:1-4
Dead to Sin   6:5-11
Grace Requires Submission   6:12-14
Slaves to Righteousness   6:15-19
Grace Brings Life   6:20-23
Law Binding During Lifetime   7:1-3
Now Married to Christ   7:4-6
Law Gave Man Knowledge of Sin   7:7-12
Law Did Not Cause Sin   7:13-14
Law is Good, Man is Spiritually Confused and Corrupt   7:15-20
Flesh and Spirit Struggle   7:21-25
Living by the Spirit vs. Dying by the Flesh   8:1-8
Spirit Gives Life   8:9-11
Duty to Live by Spirit   8:12-17
Sufferings Diminish in Hope   8:18-25
Spirit Bridges Gap Between Man and God   8:26-27
Eternal Plan for Believers   8:28-34
God's Love Unfailing   8:35-39
Concern for Jewish Heritage   9:1-5
Basis of God's Promise   9:6-13
God Can Have Mercy on Anyone   9:14-18
Man Cannot Limit God's Grace   9:19-24
Prophets Told of Grace   9:25-29
Jews Did Not See Grace   9:30-33
Jews Tried to Earn Salvation   10:1-4
Salvation for All   10:5-13
Gospel Produces Faith   10:14-17
Israel Rejected Preaching   10:18-21
Always a Faithful Remnant   11:1-6
Unrighteous Blinded to Truth   11:7-10
Jews Brought Grace to Gentiles   11:11-12
Gentiles May Win Back Jews   11:13-15
Gentiles Not to Boast (Olive Tree Illustration)   11:16-24
Grace Extends to All   11:25-32
Song of Praise   11:33-36
Call for Holiness: Living Sacrifices and Renewed Minds   12:1-2
Use of Gifts   12:3-8
Show Love Through Deeds   12:9-13
Show Love in Relationships, Even to Enemies   12:14-21
Duty Toward Civil Authority   13:1-7
Love Is Key to Obligations and Fulfills the Law   13:8-10
Hope is Key to Motivation   13:11-14
Not to Judge Conscience   14:1-4
Do All to Please Christ   14:5-9
Each Must Answer   14:10-12
Causing Brother to Stumble   14:13-21
Base Actions Upon Convictions   14:22-23
Pleasing Others, Not Ourselves   15:1-7
Christ the Hope of Jews and Gentiles   15:8-13
Reason for Writing   15:14-16
Pride in Gentile Ministry   15:17-21
Future Travel Plans   15:22-29
Request for Prayers   15:30-33
Commendation of Phoebe   16:1-2
Special Greetings   16:3-18
Warning About Troublemakers   16:17-20
Greetings from Other Brethren   16:21-24
Praise to God   16:25-27

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Salutation   1:1-3
Thanksgiving for Grace   1:4-9
Divisions in the Church and an Exhortation for Unity   1:10-17
Christ the Power and Wisdom of God   1:18-25
Example of Lowliness   1:26-31
Proclaiming Christ Crucified   2:1-5
God's Wisdom Revealed by the Spirit   2:6-13
Wisdom For Spiritually Minded   2:14-16
Divisions Prevent Growth   3:1-4
Ministers are Servants   3:5-9
Christ is the Foundation   3:10-15
Divisions Destroy the Church   3:16-17
Loyalty to Christ Alone   3:18-23
Ministers to Be Judged   4:1-5
Warnings Against Pride   4:6-8
Even Apostles are Debased   4:9-13
Paul Appeals as Father   4:14-21
Dealing with a Case of Incest   5:1-5
Danger of Tolerating Sin   5:6-8
Duty of Self Policing   5:9-13
Lawsuits Among Believers   6:1-8
The Wicked Will Not Inherit the Kingdom   6:9-11
Bodies Not Meant For Sin   6:12-20
Marital Relations   7:1-6
Singleness   7:7-9
Regarding Separation   7:10-11
Unbelieving Spouses   7:12-16
Live as You are Called   7:17-24
Reason for Advice   7:25-31
Advantages of Singleness   7:32-35
Regarding Marriage   7:36-38
Regarding Widows   7:39-40
Knowledge With a Humble Love   8:1-3
Regarding Eating Meat Sacrificed to Idols   8:4-6
Weak Conscience Towards Eating   8:7-8
Responsibility Toward Weak   8:9-13
Paul's Claim To Be An Apostle   9:1-2
Rights of an Apostle   9:3-7
Example of a Lawful Claim for Rights   9:8-11 and 9:13-14
Paul Gave Up His Rights   9:12
Rewards for Giving Up Rights   9:15-18
Paul Becomes All Things to All People   9:19-23
Value of Self-Discipline   9:24-27
Old Testament Example of Unbelief   10:1-5
Old Testament Example of Self-Indulgence   10:6-10
Examples are Warning Not to Fall Into Temptation   10:11-13
Avoid Idol Feasts   10:14-22
Live for the Good of Others   10:23-30
Live for the Glory of God   10:31-11:1
Veils as Symbols   11:2-10
Equality Despite Distinctions   11:11-16
Problem With Fellowship With the Lord's Supper   11:17-22
Lord's Supper as the Proclamation of the Death of Jesus   11:23-26
The Danger of Eating the Lord's Supper in an Unworthy Manner   11:27-34
Source of Spiritual Gifts   12:1-3
Despite Variety, Same Source   12:4-11
Body has Many Members   12:12-14
Body is Diverse   12:15-21
Every Member Important   12:22-26
Church Needs Diversity of Roles and Gifts   12:27-31
Love is the Greatest Spiritual Gift   12:31-13:13
Prophecy vs. Speaking in Tongues (Foreign Languages)   14:1-5
Tongues Need Interpretation   14:6-12
Tongues Cannot Edify   14:13-19
Tongues Are a Sign   14:20-22
Prophecy Teaches   14:23-25
Orderly Use of Gifts   14:26-33
Women Not to Lead   14:33-36
Directions are Lord's Command   14:37-40
The Resurrection is a Provable Fact   15:1-9
The Resurrected Lord Displayed Grace to Paul   15:10-11
The Resurrection Essential to the Faith   15:12-19
Christ's Resurrection Guarantees Ours   15:20-28
Conduct Based on Hope of Resurrection   15:29-34
The Nature of the Resurrection Body   15:35-41
Bodies to Be Spiritual   15:42-49
Resurrection and Glorification   15:50-53
Confidence in Death   15:54-58
The Collection for God's People   16:1-4
Plans for Travel   16:5-9
About Timothy and Apollos   16:10-12
General Exhortations   16:13-14
Regard for Fellow Workers   16:15-18
Final Greetings   16:19-20
Benediction   16:21-24

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Salutation   1:1-2
Gratitude for God's Comfort   1:3-7
Delivered from Suffering   1:8-11
Hope for Positive View From the Corinthians   1:12-14
Travel Plans Not Whimsical   1:15-22
Reasons for Letter   1:23-2:4
Forgiveness for the Troublemaker   2:5-11
Eagerness for Titus' Report   2:12-13
A Triumphant Ministry   2:14-17
Living Letters   3:1-3
Source of Paul's Competence   3:4-6
Splendor of Gospel Message   3:7-11
Unveiling of the Spirit   3:12-18
The Gospel of the Glory of Christ   4:1-6
Godly Treasure in Fragile Human Jars of Clay   4:7-12
Preaching from Faith   4:13-15
Renewed Spiritually Every Day   4:16-18
Longing for Our Heavenly Dwelling   5:1-5
Walking by Faith, Not by Sight   5:6-10
Boasting for Their Sake   5:11-13
Ministry of Reconciliation   5:14-6:2
Submission Where Affiction   6:3-10
Call for Full Acceptance   6:11-13
Those Who Oppose Gospel   6:14-7:1
Pleading for Fellowship   7:2-3
Joy at News from Titus   7:4-7
Joy in Their Repentence and Zeal   7:8-13a
Joy Regarding the Joy of Titus   7:13b-16
Liberality of Macedonians   8:1-5
Gift a Proof of Love   8:6-9
Liberality Makes Equality   8:10-15
Men to Convey Gift   8:16-24
Readiness of Gift   9:1-5
Cheerful Abundant Giving   9:6-9
Generosity Glorifies God   9:10-15
Paul's Response to Charge of Being Weak in Person: Our Spiritual Warfare   10:1-6
Reality of Paul's Authority   10:7-11
Comparision to Others   10:12-18
The False Apostles and Paul: Oratory vs. Knowledge   11:1-6
Preaching a Matter of Love   11:7-11
Others' Preaching a Ruse   11:12-15
Paul Forced to Boast   11:16-21a
Paul's Basis of Boastings: His Sufferings   11:21b-29
Sufferings Indicate Strength   11:30-33
Revelations Verify This   12:1-7a
Weakness for Christ's Sake   12:7b-10
Miracles are Credentials   12:11-13
No Ulterior Advantage   12:14-18
Reason for Defense   12:19-21
Regarding Troublemakers   13:1-4
Each to Examine Himself   13:5-10
Exhortations and Greetings   13:11-13
Benediction   13:14

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Salutation   1:1-5
No Other Gospel   1:6-10
Paul's Vindication of His Apostleship   1:11-24
Gentile Evangelism Accepted   2:1-10
Paul Opposes Peter   2:11-14
Saved by Christ-like Faith, Not by Works of the Law   2:15-21
Justification is by Faith, Not by the Law   3:1-5
Abraham's Faith   3:6-9
Faith in Jesus Saves, Not by Works of the Law   3:10-14
The Law and the Abrahamic Promise   3:15-18
The Purpose of the Law   3:19-22
Heirs Through Faith   3:23-29
No Longer Slaves, But Adopted as Sons and Heirs   4:1-7
Turning Back to Legalism   4:8-11
Paul Calls on Their Love   4:12-20
The Allegory of Hagar and Sarah: Two Covenants   4:21-31
Faith That is Expressed by Love Saves, Not Circumcision  5:1-12
Freedom in Christ Defined By Love   5:13-15
Life By the Spirit's Desires vs. the Fleshly Desires   5:16-26
Mutual Responsibilty in Christian Living   6:1-6
Living by the Spirit   6:7-10
Not Circumcision but a New Creation   6:11-18

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Salutation   1:1-2
Praise for God's Grace   1:3-10
Hope in Christ is Sealed   1:11-14
Prayer for Wisdom and Revelation into Christ and His Power   1:15-23
Raised from Spiritual Death   2:1-7
Grace to Live Righteously   2:8-10
Barrier Separating Jews and Gentiles Broken   2:11-18
Christ as Cornerstone   2:19-22
Revelation of Former Mystery   3:1-7
Purpose of Mystery   3:8-13
Prayer for Strengthened Love   3:14-19
Praise to God   3:20-21
Unity Among Saints   4:1-6
Gifts for Achieving Unity   4:7-13
Maturing as a Body   4:14-16
Renounce Sensuality   4:17-19
Renew Holiness   4:20-24
Do Not Grieve the Holy Spirit With Sinful Forms of Anger   4:25-32
Imitate God in Self-Sacrificial Love   5:1-2
Be Morally Pure by Rejecting Pagan Ways   5:3-7
Walk As Children of Light   5:8-14
Live Spirit-Filled Lives with Songs from the Heart   5:15-20
Mutual Submission in All Relationships   5:21
Marital Relationships   5:22-33
Parent-Child Relationships   6:1-4
Master-Servant Relationships   6:5-9
The Armor of God for Spiritual Struggles   6:10-17
Request for Prayer   6:18-20
Further Report   6:21-22
Benediction   6:23-24

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Salutation   1:1-2
Expression of Love   1:3-11
Imprisonment is a Blessing   1:12-14
Joy Over Preaching   1:15-18
Paul's Dilemma   1:19-26
Stand United   1:27-2:2
Imitate Christ's Humility   2:3-11
Giving Your Salvation a Godly Workout   2:12-13
Lights in the World   2:14-18
Commendation of Timothy   2:19-24
Commendation of Epaphroditus   2:25-30
Christians Should Be Joyful   3:1
Overconfidence in Heritage   3:2-4a
Paul's Jewish Heritage   3:4b-6
Exchanging Human Confidence for Living for Christ   3:7-11
Reaching Forward to God's Goal   3:12-16
Warning Against Worldliness   3:17-4:1
Euodia and Syntyche to Reconcile   4:2-3
Rejoice and Seek Peace of Mind Through Prayer   4:4-7
Meditate on Things Spiritual   4:8-9
Paul Content Through Christ's Provision of Strength   4:10-13
Gifts Fruitful for Them   4:14-20
Greetings and Benediction   4:21-23

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Salutation   1:1-2
Thanksgiving for Their Faith   1:3-8
Paul's Prayer For the Colossians   1:9-14
The Person of Christ as Creator and Redeemer   1:15-20
Relationship With Christ Through Reconciliation   1:21-23
Paul Rejoicing in Suffering and Proclaiming Christ is in Us   1:24-29
The Goal of Paul's Work   2:1-3
Christ vs. the Colossian Heresy   2:4-8
Christ is All-Sufficient   2:9-15
Christ Should Be Focus, Not the Colossian Heresy   2:16-19
False and Legalistic Doctrines Miss Spirit   2:20-23
To Be Spiritually Minded   3:1-4
Lives to Be Transformed   3:5-11
Putting On Christ in Lifestyle and Song   3:12-17
Christlikeness in Family Relationships   3:18-21
Christlikeness Among Masters and Slaves   3:22-4:1
Call to Prayer   4:2-4
Dealing with Outsiders   4:5-6
Report to Be Given About Paul by Messengers   4:7-9
Greetings Among Brethren   4:10-17
Benediction   4:18

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Salutation   1:1
Thanksgiving for the Thessalonians' Faith, Love, and Hope   1:2-10
Paul's Ministry in Thessalonica   2:1-12
Eager Reception and Patient Suffering   2:13-16
Paul's Longing to See Thessalonians   2:17-20
Timothy Sent from Athens to Thessalonica   3:1-5
Timothy's Encouraging Report   3:6-10
Paul's Prayer for the Church   3:11-13
Living to Please God   4:1-2
A Call for Sexual Purity   4:3-8
Exhortation to Love and Work   4:9-12
The Comfort of the Coming of the Lord   4:13-18
Readiness for the Second Coming   5:1-11
Final Exhortations   5:12-22
Final Prayers and Greetings   5:23-28

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Salutation   1:1-2
Thanksgiving for Steadfastness During Persecution   1:3-4
Justice Guaranteed for Both Righteous and Wicked   1:5-10
Paul's Prayer for Them   1:11-12
The Lord's Coming and the Man of Lawlessness   2:1-12
Thanks for God's Calling   2:13-14
Call to Stand Firm   2:15
A Blessing   2:16-17
Request for Prayer   3:1-5
Warning Against Irresponsible Behavior   3:6-15
Final Greetings   3:16-18

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Salutation   1:1-2
Unsound Doctrine   1:3-7
Law to Be Used Properly   1:8-11
Paul an Example of God's Mercy at Work   1:12-17
Timothy to Keep Faith   1:18-20
Call for Men to Pray   2:1-8
Women to Be Modest   2:9-10
The Role of Women   2:11-15
Qualifications of Elders   3:1-7
Qualifications of Deacons   3:8-13
The Truths of Our Faith   3:14-16
Human Doctrines   4:1-5
Strive for Godliness   4:6-10
Teaching and Example   4:11-16
How to Treat Others   5:1-2
Obligation Towards Widows   5:3-8
Church's Support of Widows   5:9-10
Regarding Younger Widows   5:11-15
Responsibilty of Women to Widows   5:16
Honor and Support of Elders   5:17-18
Caution Regarding Elders   5:19-22
Regarding Timothy's Health   5:23
Regarding Appearances   5:24-25
Slaves to Respect Masters   6:1-2a
False Motivations in Teaching   6:2b-5
Attitude Toward Money   6:6-10
Timothy's Motivation   6:11-16
Proper Use of Wealth   6:17-19
Benediction   6:20-21

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Salutation   1:1-2
Prayer, Praise and Concern for Timothy's Faith   1:3-7
Not Ashamed of the Gospel   1:8-12
Importance of Doctrine   1:13-14
Many Have Turned Away   1:15
Onesiphorus' Faith   1:16-18
Be Strong in Grace and Teach Faithful Men, Who Will Pass it On   2:1-2
Be Single-Minded During Suffering   2:3-7
Suffer with Christ, As Paul Has Done   2:8-13
Approved and Disapproved Workers   2:14-19
Be an Instrument of Purity, Holiness, and Goodness   2:20-22
Teaching Above Quarreling   2:23-26
Prediction of Godless Times   3:1-5
Evil Teachers Who Target Women to Be Exposed   3:6-9
The Godly to Be Persecuted   3:10-13
Respect for Scripture   3:14-17
Preach the Word   4:1-5
Reward for Paul's Faithful Ministry   4:6-8
Paul Asks Timothy to Join Him   4:9-13
How Alexander Opposed Him   4:14-15
Paul Alone in His Defense   4:16-18
Benediction   4:19-22

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Salutation   1:1-4
Qualifications for Elders   1:5-9
Rebellion of False Teachers   1:10-12
Reprove False Teachers   1:13-2:1
Regarding Older Men   2:2
Regarding Older Women   2:3-5
Regarding Younger Men   2:6-8
Regarding Slaves   2:9-10
Basis of These Instructions: An Instructing Grace   2:11-15
Need for Righteous Living Among Outsiders   3:1-2
Graces of the Heirs of Grace   3:3-8
Quarreling Unprofitable   3:9-11
Personal Matters   3:12-14
Benediction   3:15

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Salutation   1:1-3
Paul's Love for Philemon   1:4-7
Appeal on Behalf of Onesimus   1:8-14
Onesimus Returning as Brother   1:15-17
Offer to Repay Any Loss   1:18-20
Paul's Hope to See Philemon   1:21-22
Greetings and Benediction   1:23-25

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God Speaks Through Christ   1:1-3
Christ Greater Than Angels   1:4-14
Warning Against Rejection   2:1-4
All Things Subject to Mankind/Christ   2:5-8a
Christ's Death Shows Grace   2:8b-13
Christ's Humanity Gives Hope   2:14-18
Jesus is Greater than Moses   3:1-6
Scripture Condemns Unbelief From Hardened Hearts   3:7-11
Sin of Unbelief   3:12-15
Israelites' Unbelief   3:16-19
Promised Rest for Faithful   4:1-5
Christ's Rest Superior   4:6-11
Need for Obedience to the Word   4:12-13
Our Compassionate High Priest Brings Access to God   4:14-16
High Priests Intercede   5:1-3
Jesus a Special High Priest   5:4-10
Explanation Difficult   5:11-14
Need to Mature   6:1-3
Warning Against Falling Away   6:4-8
Confidence in Continued Faith   6:9-12
The Certainty of God's Promise   6:13-20
Melchizedek the Priest   7:1-3
Melchizedek's Superiority   7:4-10
Christ's Priesthood Like Melchizedek   7:11-19
Guarantee of Covenant   7:20-22
Christ a Permanent Priest   7:23-25
Christ a Perfect Priest   7:26-28
Tabernacle a Pattern   8:1-5
Christ's Covenant Greater   8:6-7
Covenant Needed Replacing   8:8-13
Old Covenant's Tabernacle   9:1-5
Sacrifices Only Temporary   9:6-10
Christ is Perfect Sacrifice   9:11-14
Death Validates Covenant   9:15-22
Sanctuary Entered Once and for All by Christ   9:23-28
Sacrifices Were Ineffectual   10:1-4
Christ Replaced Sacrifices   10:5-10
Christ Both Priest and Sacrifice   10:11-14
Great Sacrifice Foreseen   10:15-18
Proper Response to Access   10:19-25
Consequences of Rejection   10:26-31
Strength in Persecution   10:32-34
Need for Strength in Faith   10:35-39
Faith: Assurance and Hope   11:1-3
The Faith of the Patriarchs   11:4-7
Faith of Abraham and Sarah   11:8-12
Faith in Unseen Country   11:13-16
Faith of Abraham   11:17-19
Faith of Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph   11:20-22
Faith of Moses   11:23-28
Faith of Israelites and Rahab   11:29-31
Faith of Judges, Kings, and Prophets   11:32-38
Faith's Reward in Christ   11:39-40
Christ's Example Demands Perseverance   12:1-3
Struggles are Discipline   12:4-6
Discipline Shows Sonship   12:7-13
Faith Requires Holy Lives   12:14-17
Judgment Under Law   12:18-21
Greater Covenant, Greater Judgment   12:22-24
God to Be Worshipped in Awe   12:25-29
Love Even Strangers   13:1-3
Maintain Sexual Purity   13:4
Do Not Trust Wealth, for God Will Never Forsake You   13:5-6
Imitate Lives of Leaders   13:7
Avoid Demeaning Teachings   13:8-10
Leave World System for Christ   13:11-14
Offer Sacrifices of Praise   13:15-16
Submit to Church Leaders   13:17
Request for Prayers   13:18-19
Prayer for Recipients   13:20-21
Final Thoughts   13:22-25

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Salutation   1:1
Trials Help Development   1:2-4
Seeking Wisdom   1:5-8
The Place of Rich and Poor Before God   1:9-11
Reward for Those Who Endure   1:12
Temptation Comes From Within   1:13-15
Goodness Comes From God   1:16-18
How to Live Out the Goodness of God   1:19-21
Knowledge is Not Enough   1:22-25
True Religion   1:26-27
Partiality Not of Faith   2:1-7
Any Violation Disrespects   2:8-11
Acting in Light of Judgment   2:12-13
Changed Life Evidences Faith   2:14-17
Faith Without Good Deeds is Useless   2:18-20
Examples of Obedient Faith   2:21-26
Speech to Reflect Purity   3:1-12
Heavenly Versus Demonic Wisdom   3:13-18
Materialism Brings Conflict   4:1-4
Humility Cures Worldliness   4:5-10
Obeying vs. Judging   4:11-12
Perspective About Tomorrow and Priorities in Doing Good   4:13-17
Warning to the Rich   5:1-6
Steadfastness in Suffering   5:7-11
Rash Oaths and Truthful Speech   5:12
Prayer and Suffering   5:13-18
Mutual Watchfulness   5:19-20

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Girding Up Your Loins (1 Peter 1:13) - Preparing for Action : An Illustrated Guide

Salutation   1:1-2
Praise for a Living Hope   1:3-5
Suffering Before Salvation   1:6-7
Faith in Unseen   1:8-9
God's Grace Foretold   1:10-12
Holiness Responsive to Grace   1:13-16
Christ as Ransom from the Bondage of Futile Living   1:17-21
The Enduring Word   1:22-25
Spiritual Maturity from Pure Spiritual Milk   2:1-3
Strength as Living Stones and Access as Priests   2:4-5
Christ the Cornerstone   2:6-8
God's Chosen People   2:9-10
Glorifying God in Conduct   2:11-12
Glorifying God as Citizens   2:13-17
Glorifying God as Slaves   2:18-25
Glorifying God as Wives   3:1-6
Glorifying God as Husbands   3:7
Glorifying God In Unity, Love, Compassion, and Humility, Not Evil   3:8-12
Confidence in Trials   3:13-17
Christ's Death Effective   3:18-20
Meaning of Baptism   3:21-22
Suffering Without Sin by Living for God   4:1-6
Show Brotherly Love by Using God-Given Gifts to Help Others   4:7-11
Suffering as Christians   4:12-19
Responsibility of Elders   5:1-5a
Respect and Humility by Casting All Anxiety to God   5:5b-7
Exhortation for Persecution   5:8-11
Benediction   5:12-14

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Salutation   1:1-2
Knowledge Brings Godliness   1:3-4
Supplementing Our Faith from Moral Excellence to Love   1:5-9
Need to Affirm Calling   1:10-11
Reminder in the Face of Death   1:12-15
Factual Nature of the Gospel   1:16-18
The Reliability of Scriptural Prophecy   1:19-21
False Teachers   2:1-3
God Will Punish Wicked   2:4-10a
Description of False Teachers   2:10b-16
Results of Their Teaching   2:17-22
Reason for Letter   3:1-2
Second Coming Certain   3:3-7
Reason for Delay   3:8-9
Description of Second Coming   3:10
Hope Should Prompt Godliness   3:11-13
Agreement With Paul   3:14-16
Final Warning   3:17-18

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John's Eyewitness Testimony   1:1-4
Basis for Fellowship   1:5-7
Sins Must Be Confessed   1:8-10
Christ is Advocate   2:1-2
Only Obedient Know God   2:3-6
Love is Test   2:7-11
Reasons for Writing   2:12-14
Love God, Not the World   2:15-17
Beware of Antichrists   2:18-19
Antichrists Deny Deity   2:20-23
Let Truth Abide in You   2:24-27
Be Righteous as Children   2:28-3:3
Sinning is Contrary to Faith   3:4-6
God's Children Live Righteously   3:7-10
God's Children Love Each Other   3:11-15
Love Evidenced By Actions   3:16-18
Obeying Brings Confidence   3:19-22
Must Believe and Love   3:23-24
Antichrist Denies Incarnation   4:1-3
Antichrist's Worldly Doctrines   4:4-6
Believers Reflect God's Love   4:7-12
Believers Have God's Spirit   4:13-16a
Spirit of Love   4:16b-19
Loving God Requires Loving Man   4:20-5:1
Loving God Requires Obedience   5:2-4
Testimony to Jesus   5:5-9
Believers' Lives Testify   5:10-12
Assurance in Eternal Life   5:13
Assurance in Proper Prayer   5:14-17
Security in Jesus Christ   5:18-20
No Security in Idols   5:21

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Salutation   1:1-3
Call for Love and Obedience   1:4-6
Warning Against Antichrists   1:7-11
Hope for Personal Visit   1:12
Greetings   1:13

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Salutation   1:1-4
Commendation of Gaius   1:5-8
Reproof for Diotrephes   1:9-10
Exhortation to Do Good   1:11
Commendation for Demetrius   1:12
Hope for Personal Visit and Final Greetings   1:13-15

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Salutation   1:1-2
Contend for the Faith in the Midst of the Ungodly   1:3-4
Judgment Upon Ungodly Throughout History   1:5-7
Description of False Teachers   1:8-13
Enoch's Prophecy of Judgment   1:14-16
A Call to Persevere   1:17-21
Obligations Toward the Erring   1:22-23
Doxology of Great Joy   1:24-25

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Burton Coffman Revelation Commentary
B.W. Johnson Revelation Commentary

Ogden's Studies in Revelation, Early Date Theory
Ogden's Multi-Hour Audio Series in Revelation, Early Date Theory
Foy E. Wallace's Commentary on Revelation, Early Date Theory

Revelation Made Clear
Lessons on Revelation (PDF)
Vision of the Ages
Audio Study of Revelation
Revelation - A Study Guide
The Seven Cities of Asia


Prologue: Title, Transmission, Promise of Blessing   1:1-3
Salutation and Doxology of the Coming of Christ   1:4-8
Vision of the Son of Man   1:9-20
To the Church in Ephesus   2:1-7
To the Church in Smyrna   2:8-11
To the Church in Pergamum   2:12-17
To the Church in Thyatira   2:18-29
To the Church in Sardis   3:1-6
To the Church in Philadelphia   3:7-13
To the Church in Laodicea   3:14-22
The Throne in Heaven   4:1-11
The Lamb Takes the Scroll of Seven Seals   5:1-7
The Lamb is Worthy   5:8-14
1st Seal (White Horse): The Conquerer   6:1-2
2nd Seal (Red Horse): Conflict on Earth   6:3-4
3rd Seal (Black Horse): Scarcity on Earth   6:5-6
4th Seal (Pale Horse): Widespread Death on Earth   6:7-8
5th Seal: The Cry of Martyrs   6:9-11
6th Seal: Cosmic Disturbances   6:12-17
144,000 Sealed   7:1-8
The Great Multitude in White Robes   7:9-17
The 7th Seal and the Golden Censer   8:1-5
1st Trumpet: Vegetation Struck   8:6-7
2nd Trumpet: The Sea Struck   8:8-9
3rd Trumpet: Rivers and Springs Struck   8:10-11
4th Trumpet: The Heavens Struck and a Loud Woe   8:12-13
5th Trumpet: The Locust and the Bottomless Pit   9:1-12
6th Trumpet: Four Angels Unbound and Kill 1/3 of Mankind   9:13-21
The Angel and the Little Scroll   10:1-11
Two Witnesses Prophesy, Martyred, Resurrect, and Ascend   11:1-12
A Great Earthquake: 7,000 Die, Survivors Glorify God   11:13-14
7th Trumpet: The Kingdom Proclaimed   11:15-19
The Woman, the Child, and the Dragon   12:1-17
The Beast Out of the Sea   13:1-10
The Beast Out of the Earth   13:11-18
The Lamb and the 144,000   14:1-5
The 1st Angel Proclaims the Gospel and Judgment   14:6-7
The 2nd Angel Proclaims the Fall of Babylon the Great   14:8
The 3rd Angel Proclaims Doom of Beast Worshippers   14:9-13
The Harvest of the Earth   14:14-20
Seven Angels With Seven Plagues Singing the Song of Moses   15:1-8
1st Bowl of God's Wrath: Loathesome Sores   16:1-2
2nd Bowl: Sea Turns to Blood   16:3
3rd Bowl: Rivers and Springs Turn to Blood   16:4-7
4th Bowl: Men are Scorched   16:8-9
5th Bowl: Darkness and Pain   16:10-11
6th Bowl: Euphrates Dried Up, Frog Spirits, Armageddon   16:1-16
7th Bowl: Earth Utterly Shaken   16:17-21
Babylon the Prostitute on the Beast   17:1-18
Taunt Over Fallen Babylon   18:1-3
Warning to Escape Babylon's Judgment   18:4-8
Threefold Woe Over Babylon's Fall   18:9-19
The Finality of Babylon's Doom   18:20-24
Heaven Exalts Over the Fall of Babylon   19:1-5
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb   19:6-10
The Rider on the White Horse   19:11-16
The Beast and His Armies Defeated; Birds Feast on Them   19:17-21
Satan Bound for a Thousand Years   20:1-3
The Saints Reign With Christ   20:4-6
Satan Released and Doomed   20:7-10
The Dead Are Judged   20:11-15
A New Heaven and a New Earth   21:1-8
The New Jerusalem: The Bride of the Lamb   21:9-27
Eden Restored   22:1-5
John and the Angel: The Time is Near   22:6-11
Epilogue: A Blessing, an Invitation and a Warning   22:12-21

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